Fans On Social Media Do Impact Players (2024)

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  • Posted on Apr 6th, 12:44 PM, , User Since 239 months ago, User Post Count: 80458

    • Apr 6th, 12:44 PM
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    I know a lot will bash the kids and say they shouldn’t but what is said publicly does impact the team. It’s obvious all the negativity caused the players to stress and effected their play

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  • Posted on Apr 6th, 12:58 PM, , User Since 239 months ago, User Post Count: 80458

    • Apr 6th, 12:58 PM
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    “The players couldn’t block out all the noise — it was everywhere — but they wanted to put a run together and rally behind Boynton to be certain he’d be there for at least another season.“

    I 100% understand why everyone was frustrated. However, moving forward, support is the best thing we as fans can do to impact the team.

    This post was edited by BisonPoke71 3 months ago

  • Fans On Social Media Do Impact Players (1)

    Posted on Apr 6th, 1:17 PM, , User Since 225 months ago, User Post Count: 3083

    • Apr 6th, 1:17 PM
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    I'm sad about the advent of the portal and NIL. Amateur college athletics seems to be no more.

    Players want the right to move yearly. Okay! Players want the right to be paid for their NIL. Okay! BTW, I don't hold that against the players.

    But the once you become a professional (paid to play) the FANS are going to treat the players like professionals. As I see it today, you don't get one without the other.

    To be clear, the criticism should remain on the performance on the playing field/court. Attaching players and coaches personally, or their families is weak sauce.

    This post was edited by austincowboy88 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 1:21 PM, , User Since 249 months ago, User Post Count: 491

    • Apr 6th, 1:21 PM
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    Yep welcome to the REAL WORLD where eveything is not rainbows and lolipops. Time to toughen up.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 3:29 PM, , User Since 186 months ago, User Post Count: 2044

    • Apr 6th, 3:29 PM
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    Not nearly as concerned about social media as the part of the article that mentioned hecklers in the arena getting on the players.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 3:42 PM, , User Since 18 months ago, User Post Count: 1712

    • Apr 6th, 3:42 PM
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    If you're receiving money to play a sportsball game, criticism is part of the deal. If you don't like it, get a regular job. OR, don't read it. It's very easy to avoid.

    You're always welcome to take a regular job that the public doesn't care about, like the rest of us, and you won't have to worry about criticism on social media. (You'll still get criticism, by the way. Just not on message boards.)

    If random people saying random things affects your play, get off social media.

    This post was edited by ApesTogetherStong 3 months ago

  • Fans On Social Media Do Impact Players (2)

    Posted on Apr 6th, 3:53 PM, , User Since 90 months ago, User Post Count: 1553

    • Apr 6th, 3:53 PM
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    I've always believed that fans should support amateur athletes, regardless of success level. They were here to get an education and represent the school. I've also always believed that professional athletes are fair game for criticism because they're adults getting paid for what they do. They aren't really owed anything by their fanbases.

    The lines are getting blurred now with NIL because many athletes are making more money than players in the G-League and minor league baseball.

    IMO, if college athletes want to be paid, they're going to have to accept criticism for failure. They can't expect fans to support them through thick and think now that they're essentially semi-professional athletes. It's kind of sad if you think about it. It feels like something special is dying. This is what they wanted though.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 4:59 PM, , User Since 239 months ago, User Post Count: 80458

    • Apr 6th, 4:59 PM
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    austincowboy88 said... (original post) I'm sad about the advent of the portal and NIL. Amateur college athletics seems to be no more. Players want the right to move yearly. O...

    I agree with all of that. I think my point is these kids were hearing their coach being bashed and it effected them.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 5:22 PM, , User Since 174 months ago, User Post Count: 603

    • Apr 6th, 5:22 PM
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    BisonPoke71 said... (original post) I agree with all of that. I think my point is these kids were hearing their coach being bashed and it effected them.

    Probably the least surprising thing I’ve heard all week. Riveting observation.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 5:27 PM, , User Since 102 months ago, User Post Count: 1299

    • Apr 6th, 5:27 PM
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    BisonPoke71 said... (original post) I agree with all of that. I think my point is these kids were hearing their coach being bashed and it effected them.

    Or, it’s an easy out for poor play.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 6:11 PM, , User Since 18 months ago, User Post Count: 1712

    • Apr 6th, 6:11 PM
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    capitola said... (original post) Or, it’s an easy out for poor play.

    "I would have hit those free throws, but a stranger said something critical about my coach on a message board."

    Add this to the long list of excuses made for poor play during the last coach's tenure. My personal favorite is when he blamed the weather earlier this year.

    I would not be sad to see a few more of these guys leave. There's 900+ guys in the portal. I'm betting we can find a few who don't have this culture of excuse-making baked into them.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 6:11 PM, , User Since 239 months ago, User Post Count: 80458

    • Apr 6th, 6:11 PM
    • 239 months
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    mfa6677 said... (original post) Probably the least surprising thing I’ve heard all week. Riveting observation.

    Guess you havent been seeing all the threads saying that fans had nothing to do with the players struggles.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 6:25 PM, , User Since 102 months ago, User Post Count: 1299

    • Apr 6th, 6:25 PM
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    BisonPoke71 said... (original post) Guess you havent been seeing all the threads saying that fans had nothing to do with the players struggles.

    So when they played the first couple of games and most of what people were posting was mainly hopeful, what was the excuse at that time. Not hitting FT’s and coughing up 5-8 pt leads 6 or 7 times has nothing to do with the internet. They are probably great young men and they certainly represented OSU in a positive light as far as I can tell, and I don’t think you can question the effort, but the last 4-5 years of results were not the result of a message board.

    This post was edited by capitola 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 6:35 PM, , User Since 18 months ago, User Post Count: 1712

    • Apr 6th, 6:35 PM
    • 18 months
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    BisonPoke71 said... (original post) Guess you havent been seeing all the threads saying that fans had nothing to do with the players struggles.

    I have a question for you and I want to preface this with, I do not mean this question as an insult....but I'm honestly curious about it.

    You've said things that make it sound like you were around the players and Boynton a lot. And you appear to have adopted his culture. So now that we have a new coach, if you're still around the basketball program in the same capacity, and Lutz's culture is for players to take responsibility for their actions, will you also reprogram to that?

    I have a theory that human beings tend to become more like the people they're around, whether we realize it or not. So it will be interesting to me to see if you start to transform into a proponent of taking personal responsibility for one's actions, if that's the new coach's culture.

    This post was edited by ApesTogetherStong 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 7:25 PM, , User Since 103 months ago, User Post Count: 2596

    • Apr 6th, 7:25 PM
    • 103 months
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    BisonPoke71 said... (original post) “The players couldn’t block out all the noise — it was everywhere — but they wanted to put a run together and rally behind Boynton to be certai...

    Hey Bison looks like your theory of HCMB being dishonest with playtime if false. JMW knew exactly why he was asking that pointed question………

  • Fans On Social Media Do Impact Players (3)

    Posted on Apr 6th, 7:47 PM, , User Since 90 months ago, User Post Count: 1553

    • Apr 6th, 7:47 PM
    • 90 months
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    Negativity can affect players. Positivity can as well. Some teams get too full of themselves whenever everyone tells them how great they are, and they end up losing because of it. The bottom line is that the players have to focus and block out the noise, regardless of whether or not it's good or bad. They have no one to blame for their success or failure but themselves.

    Eddie Sutton ran a highly disciplined program. He would pull players almost immediately in a game when they did something stupid, and he would use football pads in practice to harden them up. Brad Underwood was similar. He would make the players run on treadmills during practice if they did something stupid. IMO, the program got soft under Mike Boynton. He got rid of the treadmills and laughed about using football pads in practice, saying those stories were embellished.

    I'm really hopeful that Steve Lutz will restore some discipline to the program. It should help with mental toughness if he does.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 7:54 PM, , User Since 250 months ago, User Post Count: 6149

    • Apr 6th, 7:54 PM
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    BisonPoke71 said... (original post) Guess you havent been seeing all the threads saying that fans had nothing to do with the players struggles.

    I’m not buying it. A good strong athlete blocks that stuff out. If players are admitting that the “noise” affected their playing, it’s pretty weak.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 8:27 PM, , User Since 174 months ago, User Post Count: 603

    • Apr 6th, 8:27 PM
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    BisonPoke71 said... (original post) Guess you havent been seeing all the threads saying that fans had nothing to do with the players struggles.

    When someone says something is least surprising it would actually lead you to understand they’ve seen plenty of it which makes the observation and reposting of it repetitive Same theory works when players hear all the good stuff and they don’t work as hard and lose the next games as college kids they ride the emotional roller coaster and listen too much to outside noise The hilarious thing is you posting that people should only do positivity as if that will happen or that you’d make a difference by saying so.

    This post was edited by mfa6677 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 8:30 PM, , User Since 174 months ago, User Post Count: 603

    • Apr 6th, 8:30 PM
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    BisonPoke71 said... (original post) “The players couldn’t block out all the noise — it was everywhere — but they wanted to put a run together and rally behind Boynton to be certai...

    And if you ask the coaches and players actually the best things we can do for them as fans is NIl money. And lots of it. That’s what they really care about and in the world we live in now I totally understand that

  • Fans On Social Media Do Impact Players (4)

    Posted on Apr 6th, 10:13 PM, , User Since 233 months ago, User Post Count: 7068

    • Apr 6th, 10:13 PM
    • 233 months
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    The suicide rate for college aged adults 20 to 24 increased 63% from 2001 through 2021.............LARGELY due to Social Media.

    Eddie Sutton did NOT have to deal with social media and all of the older posters in this thread did not have to deal with social media when you were 20-24. You older guys do NOT have any kind of understanding whatsoever of what people 20-24 have gone through with social media.

    OSU had 4 true freshman and 1 sophom*ore that were thrown into the FIRE against the #1 conference in the nation where all the other teams had much older and much more experienced players. They fought like WARRIORS on that run against all odds to win those 4 conference games and against OU where they lost in OT on a shot at the last second. They brought the fans back, and the OU game was sold out in Stillwater. This brave run should NEVER be forgotten.

    Just because college players are being paid now, it is NOT okay to say harsher/meaner things about them or the team on social media than you did when they were NOT being paid. If we lose, direct your comments towards the coaches and their game plans, decisions, and training.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 10:36 PM, , User Since 175 months ago, User Post Count: 290

    • Apr 6th, 10:36 PM
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    Fan were making comments on the coaching or lack of it and that upset the players. It is understandable that they would be upset about the things being said about coach Boynton. Are we supposed not say anything about anyone so no one gets upset. If Boynton was a better leader he would have been taking all the blame to protect his team.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 10:37 PM, , User Since 126 months ago, User Post Count: 114

    • Apr 6th, 10:37 PM
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    Falconjet0900 said... (original post) The suicide rate for college aged adults 20 to 24 increased 63% from 2001 through 2021.............LARGELY due to Social Media.Eddie Sutton d...

    If the effects of social media are so bad, then why don’t you just turn it off. It’s a choice.

  • Fans On Social Media Do Impact Players (5)

    Posted on Apr 6th, 10:42 PM, , User Since 233 months ago, User Post Count: 7068

    • Apr 6th, 10:42 PM
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    pokepoo said... (original post) If the effects of social media are so bad, then why don’t you just turn it off. It’s a choice.

    The basketball team has 15 players...............the social media threads criticizing them have up to 15,000 views, it is going to get back to them. Criticize the coaches not the players and the team.

  • Posted on Apr 6th, 11:16 PM, , User Since 174 months ago, User Post Count: 603

    • Apr 6th, 11:16 PM
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    Falconjet0900 said... (original post) The basketball team has 15 players...............the social media threads criticizing them have up to 15,000 views, it is going to get back t...

    So basically you’re admitting that it’s beyond control and you posting about people not being mean is virtually worthless and ineffective. Welcome to the social media age. You’ll be very surprised to also find out a majority of the Viritrol comes from their peers and not just a bunch of old idiots that barely understand social media.

  • Posted on Apr 7th, 12:27 AM, , User Since 7 months ago, User Post Count: 507

    • Apr 7th, 12:27 AM
    • 7 months
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    I would suspect it's even harder on the players to stink it up game after game after game due to their own poor performance or poor coaching than to have fans whinge and whine about the players and coaches stinking it up week after week.

  • Fans On Social Media Do Impact Players (6)

    Posted on Apr 7th, 1:07 AM, , User Since 233 months ago, User Post Count: 7068

    • Apr 7th, 1:07 AM
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    FermentedAgave said... (original post) I would suspect it's even harder on the players to stink it up game after game after game due to their own poor performance or poor coa...

    Iowa State was 2-22 with zero conference wins in 2021.

    New coach comes in in 2022 and they go the the NCAA tournament and win 2 games in the Tournament and were ranked as high as #8 in AP. MANY of the same players as 2021, they just needed a good coach.

    MANY examples over the years like this.

    When OU won the Football NC in 2000, many say Stoops won it with John Blake's players and Blake was 5-6 in his last year. Stoops did bring in players but half or more of starters and team in 2000 were Blake players.

    Coaching Matters Big Time!

    This post was edited by Falconjet0900 3 months ago

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Fans On Social Media Do Impact Players (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.