Keiton Page stays on as an assistant (2024)

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  • Keiton Page stays on as an assistant (1)

    Posted on Apr 10th, 12:28 PM, , User Since 234 months ago, User Post Count: 1707

    • Apr 10th, 12:28 PM
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  • Posted on Apr 10th, 12:33 PM, , User Since 188 months ago, User Post Count: 4875

    • Apr 10th, 12:33 PM
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    Maybe this helps us retain a couple key guys. Help with the transition. Idk. He had Boynton's ear most of his tenure.

  • Posted on Apr 10th, 1:33 PM, , User Since 250 months ago, User Post Count: 6149

    • Apr 10th, 1:33 PM
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    This is great news. I had heard that several players had very strong relationships with Paige.

  • Posted on Apr 10th, 1:34 PM, , User Since 205 months ago, User Post Count: 5667

    • Apr 10th, 1:34 PM
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    Keiton is a survivor. I always enjoyed watching him play and glad he's still on the coaching staff.

  • Posted on Apr 10th, 1:58 PM, , User Since 35 months ago, User Post Count: 277

    • Apr 10th, 1:58 PM
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    Glad to see Paige retained and staying with the program. I thought we needed a little not a LOT of coach retention with the staff. Glad he is staying, and I hope the rest of the staff is new. I agree he can help with player retention and with Jeremiah Johnson. I am (anxiously) looking forward to seeing what Lutz and team can do in the portal.

  • Keiton Page stays on as an assistant (2)

    Posted on Apr 10th, 5:08 PM, , User Since 160 months ago, User Post Count: 4953

    • Apr 10th, 5:08 PM
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    The best first decision coach Lutz could make.

  • Posted on Apr 10th, 5:51 PM, , User Since 124 months ago, User Post Count: 142

    • Apr 10th, 5:51 PM
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    Sorry, but this is just more of the same. What is Keiton Page's record as an assistant at Oklahoma State?

    Take off your orange colored glasses and ask yourself if Coach Lutz hired a guy with Keaton Page's record who wasn't an alum. Would you still think this was a good hire? He would be hiring a guy who was on one of the worst shooting and worst coached teams in the country last season. Page is only here because he is an alum period.

    This post was edited by Bigpower 2 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 10th, 6:15 PM, , User Since 205 months ago, User Post Count: 5667

    • Apr 10th, 6:15 PM
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    Bigpower said... (original post) Sorry, but this is just more of the same. What is Keiton Page's record as an assistant at Oklahoma State?Take off your orange colored glasses ...

    I'm sure Lutz knows what he's doing and has a formula for turning a program around that has already worked for him at two different schools. Chill. Enjoy the process and give it time.

  • Posted on Apr 10th, 6:28 PM, , User Since 237 months ago, User Post Count: 1559

    • Apr 10th, 6:28 PM
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    Bigpower said... (original post) Sorry, but this is just more of the same. What is Keiton Page's record as an assistant at Oklahoma State?Take off your orange colored glasses ...

    I think it’s unfair to lay the blame of the program at the feet of one assistant. Often assistants implement the vision of the head coach. They may have input on game planning and practice planning and they may not.

    One thing Keiton will do is sell OSU. I’ve seen him at HS games recruiting. He would help recruit Oklahoma because every coach in the state knows who he is and his accomplishments

  • Posted on Apr 10th, 6:29 PM, , User Since 62 months ago, User Post Count: 2

    • Apr 10th, 6:29 PM
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    Page has also been a consistent part of Power 5 basketball in Oklahoma for almost 20 years. He has invaluable connections in the state for recruiting.

    Is he ready to be AHC? Likely not.
    Is he a VERY valuable part of the coaching staff? Absolutely.

  • Keiton Page stays on as an assistant (3)

    Posted on Apr 10th, 6:34 PM, , User Since 250 months ago, User Post Count: 9687

    • Apr 10th, 6:34 PM
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    Bigpower said... (original post) Sorry, but this is just more of the same. What is Keiton Page's record as an assistant at Oklahoma State?Take off your orange colored glasses ...

    That was MikeGundy when the staff got fired at Baylor and Maryland. That turned out pretty good.

  • Keiton Page stays on as an assistant (4)

    Posted on Apr 10th, 6:38 PM, , User Since 233 months ago, User Post Count: 7068

    • Apr 10th, 6:38 PM
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    soapalumni12 said... (original post) The best first decision coach Lutz could make.

    His first decision was Miller from Mississippi State and that was also a great decision.

  • Keiton Page stays on as an assistant (5)

    Posted on Apr 10th, 8:00 PM, , User Since 233 months ago, User Post Count: 24021

    • Apr 10th, 8:00 PM
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    Glad to hear that the Pistol will still be around.

  • Keiton Page stays on as an assistant (6)

    Posted on Apr 10th, 8:07 PM, , User Since 44 months ago, User Post Count: 2652

    • Apr 10th, 8:07 PM
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    GRyanHizer said... (original post) Page has also been a consistent part of Power 5 basketball in Oklahoma for almost 20 years. He has invaluable connections in the state for recru...

    I think this is the correct mindset

  • Posted on Apr 10th, 9:24 PM, , User Since 250 months ago, User Post Count: 5622

    • Apr 10th, 9:24 PM
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    The dude had one job based on his past: improve our shooting. He failed. It’s not more elaborate than that. We blast OC’s and DC’s when one side or the other underperforms in football but this guy had a real basic task and our stats don’t show he accomplished anything

    This is like the “hire Gottlieb” mindset. He played for us and people like him. That doesn’t equate to being competent and Page has nothing to show he is either

    This post was edited by peterE 2 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 11th, 8:18 AM, , User Since 237 months ago, User Post Count: 1559

    • Apr 11th, 8:18 AM
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    There are very few shot doctors out there and they generally reside in the NBA. Should every shot expert that worked with Shaq get fired. Generally guys can shoot or they can’t. It’s our job to recruit guys that can. Often Boynton recruited 4 star guys that didn’t have great shooting skills.

  • Keiton Page stays on as an assistant (7)

    Posted on Apr 11th, 8:22 AM, , User Since 233 months ago, User Post Count: 18566

    • Apr 11th, 8:22 AM
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    peterE said... (original post) The dude had one job based on his past: improve our shooting. He failed. It’s not more elaborate than that. We blast OC’s and DC’s when one side or ...

    Do you know that is what his task was or are we just assuming that because he was a pretty good shooter in college that he was tasked with improving shooting?

  • Posted on Apr 11th, 9:14 AM, , User Since 250 months ago, User Post Count: 5622

    • Apr 11th, 9:14 AM
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    CJ4oSu said... (original post) Do you know that is what his task was or are we just assuming that because he was a pretty good shooter in college that he was tasked with improving ...

    Well he was in charge of "player development" so who improved under his tutelage if we want to make it more broad since we have one poster suggesting you can't fix shooting because we had a bunch of Shaqs and shooting gurus reside in the NBA, so there's that excuse? I assume Lutz was pressured to keep Page because there's nothing to suggest he deserved to be kept on this staff.

    This post was edited by peterE 2 months ago

  • Keiton Page stays on as an assistant (8)

    Posted on Apr 11th, 10:09 AM, , User Since 233 months ago, User Post Count: 18566

    • Apr 11th, 10:09 AM
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    peterE said... (original post) Well he was in charge of "player development" so who improved under his tutelage if we want to make it more broad since we have one poster ...

    Well, the director of player development isn't a shooting coach and while you would think that position is only responsible for developing players on-court, that is only a small part of what they do. The majority of that development is still on the coaching and training staffs. Seriously though, look up some job listings for a director of player development and see what all of the responsibilities are... mostly off-court stuff.

    I don't think he was pressured to keep him on staff. You can argue whether he should have been or not, personally I don't care one way or the other, but the players do like him quite a bit and it probably is good to have someone with his knowledge of OSU basketball to help the transition.

  • Posted on Apr 11th, 10:21 AM, , User Since 34 months ago, User Post Count: 325

    • Apr 11th, 10:21 AM
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    peterE said... (original post) Well he was in charge of "player development" so who improved under his tutelage if we want to make it more broad since we have one poster ...

    The thing I've had to remind myself of, because I was originally a fan of canning the whole staff, is that Boynton had ultimate say on player development. Page would have just been the person who implemented the things Boynton wanted. As an assistant, there's no evidence that Boynton ever listened to any assistant during his tenure. The closest he got was with Pastrana(his self-described best friend), who left very shortly after working on staff under Boynton. It could be as easy an issue as Boynton never put Page in a position that fit his strengths as a coach. It could be that Page just isn't good. I trust Lutz did due diligence in finding out Page's coaching philosophy, his vision for OSU basketball, skill set evaluation, etc and came to a decision he could be useful. If he hadn't, Page would likely have been announced days earlier. If Page proves Lutz wrong, he will probably not return after next season. All we can do now is wait and see.

    This post was edited by pistolrex93 2 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 11th, 1:28 PM, , User Since 227 months ago, User Post Count: 1568

    • Apr 11th, 1:28 PM
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    pistolrex93 said... (original post) The thing I've had to remind myself of, because I was originally a fan of canning the whole staff, is that Boynton had ultimate say on player d...

    I agree. Lutz obviously wanted him. I'll leave it at that.

  • Posted on Apr 11th, 1:37 PM, , User Since 149 months ago, User Post Count: 963

    • Apr 11th, 1:37 PM
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    rigakutex said... (original post) I agree. Lutz obviously wanted him. I'll leave it at that.

    Good enough for me.

  • Posted on Apr 11th, 2:11 PM, , User Since 124 months ago, User Post Count: 740

    • Apr 11th, 2:11 PM
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    rigakutex said... (original post) I agree. Lutz obviously wanted him. I'll leave it at that.

    Love this mindset. Lutz was chosen, give him the authority to make decisions he best sees fit. Down the road if it implodes, we can criticize. Hopefully if its successful we give him the praise do as well. Lets just hope we handle the whole extension/buyout thing a little more successfully this time lol

  • Posted on Apr 12th, 7:10 AM, , User Since 250 months ago, User Post Count: 5050

    • Apr 12th, 7:10 AM
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    not a big fan of this hire by Lutz, but, I will go along with our new coach's gut to keep Page. Maybe it will work out????

  • Posted on Apr 12th, 9:17 AM, , User Since 227 months ago, User Post Count: 1568

    • Apr 12th, 9:17 AM
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    dhshepherd said... (original post) not a big fan of this hire by Lutz, but, I will go along with our new coach's gut to keep Page. Maybe it will work out????

    Imo everyone needs to move on. Yesterday is past the bridge and rolling towards the ocean. Ther will b more opportunities to debate.

  • Posted on Apr 12th, 2:26 PM, , User Since 188 months ago, User Post Count: 4875

    • Apr 12th, 2:26 PM
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    pistolrex93 said... (original post) The thing I've had to remind myself of, because I was originally a fan of canning the whole staff, is that Boynton had ultimate say on pla...

    Page had Boynton's ear more than any assistant besides Pastrana during the tenure. That means nothing with Lutz really. He will choose when to use his info and when to not, just like Boynton.

    Lutz might see Page as the perfect guy to help him transition with all the necessary relationships on campus, in the athletic department, in the community, and with the existing and past players.

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Keiton Page stays on as an assistant (2024)


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