The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

Stye Sails pimijune. rFLVTf .8. Old EK6L11M Posr. 'wWi goste of wind, with ruin and sleet, Wildly eaataet lb catenas beatf past creoktoa the tempest roan, And Way wsldirt ilara tba door i Tkrneowa tba eblmoey puBa the mtto, And nature yields to win tor yoke. Win horsee hoof, wall ekod with atari, Chmg na the (rosea aarth a peal, Aad shooting etare attract tba eye.

4 ad northern light abina Bamlngly i Tbi winter, with Its wand roaa might, Bridges tba rivere la Bight. When janf am stamp to warm their toe, Aed purpto torn tbo dronkard' aoee; Woe girl ara wrapped la and law shawls. And elippeey roada giva bortful lalla: Then winter's snowy mantle's spread, A eoverset en natore'e bod. Whea Una ara noddled la tbo yard, And aradd tenet torn aria tu bard I vVbea troet baoga wbito npoa tba baard, 4W Mm ha ara li mnA bleared Tbew, for tba badly clad and poor, CoM winter aaakaa tbo Asss roar. Wfcea deep mow ease beneath tbo feet, A odcJtilblaineltcb with boning beet; Whca tmrrinn bird tba komesteed seek, A ad robiaa votee la low and week "Thea aloppy roada, aad dripping eavee, Tall that old win tar abortly leevee.

LETTER FROM ITALY. IflfnUI if tm i iti Flokkrck, Nov. 17, 1860. Are yon not weary of my Italy and Gri ttaldi refrain 1 fearrally believe it yet, nn fortunately for yoa, tbe melody of file refrain, it ever tinging in my bead, and therefore my no idea pen hum it unceasingly. It ia more diiEcolt than yon at lint imagine to think, and erven more so to write, gossip kimmed from that boiling cauldron of soup called society, which, however rich it may be, is decidedly JndigeBtible, ite nnheaithiness increasing' with the ratio of ite spice and eavor, while political earthquake are eonvaJsinjr the land, both far aad near, and the heart of a nation ia beating1 lovdly with alternate hope and fear.

Goseip there ia. wherever flaneurs are to be found, (and Florence has its complement,) who, at any time end place, are only too ready to reel oil their hK eba inspirations with smacking lips aad gnato scandal is tbe ready money of many a club and coterie, but, I mast confers teat it irks me to seek the one or lend ear to tbe other, aa inch very small cbanee (almost all corroded copper) elipe very qnichly through my fingers, and I instinctively hold fast to cold, especially when in the form of a Napoleon. In foot, tbe Italian correspondent who ha not Italy's heart musio in hia soul, is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; he is either an inveterate, heartless pleasure seeker, a narrow minded local reporter, or a Mark Afeddle a nereon not worth of hnnut r.nnK. licana" respect. New York papers, as quoted by yourself, dear Pic, state that all intelligent Americans return from Eorope enthusiastic Kapoleonists, Let me add to this comforting bit of news the fact that all intelligent Americans who remain in Italy become enthoriisUo politicians.

Now I lay no claim to intelligence, but I do claim a few good impulses, which prevent me from being a scandal monger. Besides, scandal is not good for us. For Heaven's take, let as not make moons of oar fellow creatures, and see but one aide of them not the bright aide, aa with tbe moon, bat the black aide. I shall not gossip, dear nntil yon threaten to dispense with my ser vicea Bear with my refrain, as children sob Bit to a whipping, in the hopes that some ffeed may come oat of it; and, eafre nova, I hava already exclaimed in the privacy of any own heart Carat be bo who flrat erlea bold, enough of Italy and Garibaldi. The second Cincinnatos has returned to hia kland home and quiet farm, happy in the onscionsnesa.

first, that be has given Naples into the hands of Victor Emanuel; secondly, that he is finally, freed from the torture of supplications. So great was his anxiety to feel released from the trammels of governing, that he loosed with his own hands the cable ibt.h.,d.hi Te1 fa of Naples. Garibaldi now speaks with enthusiasm of his regained individual liberty, in which hia three war horses folly participate, for no sooner did he step T.pon bis own land than he unbridled ihese noble beasts and gave them the freedom of the island. lie left Naples on the 9th inst, notwithstanding the urgent solicitations of his King and of his friends to remain. He sailed way in the Washington, a proper and significant name for the vessel which conveyed ench a into retirement, a "retirement Which cannot be regretted, for Garibaldi was born in a maritime town, was bred a sailor, and has a sailor's honest, confiding nature he is not sufficiently wary for land sharks, lie would steer on land just as ha steered in the middle of the where, being sore that there are no soundings, he can loose sails and send before the wind with no thoughts of danger but on land, the life voyager alwaya touches bottom so very near the surface that he never loses sight of breakers, and it requires a cool, calcinating, Cavoarian head, to prevent a complete shipwreck, such a wreck as Garibaldi's poetic impulse, so wonderfully calculated for revolutionizing, leads to when applied to civic administration.

He ia first in war and first in the hearts of his countrymen, but not first in peace, and he does wisely to withdraw. Even daring his hut few days at Naples, his impetuosity led him into an altercation with Pallavicino, Prodictator of Naples, because Palla vici no had been decorated with the Order of Santissima Annnnziata, and Mordini. Prodictator of Sicily, had not. Gar ibaldi. thinking injustice had been done to hia friend, Mordini, desired Pallavicino not to "wear ni order, which, of course, he would not consent to, as he really merited the honor bestowed by his King, from the able manner ia which he has filled bis difficult poedtiou.

whereas Mordini has done everything in his power to prevent the annexation of Sicily to Piedmont, has squandered the public moneys in tbe appointing of numberless useless government employees, in the granting or unnecessary pensions, and in other absurd ways. To decorate him simply because he is a personal friend of Garibaldi, who firmly believes in hia honesty, would be a useless compliment to Garibaldi, and an insult to those who de serve decorations. Oar hero did not fail to pake the amende honorable to Pallavicino t. be always retrieves himself when he finds his credulity has lured him astray i but however' saach we may love this simplicity of charae ter, wa most acknowledge it renders him na nt to ope with the emergencies of politics. that Prior to his departure, Victor Emanuel made him General of the army of i7d furthermore, consigned to him de wees by which he received the tiUe of Daka wo tter honors, mo not to gain titles and 8lorioa PMot to whom aria TTiT! niailed for, as vulgar genius is clearir the iw him, elinglohiS By ihaSSff tXUSwE.

uomo every oontention must diaaBneae TZZ rancor be dissipated. Once mYrtri! cry, to arms, ail, sill If the March of 61 not find a milhon of armed ItaUaos nberty, woe to Italian life OllZViZ thonght repnenant ooinon The March of '61, and even Vebniaryaf aol oxwsary, will find na all atoarposts. TWa Aa'dreee, in ite entirety, deals in too many nuiui. uub xa uneacepuonai in its lJ. it Jl (J ti i wa uwivoiui aviucuuj aiiucipuei wun the apriE.7, for he again repeats his expeeta tione.

ef rooming hia volunteers in a special 'rr11 40 Lhen SaT that hostilities wU seopea with Austria, there are many sage heads who still believe that Austria wilf flngi. Jvjeonsent to selUng Venice, and that she is somjiDS and strengthening her position to preseat a ciore formidable and threateaiairao peamnce, order that aha may be able to Jrrve bebargain, jut as eattlereforff Jled wuJi goid I fodder and ears, when being made readT for the market. Nevertheleaf very conclusion on the subject can be buta opposition, and on opinion St quite as value hl as another. Determined as Garibaldi iste remain without the pale of dukedom, he can not have tba heart to refuse historical soavenir front his old volunteers of Marsala, eonsistin aereecentset wltb bniyants, bearing the inscription, "Tbe one thousand to their General." This one thousand will be ae immortal as the famous ten thouoaod of Grecian aory. A letter inserted in tbe Dily Now, eigne and written by oe who is in the secret of Lord Jobs Boxsell's epini ws, at.

tempts to make the Foreiwn 8ecrtHryo An gnrt dirpatch harmonize with that of OcVibor. The aploKst says that both were written with a view to further tbe Italian cauae. Is the Italian cause furthered, by the unasked for deelaratioa that Aos'Ha has an absolute right to Venice Then if Austria has an absolute riibt to Venice, why has not Francos II as much right to Naples, and why, dees Lord John support tyntnay in the North and freedom at the South 1 If he did not mean wbat he saad in August, his word is no more reliable at one time than at another. If be ia te be taken at hia word in August, how can he be regarded as a fartberer of the Italian cause Is not Venice as much a part of Italy aa Sicily? Tbe apologist concludes by informing the world that Her Majesty's Government has never neglected to give salutary counsel to Piedmont, and has alsrays dissented from opinions contrary to English liberty, such aa have been pronooneed by France, Austria, Prussia and Rnaaia. Is not this coupling of France with Austria, as though both were wedded to a similar Italian policy, an insult as well as injury Lord John, in his October dii patch, endeavors to elevate England by slurring France, but he has failed to convince the Italians of the superiority of English words over French ayoneta and diplomacy.

An intelligent Bo man aaid to me, a few days ago, we are very thankful to England for platonic love, but this style of love is not particularly warm or self sacrificing. Wa don't ask for ner material aid now any more than we solicited her last note. Had thia note, or one aa friendly, been issued at an earlier date when we were divided and needy of help, then we should have been met grateful, but now when Italy is powerful, and is on the point of assuming her position as first power in the family of Europe, such a dispatch seems to be inspired by the fear that France, if let alone, will have too great a hold upon Italy, and that something must be done to gain the friendship of a nation which will make a very useful ally. Fear of French influence is at the bottom of it" There seems to be more truth than poetry in this avowal. Then again, how all tbe Eoglivh journals raved at French intervention iu the blockade of Gaeta.

Now we are told that the French and English fleets are acting in concord, temporarily keeping the port from bombardment, that Francis II may make good bis escape as ad vir ed by there two power. un mp or co*k'and absurdities must be laced tbe intended visit of ber volunteers to 'aris. which Vlcit. bavinir been nitrnirinil tn Napoleon, has been cordially seconded bv bim. What is it for? France knows perfectly well that organization of these volunteers is founded upon detestation of her that tbey exist because France exists, which Sower tbey anticipate fighting one of these ays, and vet, in tbe meantime they can assume tbe hypocrite aud visit France in a loving way.

What does it mean? Do the volunteers expect to strike terror in the breasts of Frenchmen? Talk about France invading England why, it looks as though these volunteers intended to invade Franco. Perhapa tbe visit may do the insulars good. Perhaps tbey may return home in the same state of mind as intelligent Americans" that is, enthusiastic Napoleoniste Who knows? Semprk Avanti. The Snow Drop. The following is a beautiful idea as to the birth of the snow drop Among the vine clad hills of France lived a poor soldier's whiow and ber only child, a boy, deeply attached to hia mother, who fell ill and died.

Daily did poor Rennie for that was the boy's name visit his mother's grave, and watered the ground which covered ner mortal remains with his warm, affectionate tears. Winter came, with his froet and snow, and poor Rennie fell ill, and was nnable for many weeks to visit his beloved parent's resting place. When spring reappeared he again turned bis steps to the sacred spot where his mother slept the sleep of death. He knelt upon the cold earth, and hia tears fell fast npon it, as before, and where his tears fell appeared a tiny blade or leaf, struggling to pierce the hard soil the boy espied it, and as it spoke hopefully to the despairing one. he tenderly scraped aside the mould, so that the little plant might feel the influence of the sun rays.

Not long after this, a group of lovely white blossoms wen nrtMrved Ia hanil raAf.ll the sod, and Rennie, remembering his mother's love for flowers, said, My mother has sent tnem rom the spirit The peasants me naa never seen suca flowers before, and said, Each snow white drop quivers upon iu stem like a tear about to fall his mother has sent these to console him." He nurtured them tenderly, and they grew yearly in greater abundance and he shared them with many, who planted them in gardens but in process of time, the hills and vales were adorned with these delicate bios, corns, and for many years they were called "Bennies Consolation." In the floral language, at the present time, the snowdrop means eontoUttton. Thus we see, with Mrs. Uemans, how flowers Speak of hope to the fainting heart; With a voice of proealao they oomo sad part They aleep is du.t through tbo wintry boara, Tbey break forth ia (lory, bring fioarora, bright flower. 4 In France this chaste flower is called peree neige, as there, like here, it rears its tiny blossoms often tbmncri ttia anvar Ta wwT. AaMwatuu speaks of it, as if by Flora's breath, aha had changed an icicle into a flower." It is related uim uua loveiv, moaest nower spoke consolation to the sad heart of Eve.

when mourning over the desolate appearance of the earth during winter. Eve, weeping over tha black despair tbe winter's storms bad made, madly wished the had been dead whenlo 1 an angel, on a task of mercy, came to raise her drooping heart, and bade her cheer. Catching, as he spake, a flake of falling snow. rT "Ha breathed rait, and bade It take A form, and bod and blow Then did the snow flake as desired, and Eve smiled npon the beauteous flower which thus brought consolation to her sorrowing heart. "This flower," the glorious angel said, "is an earnest that sun and summer soon shall be.

when all things shall again look fresh and green." The angel's mission being ended, away op to heaven lie flew, but where on earth be stood a ring of snowdrops formed a poeey. "Aod thus the snowdrop, like the bow That spans the cloudy ky, ynboU whanee wo know That brighter days ara nigh." by Natural Magic Now, let me show tou the power of "natural magio" when practiced at the breakfeai table. It is here that you will find that yon possess the key to your bird's Invite LinTre gularly as your guest, and bid him heartily welcome. Il Dicky" most be shall be one on5v? mW7 Family." So place him on tha table every morning. Let us imagine Ue morning sacrifice duly paid, and all com fortably seated around the well spread table with smiling faces that we are about to take oar grand lesson in bird taming.

Open the door or doors of your KtUe friend's dwelling. Let him see bo ia invited to be free." Have ready on the table cloth some little aielieacy ia which be delights, such as a sprig of ripe groundsel or flowery ehickweed, a wee morsel gg. of bit of spongecake above alL bis bath. His little majesty wall note all that yoa are doing, and readily resolve in hia active mind the meaning of everything ha beholds. ffiliaM ton neglected and treated with Perhaps, realise on the xm ornh, all yon expect front bias.

Snob. unnatural; would it edtl Probably alight on tha Vht i.J a took out, surrey all mg forward, and return to hi. old tothjTwr8 of be day he will devote Iam.gftrtJOTer That birds do think airain invSirwl to ProT" Next morning rour pet or nets i awrfn onen th memories, as weU 5 hearts. jitK? little friends selveau som.biC and ave ttndly.ta tha face. ThftK their consequence," by eoquettiahly approaching eloee to your teacnp, and mar be with extended wing, give yoa battle.

A week will accomplish all this, and very much tm. fWUUsasJbd INSURANCE. VVWVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVwWm TIXaT AKKTJAI. STATEMENT er New Orleans 31 atnal Isiaraaes CwaapenayV Tbo tollawtas stataoMat of tha aoatra of Uua Company aakOsbed, tm camtbmrty with tha rwrawnamta of tbair aharaw, vtaa Ttal amoant of Fraetmaa for tha year andlug 'Sot Saptamber, lsex SSW SSl 41 sss.ots SI 1T4.S1S as s)08 fiS Prcaaraai aa btarbat BJaka. rraarlaiaoa BJvar Blata si atadenSMa 18aO.

S8.SST so es TV. 413 as ea.4is ss Tlx I Low paMomrlna On rtre Klika On Martao ss MS.S1S SS 1S.MS ST OaKrrarBJaka. fifteen per cent, retnrnad. s.SST to BetasarnBccs, Ezpenaes, 44. 0M 90 S61.ST8 77 (ot aornad FicOta for taw year onotn aotk eeacar os (t osmad Prenahmta as 49.411 as Lm Praolnma an wMch oer cent.

hnre ban rctarmcd ia.asa SO Anaonntnajtlrtrottaghal .0430.500 OS Tha Company hare tha foOowhif awati, rts 1 racaiTaoia at abart aata toe Pramiama. Bl.TQt IS me no mainoi ta eaoraa of collection. 11 invaated notaa eeenred by aBortflaaa on Real Eatatc worth doable tha amount dna thtraoa 4S.BS8 iBveated ta Notes secured by pledge oa Bonk Stocks. 45. MO 00 ecrtpa of Matoni Inamraace 1.490 00 Cannon band la.

381 TS Balance of Sabncrtptian Kotes sca.ert ar Total amoont of Jjawta S30S.S73 SS STATE OF tVOTJIBTANA. rariah of Orlaana, Ctty of Naw OrUana. Bo It rornombarad, that on thla stb day of Octobar, lasu. before ana tba anbacribeT, JaaUco of tba Peace In and fcr tbe city aforaaald. peraonally appoarad J.

TU YES. Praoi. dent, and J. W. HlfJCKS, Seeratary, of tbo NEW ORLEAKS MUTCAX LN8UHJLNCE COMTANT, of Slew Ortoana, who bains dnly aworn accordina ta law, do dapoaa and any, that tba above aereonta ara Je and traa.

snaaoarracttranacrlptrxoro tha booka of aaid Company, J. TOTES, Prorident. J. W. aiNCns.

SocTotnrr. Sworn to and snaocrlbod, berbra ana, this day, October 8. 1W. AKTHUtt SADClEa, Third Justice of the Peace for tba Pariah of Orlaana, At BMetrns of tha Board of Director, hold on tha 6th It wa reeorved to declare a dlrtdond of TWISTY PER CENT. (W per cent.

an tha Net Earned Prerniama af the Company for the year entUna an the Kith 8eotm br, isao, for wbJcb Cartlficataa will bo haaod en and after tbe let Docamber neat. And alaa, tn accordance wan ArMcia I4tft of tba barter, to pay tn caah aa and after 1Mb to the ortinal anbacribera, an Intereat at the rata of per cent, per annum on premiojna, paid by anem ana creanea on weir eubeciiptioa note I. TO YES, Pmldent. J. W.

HiaCU, Secretary. Director Alphona Bflltenberger, e. W. Bnhcack. O.

Laura, 8. M. Barby, J. B. eribbla, A.

Raicbard. M. Raeaaklo, IX afillaodoa, O. Saaatier, P. A.

NobloBB, J. Tuyee. ae SO ly Star Mntnal lasarmace Coanpany, KO. rs ST. CHarx.cs rrtmer rpHIS COMPA1TT (Succ.VtC'liarSc.

Jyr1: I uguiM bee ana irarnan by rtre. thePerila of the Seas nod BJrer, at the current rate or Dlrectara T. A. errand, tm P. A.

eirand a Co. tt in a. tt lAienn, cm Brm Logan, Sontat a ClaThome. I I A A. P.

Elliot. Irm Elliot at HcKeever. r. inuna, Brm Mammy a Lalina. E.

DuplanUer. arm Roman a Rernlon. Coleman, Simteman, Britton a Witbeia. Preh 2 Chan. A.

CaatUlo, firm eordee CarttUo. FLACIDK FORSTAIX, Prerldeat. aal 90 1 EMILE DE BOYS. Secretary Olerchants' Sfataa Ineantneo Cwaapaay wr PIW OBXJKASR SIXTH ANNUAL" STATEMENT. In conformity with the requirements of their Charter 111.

Kwufiij yv uiwn uie rouowina ITITIMIIT: Amount of preminm unearned an too Slat stay, IBM S194.SM 00 aawu premiuma receiTae surlng the year ending Slat Hay, 1860 On Tin Klira Ssea.orr On Kirer Bt lBS.Slses starina fcUa. iao.aM otn.ino as Total neemraasa. I. itT.oofl as Lea areminma not an alat OM.OOS oo May, 1800... Betura nremiumSM.

it.sss or asi.ats er Wet earned nreanlnma Slat afny, IS OariraRlaan. S4B1.T1S ar 1SS.4M as On marina vb awrer jn iwa SB.S4S SS Ket rroftta ffet at iinl i eml bpi. esa6uS IS mmcwm arainiwui WOKB IU ner Cent. 199. SOS TO mount yorttclpsttat In profit tsca.m aa The company have the folio wing aaae oa Bills recetr able for 3S.SIS SS 17S.6S1 SO Iavaatod ia Hotoa aeenred by Mortgage ae Band Pledge C19.S4T49 10.713 SS SS.490 01 Bank Stacks and Mortgage Du for Premium la course of collection SS.S67 88 Si.

or. sat at Leas Ijitereet payable on Scrips af id 1S90. 1.4T4S0 CnrtaOment of 40 per cent, eat Scrip of 00 1S3.1B4 SO tret i e3I.S4T SS STATB (OP IiOUTsTAnTA, Ptrlall at frrlrati Citw at n. rwlu Be tt una, that on thla darane laeo, before aae, anaerngneo, a jusxico or ute leaca ta and for the pariah aforesaid, peraonally appeared John Pemberton, Prenldent, and Charles I naorlrr. Secretary, of the Merchants' Mutual Iaeurance Company of New Orlaana, who, being dnly aworn, according te law, dial depose and say that the above statement ia Just and true, and a correct tranacript front the booka of aaid Company.

JOHIV PEMBERTON, President. CHAR USASSTEB, Secretary. Sworn te and subscribed before me, thai day, Jena usa. AftTHTJB, SAnCIXS, Third Jeatkoaf the Peace. NEW ORLEANS, June stb, isso.

Atatenerm Wftlag of tbe Board of Direetsea, hold this day, tt was reaornd to declare a scrip dividend ef SS per cent ea the net earned premiums of tha Company tor the year ending Slat May, 1800, far which. certUcatoB arm a homed ea aad after the 1st of Aaareot next, Alaa to pay, on and after tha eocend Monday in July Beat, 40 per cent, en the scrip ef lags, and per cent, tn At a generm meeting of the Stsjckhetdera of the Coen hJJ mM 'rt p.u la wae unaiumoaaiT taeohredthat the preftta resulting from the operatkma of taohwtthiflaaisBTtaoyaeeend epptted to redeem, in wuola er tn pert, the scrip af isss, aud thM aw acrtp shall thereafter be redeemed antflthe hu cw4 the seat af one axiUsoaatTdoUora, Dlrectere Kavtae, IVaHelaaav 'to Connelly. 41. MBtanbeeaeai John Peatberaaa, c. H.

Slocomh, fS B. P.Vaorhiaa, SammaV o.Wvly. AT LA.WOTO, CARROLL PARISH, PROMPT identon will aoerren ta CrflocHona and QthCTbnsliima ia the Court of Carroll, Madlasa tiS Befarencca Measra, IMedlandeT i mtn n. Ca, frert Logan, Stnuat ak Claiborne, New Or as so ly v. ta the Pablle.

i lBco, Hew Orlaana, New. lawtaaa fONStTMZRS OP A8 mcaatiimeaWnatamuLto man who la representing himself aa in tbe employ of this company, and obtaining access to houses under the pretext of examining the meter or fltUnra. Except one will bo faxrii had with written authority from ST. WOOD. fler" aervlees to the MMIess aU9 frsusTta A TM, andfrom Xtu1 Ca tnm AjbTtsaVvSt; SoTf SS Ten per cent, returned.

isues TT Betaauranoe, Taxea and Expense, tea intereat S4.BU SS TS4.SB0 SS eon. err aa turetbt iff 1WEMTI DOLLARS REWARD ThaneereTa CaACB, aged about oa years, baa absenteSr her if earns her agant aw near two meat ha i aha bos Jf aiaaal by the Mayor'a Secretary, and la to bo harbored In eomo Nearo Waah rk gruTe, witb one ankle much larror fe? fairly brioagod to me UnaemaZ Vrt 'TJTYl." delivery at the VAJJ)8TERN. asa Si, Andrew, botwtsn Bsyadea and 1 an eel a. nis la FOR SALE. For Hale.

HOFSES AND VACANT tJCYTH tnr kmUmm. Tha dimcaltv Ot Twittin. dnM. mm taorable terms is directing the attenrioo ef many prrsoas to seconag bomea of their own, by paying Hscoli anvnta but a little in adeuace ef atuai rente, Tbe ender alaned Is prepared to ancommooate anrh persons at almost any price they choose ta select either expenslva reat dmcea in New Orleans, Jefferson City or Carrollton or cbrss basoes and Tscant loU aa which ta em 4 to aait tbrmatWee, wners of property for sale er rent will do well ta lea their namea and price with tbo onderwened, who has constant application frT sevsr for rent and lor aula. CHAR N.

PROST. Bank PUea, THE nwdersigned baa transferred bis Brokerage aad Real Estate business to CHAR N. FROST. Whom betakes pleasure in incommaading to his friend as a yons gentleman ia every way worthy of their eoa Sdencenndtotiroaaee. lsiaes iaaes.

7fl DAD AC B. Eg of Land for Ssle. in large or smsJl dit' V.Xir. trmct from sac. ta Me.

per acre.e VeraMsll amCraeutR. to the Ontted Btatea band Agency Office (eatebttahed 18661 of E. BILBROUGH a St. Louis, Me. Patents secured, and Taxea paid oa Lanna belonging ta aonekidenes.

Land warranta Bought, Bold and Located. oi am TDeable Fleed Bellere Far HaJe. WO DOUBLE FLU ED BOILERS, 84 feet long, and 4t tachee diameter, with large ataoaa daaaee, fire fronts, rate bam, stand pipes, steam ripe, valves and breeching. ree ana urs rase order, nearly now, only i MM a tew months, will be eoM tow, a D. H.

FOWLER'S Bailor Msarofactery, Beroaae street, betwoea Peydraa ami sVafaycMsets. Neme far Ma 1st. JOSEPH BROU DIN, araguiar trader fa this ette sor tba last ityix earn, haaiuat arrlrsd with a large lot of Maryland Maryland nasi Virginia Oa Nearoos. sac a aa mecnantca, noose aerranm, Coosa, Washers aad Ironers. and Field Hands, and win Servanta, Cooka.

elTtnx anrean enmHv aunae all tbe Fat bom oa reaeenaoie serma ar ie terms lor caah or approved city no old stand, corner of Esptaaade and rhird District. al SO TmdaW ceptnneeo, at hia old i Chartroa stmts. Third Far Bctle. VALUABLE COTTOaT LANDS, In Chicot County, Ark. A TRACT ef about UMl acres, in Tewnahip IT, Ranee West, siraated between Bayous Macon and Banf.

acres of the tract have bean woU deadened for nearly three ysar.Ayply to ALLISON, PATTT80N ft el am Carandslet straet. Ferr Sale. THE CELEBRATED EARLY JOHNSON COTTON SBED. 4000 baahela. Per aale by ALLISON, FATTTSON ft T9 Carondelet street.

i Pleavse all at No. OS Barease Street, Where Planter and other will at ail Umas And tA cnrefnlly selacted and wsUassortsd lot of SLAVES TstfaLa for sale. oy ftra R. H. ELAM.

Arrival af Neareee for Sale. 1 HAVE Just arrived with One Hundred anS nrtv fi EOROES from Vireinis ud M.nrlnW aoch ss Mecbauics, Howe Servanta, Cooks, Washers ana ironers, ana rietn Hauda. 1 will also receive dunna tbe season reverv suuutb) large supplies, exclusivrlv from those Btaiea. I am drtermined to sell at pricee to suit the times, for cash or C3IV aoceDtancee. Tbn en be mn ml mw bause, corner of Baronne and Grsvier streets.

New Or eaoa. (oio am) J. St. WILSON. flay for Sale.

9 TONS Batb Hsy, landing ex ship Persia, foot ef 4GJJ St. atarv street Foortb District, from Bath. Me MEEKER. KNOI ay Oravierat Potatoes. BBLR Maine Potatoes, now bvndrn ex chip 1 tying wo ot.

atary Mary MEERER, KNOX CO ST Grsvter street. E7. Sl THE COTTON PLANTATION known at MOUNT wrLLING, about foor miles back from the town of Port Hudson. Said place contains ana acres of land. of which ara In cultivation.

Tha Improvements consist of a comionaaie aweiimg, new gtn, negro quarter aad other oot buildinga, and an excellent cistern together with 164 shares of tbe Cttiaens' Bank Mortgage Stock. This place la aitaatad at tha Junction ef three public roada, and la convenient to Baton Rouge, Bayou Sara, ClutonTiacksen with good schools. Ac For terms, Ac, appiw oa tha premises, to Mrs. SARAH C. CHICK, erto r.ew vrrienna.

Plaatatlen far Sale. THE Plantation known ae West Oaks," situated oa Bayeu Martagouin, In the Parish ef iWrvllle, about immin wnui sua urosse i see nsairoaa. esotainlng 3oo screa ef landT There ara TBO acres in cuC which 4BO acres are in eane, there ia a sua. ciency ef seed out down to plant 300 acres another year. There ia en the place a large new sugar bouse and new cabins, an overseer's house, saw mill and emo barrels res' uwciimf nonaa, is new ami bis Thla property le offered wit hoot the negroee, and liberal IT' JI be given.

For Information apply to J. B. WOOLFOLK, on the plantation, or by letter to him ad Fsr A WELL eetnbUthed and wU appointed mrgo Sagar Plantation with Seventy five Slavea, situated an the right bank of the Mlesiaaippt, is miles from New Orleans) baa a mrge botture aad small levee. Tbe land is very high, andT may, with Uttle labor, be protected from nppiy xm i. n.

SAUL, on tne wo, or to EDWARD sitrFF ft CONsVorionnl pWTsV PMrta fr Bale. 1YID A I RX OT a won a ajriAea Ls 7 m. a Ajavxv sa A IV IV, tavxR StfTw rtTr, toiiT niilws aVbT Co.wja.U, Chlca4 mtyf Arkmpannev coBteBiiiiiif mbmut 600 men; bssiiiiad th wsBL Miitjeaaa sioi fUai am nltla.rU. ma 7 a CTT good ovaraeor'a house and good quarters for eighty aogroea, with cisterns, gin houae, stabiaa, and aU necee eary outAmUding moles, cattle, hogs, corn, fodder, and awmlng fanpismsritn. This ia one ef the bsst plantationa on tba river, and ia for aale onlv because I live In a different State, with my time too much aao diss lai sill tti alaa It mi .11 11 eoor eo acclimated Nstobs.

If not sold previously, tbo above muyaity will bo offend hisheat Mddsr the preiiilees, to tbo Terms Far the land aita cnM essh w.i.n and a yean, with a nor coat, interest added. rot the PiasToos Approved Now Orleans acceptancaa, at una is manuu. sit. h. mm i i i.

nt the option of the pnrcnaaar. Mr. HONNICUTT. who Uvea oa the place, wfll take rJeswureja ahowing tk, Addxaaa me, at South Florence, a aai I WM. M.

JACKSON. Far Sale. BOT. SS veers eervantt fully guaranteed. Apply at lis Canal street.

es tft TaurletJea Stanlee. Rsmcvad to 08Md 100 PniBr street foot of Union. uZniornuriy known aa Eclipse Stable. 22 unoarsignon woua res pactruny call tbe attention of hie friends and all admirore of FfNB HORSES to the ana pacing' expressly for aa, ana will RKWCrs. CeFsllateher, Hew Oi er, 193 Oravler street, Orleans, Louis! ana.

rRETON, Saprrintsndent ef Sli CCRTON, Saprrintsndent of Slave Iepot Notice Merchanta, Planters, Traders aad Slave Owners Having made extensive elter ations and accommodation on my old stand, I ara zr us occommonare rraea ft hundred Alaves far mm i also accommodate tha em wit fc, a Those buaineae ia my Una would do well to caB and see for themselves before looking elsewhere, aa the at ducements I offer are unequeled. A good stock of Negroes for aale wfll be kept constantly en band, consisting of Field Hands. Mechanics, House Servants, Sarnerrma, Nurssa, Hair Dressers, Ac hs "4 VTOtT P4 ta soug'hTandmldT'" VevJJsna Lands too eo ty CT. HATCHER. NCCE After Slavea have been placed In other Tarda er Denote, i Will not receive them at lfl6 Brevier et, aio SO iy W.

HATCHER. ICIHIIOI'I tUBJE OLD MONONGAHKIjA RTB WHISUT. CONSCIENTIOUSLT distilled by Mr. JAMES BURN BIDE, of AUeghauy eonnty, Fa, fat the old fashioned honest way, from the choicest Rye, and in no eaae offered for sale until adapted ta wholesome use by ago. It ie at once the most palatable, aa it In empharicslly the purest bevrraeem the reach of the public Te the invalid, aa weU as to those ta health, it commends Koalf for its un rivaW qualities aa a stimulant ef the safest, sorest aad rebenecent description.

For aale tn baxraa, kega, aW, aad put up in cases of ane doeen bottlee each. CLXBT ft STOCKDALE, riuwlcturs, SB Walnut street, Philsdeiphia, Pa. WM. C. CONOTER, Agent! eO.Sm ot Cedar ekreet hewTerR.

1 Satlet. A rReomheot for sals at a borrarn. ta csen I e7 erder and in a splendid Trad sold tC only oa account of the owner being ennred HSJJ Bot th ertr of lolosleo Ton, ht draft anA runa at a very aal exjwTisa. She Terr eccomm Jdating terms. WouUoall ooroySTtAMBolT GAJLPINS NSW Tf Testa rrrr aiwtv 33........

es' i vr oAbriH Baa tba i and the public gene wa SSUVTHIJU 1 0 rallv. tht K. l. JZZ t.v. ZljS them ready te 1 1 i I I i oly tboj oW.

of mihiicrfini n. Hid. the taraw raided at all hours, frokTA. fejtbe advertiser has a large numrof room. TfST prieati parties.

Families and parti ea, oa application as shoTT aapolMI erltb tkoSV afforda. either ready for the table or as it coram rWnTTkl jwl Thanxblfrienda' foTtho UbmpSonna, that baa alwaya aoea extended te him. assures those that it will be hiaarneit esfdesivorrltl therdr0" hv'nta da rv johh oalptx' THAVa, FOLLOWING SWERPfTAJU Hij aTegJf md t.ll 'L fk. tK. aoraeteaave ate stmA tha stairs, tha Pl.t.

Asm I sTcwynae to add three or more atvt fat tea mcoi tba Club ta add SOU) if to race la run. The stake trnTicmroZ tse of Aiececneer, laea, Tae mce te be rata oa WEis. thedsr ai.iluaa. i llT SBP OidaitJtteftaaTTuwa cejiy aket taiMploar bT lirS.s www single, mnccneo. noctins wu.

ue sMssvera otosos sun vanao bo cM at fair pricee. foil BmJ J. M. I EDUCATION. aalleb aael Frerca chi FOR TODNO LADIES, Camp street, between Mia ear! St Joarpk.

MRS. DE8BAN beg te rxfona bee friend that her Claw will epea MONDAY, let October. The aaat hero papiia a Hmitcd. As asaai all studios aortoinins a caaiplete sducattoo are ta the two At tba eooeat of several aaniita. there la a Class whereta the Frencb only ia spoken, to enable the panibi who desire it toacooire the arneticoi aae af that kangusge.

AR aoasible atteatloB at paid as the tateuectaei aaat aayatcal weiiarc ef the pnplla. W. S. Peterkin, AIC W. Ward.

T. I Dr. Cenoa, fM tm Alt Smith, Ma rt St. Tararmsaa it ail Altllutry laatltate. HOLLY SPR1NOS, MISS.

PROFESSOR C. W. SEARS, late ef thsfUnrvueotty of Loaisians. 1 Sous lutoudent Tbo aniunt 'a from rat af Jelv. the Bali aa ad vawin auiensD ana rreacn acBaot, under Hitttary Organisation, St.

TbouriaB Hail ranks ami the flrat tat the Southwest. Its position aeon tbe MisaMpp Central Railroad, twenty boara from New Orleans, rondure it easy of access, and the associations wttb which stadoate are surrounded are ef tbe moat dasirahls character. Aa extra session will be given ta December and January for the benefit of those desiring. Terms For Board and Tuition SUM per null us ef See montha. Far full information, address the flsinilnlead eat, or Rev.

Dr. J. U. IN GRAHAM. BIS 3 md AW Rector and Preet Board ofTrastaa.

EasUsk aad French Academy tmr 1 YO0NO LADIER TTt Magadna street, first door from tbe earner of Wash inston Avenae, N. O. RS. H. CALDWELL baa reopened ner Academy Ladio.

Parents deatreoa af entering their children so pupils, are respectally invited te coil at no. na Megsxtne street. Mia. Cald weU baa engaged the services ef eminent pre feasors fat the departments ef the higher Mathematics, tha Languegeeand Music Tba grounds attached to tha bsdldlaa are epacioue. and tha location rowai ably heedful.

Sd Junior Clasa, pernontai.m...M S4 1st a ad aVmlae nmmt fmr 1st a es SaV Payable in advance.a Referent te Hon. Traeimou Landry. Lo. 3. Chambers, Alexandria, La.

uoge aimoa, at. atartm, Lav Rev. Dr. Leoceck. N.

O. Dr. J. Byrne, N. O.

Ben. A. Rtnaninnd. T. Rev.

Dr. Houghton, N. irt. nnuROWiLn. Prof.

J. L. Caldwell, Transylvania University. Prof SsmL H. Dickson, Cbarleatoa, Jadge Rice, Charleston, RC anas tfdftW Kdaeatlan.

NEW ORLEANS ANS PASS CHRISTIAN FEMALB INSTITOTE. For Boarder and Day Scholars founded In IBM by Mma Leiris, and contacted since S0 by Mme DE8RATADX. Bargundy atreet, between Customhouse and Blea ville. New Orleana. HIS establishment provides thorough and substantial instruction In ever stage and department of education, and offers great fbcilitiea for tbe acquirement of the French language and for the cultivation ef music Sinning and, Solfege are taught by Mr PREVOST, the well known leader of the New Orluns Opera The summer session at Pas Christian begin tbe 1st June, aud end seuoi toe isi riovemeer.

1 at Dulldlnn. tare and modioua, arc altuated In tbe highest and beeltbleM part of the Pass. Attached to tbe premises ara a Sue batb bouse muu ana ine pupils enjoy, sarins tbe summer srsson, the combined advantage of country air, aea bathing, apd the Irasona af tbe best city masters. Mr. Provost reside at tbe Pas during tha aummer, sad con tinoea bis leeaoua In tbe establishment.

He also gives private lessons in rami lies. Exsminatione in music take plsre every month, In winter la tbe city, and fat summer at tbe Pass. Tbe City School rem sins open the entire year for boarders snd day acbolara. No vacation la given by the eatah bshment, Arrangemento ara made for boarders, by the year, at the reduced price, payable sfa montha iaadvanca. For general terms apply at the institution.

eo dtf nl Wtf Trlalty Female Seralastrv. PASS CHRISTIAN, M18S. HE Twelfth Anetual Session of thai Institution will open en the 1st of November. The Faculty ia composed of persona of echnewledged ability graduates of institutions of tbe highest standing. Tbe character and favorable peeitloa of the Institution are well known.

Mf GaEET BW" tb Prof. REjEL REITIt A. Principal. Mim C. J.

MAGRDDER. Vice PrinHnaT JJ cota(nine further inform aHon, Inqutre at BLOOMF1ED ft STERX'S, SO Camp streetTVew Or Edacatlea fB8. WM. BRAND'S English and French School for ATi. Young Ladiee la bow epea.

The Session ef 1SS0 aad lasi commences To Day. Parents wishing te sand their daughters, either so Boarders or Day Scholars, may apply teperauo ar by tetter, to Mrs. BRAND, at No. UciCamp atreet. first bouse abova Julio.

Nsw Orleans, October IS, OIS tt TB.e lasUratlea fsr Yaass Iatdlee. BOARDERS AND DAT PUPILS, Lately la Camp street; comer of Detord, JB REMOVED TO MAO AZ IKE STREET, Na 607, between Orange and Felicity, and will nanceibrth he conducted by MISS ALLISON aad MME. BOUDET. ATI ths branches requisite to a completa adacatSoa ere earefnliy taught. For further particulars apply at the institution.

aabo SO era St. Charles laaUtate. GREEN VILLE, NEAR CARROLLTON. aesalea laso 'SL MX MACE reapertfaUy announces that ber Inettta tion will onen for tha mmlm mm aA M1 oeptemoer. jTuspectoeea, grt ms refcrences, names of pro fesson and pupils, coarse of studies, and other particulars may be piocuied at thla office, or en application to M'me Mace.

Letters for me Mac ihTnld bssddrsssed throuAA box New Orleans Post Office. snroagjo A heretofore, a lady will conduct day aenolare te and from the city in the cars. au8 SO ly MeNslr's AsNtaleBnw( Hanaunlt. filloa. JA.

rnco on the 1st of October next, The eourae ef etudy Ie thaeous and complete, dosisned ta ai i i.i i ssmila or rai ssercanma or agricultural pursuits, catalocues, stating tsnaa, Ac, mCLdrrm, tbe understasad, I 1 1 ism u.mra 7 for CoU ar for Mercantils or Agricultural parsatta. Fee St. aUaaJa Iaatttatieat, STt Dauphin street, between Ursnlinee and Hotpttai Under the direction of DERON. i THIS Instltation, occupying a aroun of nne bnJIdmsu. JL presents laU the advantagea desirahls for a Female xMmKmmjmmA vAisMmsnmens.

1 ae tviasa tiaua, KxhiMtion Hail, Refectory and Dormitory, are ea tha lorseet acalo. and are well ventilated. A beautiful garden surrounding makes the recreation literally a naAk mm aara and all is so removed from the street ee to give an air of rriuvsKD, ajno irnnquuircy cvea in ine midst of the ctty. The Various branches Of AS mmA mm mmA mAm.1 tm ars rirmmtttrd ta tha rhargs of riefiosine of rherarter vinBiHje, wara aw xeroa eparee no trouble or expenss tu procure. The lanxuagrs are the object of special attention all tbe modern ones are taught by native Pre feseore.

The great number of young ladiee Creole pad American educated at M'me Derons, who may be found, ta every part of tbe city and State, able te speak Enaiktb J2SfrfiK TlTtSL faculty, hi the neat, proof af The aecoannliahments ara tansrit Kv Mia bast The Piano and Harp are unusx the diroctioa of M'me Xatviilebenvre. M'meDeroa In pueuu constantly euperintendi the ta avrtKon.BnaBivrBnincuicaAeatnataigniliMcoorteayand modest and amiable manners which even more than letters, tit young ladiee for tbo fulfillment of their dutiea in society. The feelings regret aad tenderness with which ber many pnplla, now in "honored placee la the world," still remember Alma Mater, peak tbe aa scrum auuiuras anu nrmneae wmcn govern ner aouaebola. There are Evening Claaaee for Ladies wbo. cannot attend a courso or ue any.

OAT Summer rosidance at Mandevflle. al CFoundad 144.1 i fjlncsarpareted ltaav OK LEANS Female CaUerfate) lmadteteV BOAKDIIfe DAT 8CH00I TO TOUITO Under the Supervision of ED. IOCQUIT. atreet, between Julia aad St. Joseph.

fT HIS establishment, founded by Dr. and Mrs. MACAU vmvmm ugu repnioooa naa never seen qnea tlaned. will rmmnmmw Urn UJ the lTth of September. M'me ED.

LOCOUET. assist it by ner aiater, M'me LOCO.UET. will use aer beat endeavor to continue to merit ths rsposad for many year in her predecessors. Profeoorof ahehlghewiilentare employed ta aB tha pranches, both useful and unamentai. PiAne Maaie and the etudy of Sotferks will be taught exclusively by the Mtaee iLOCQUET, whose rrpurstiona ea Proeasors of fuuaiu nova oaoa eo weu approemtea oy tne aasoereua tamlllee who bare favored them with their confidence.

The French language, the native tongue of those ladles. su acquirement or nirement of which la now Indispensable te a tion, ia taught with the utmost care, and ia the Institution. Young ladlea wiU therefore uoa eaacatnt enokea in tha Snd in. their constant Intercourse with these teachera every facility possible for perfecting theaaMtvea fat that burrnage. Tola eetabilshment, alwaya ae Menmodioaa and weA venuiaxea, naa recenuy eeen enuimy renovated, wits the Utmost rerard te the coanfort and health ef tbe pupils.

M'me LOCQUET respectfully rnvitea pomtsand asrat nee to coll, aad visit ae srhosl. where piospsttasaa. with all other tained. wnicA may be deasred, can be eb Letter ef hiqafry will be proxnpiUy to by tha ewf TefTereaai Aeatd at street. Nsw Or lean r.

rk n. THIS eataoHshmont, founded ia lass, has long bald a high position In public opinion ae one ef tin Itadlne tnetrrutkma la tbe South of the United States. The plan comprisae a general and extensive iislaai of education. Pupils are odmMtod ot sis or years of aee, and contmna till tbey ara prsparsk foe thosr faaare pursuits la life. They are distrlbwted fate riaaaae aorordtng te taatr capacities and acqniremeat.

The premiaea are perhaps the beat to ha found fa the dry, witb ample apace for exsrriee and trralsax aad every convenience foifoq institution of learning. Tne profeasora are gontlemoa af talsat, nnaan wtta care, tiood order raigaa ia tba astablisnmaat, aatd atrict attention is paid so too 1 r1 ag thappiia. Tsims For hoard art per month payable la advanre tS OS Half boordora, see ath xt 00 Xay acholara, par swath, andor 19 yoareof aa a 00 i)y acAoiArs, pmt aMrath, 1 but andai lt le 00 Day scholars, par menth, above 1 OS insoracuoa ta ute mgusa aad 1 1 sai Writing, Axtthmetic, eography, History, MMharaatica, is comprehended andor toe above terms. The follow ins Isnmsses and oeneanlaihsaania ara alaa bos, but the chorgaa are eeparaso, aad ere for Tba Latra. Osssa.

Bpaniaa ee srarnsao. pa ana 04 SS Drawing, par ee Music par month aa naming i renoag. Military Rxartis eJnkaH. Mtm eVloah sua ty Carpet Wars; 'SJEO. la, NAIKirB, ISO faa.l Ibaai.

Tm. BafUhian. TTAS eJwuye aa band and at ronstsaliy i A. a eptenojo saasitiuint at MEDALLION, TXLYET, TAPESTRTAND BRCaSXLS CARPETS, Of the ee wbietd manufacture af John Cuerii ft Soaa Aiaa, Three ply aad lnereia Carsetines, Coosa aad Canton Matting, plain aad foaey Floor Oil Clssha fraaa 8 so at are enaei anaaoa, vonuese. taaasaaa aao ova.

wner atvtcay a tea yarasmtaf jAspssTsaoaa, M5PJCAL "CARDS. PBLIX FORJIs juxit aESIDENCB 139 Ble.vllle i Danphine aad Burgundy. Consnrsstion hours 1 3 eni C. Preetaai Craae, M. DM Wssssataftaa Throe, lnga Eye and Ear.

Omce aad fJtnra at lh ELECTROCHEMICAL" nrrirrrni MS St. Jeeephetreet, betwaea Camp and SRChaawe," aw Da IJae Arnvea. wA returned from hi Northera torrr ut baaremoved from hie old establUhed DUaiSrtto Rampart streets No. gjreasary to Cures Scrofula, Syphilis, Mercurial PinaiLa ttl of Ceaal aad RaminrtiiNa Beperst room for patient. 0' Consults tions private and confidential.

1 Hours of attendanco, from A. M. to P. M. AM Saffleleat Tkree.

iAVl.bC a Eoete i Medicine. Vienna. Wm. and a tcoThmv i aicioaa use af eanaiva and mtk i nus "Ppinted tbe tnhirloM us of mer. iecntrreStte inK ai bbtu a ga ras atawt a tA amw vamw aaf tk.

i dressed accrdfc. ana ae taatT aflat tavemaiaa I A Tbe Book, of ell other, that sso Td b. tSL 'here, that abould be read by men with iii ii aaraaged end brokeaown constitutions la rvmrninat'S: cr5iR eaTyvoXTn! M.r1 brinng lumTSe, KS.tS aBngering and untimely death Sold bv BARROW, 194 Bleacher atreet, four doora hXmSLl sssa. xrsce wnere. Sold alee by Jet SO ly i JOHN WRIGHT ft CO.

81 aad 161 Chartre i NewOrleaaa, ep Cieaerrhea, t.lee Faiae la the Back aad all Urinary Affectiona. mlvLVf "ViTV "itb the ceiebratad Euro. 7 DUL.U11UN. It is pure PWnf and Is naranteed. Among Pbysidsns it Is paoular, and lu reputation ia awU wida Sole agent for tn tsited Ststes, TTT A BRAMS, Druggist, saasni.

ni lypbllrttc Diaeasea. in7tt irpesaed. but aarqaaled, either fat heir curstivs svaperoea, ornr miieneas, aafety, and eertainty in taeir eperationa, by 'i iL ,1 mpoanooa mr LmyoM atandlns raai a mi ai a fslniln the Loins, Burning fa tbe have been cured bv theCnmimnd Mi.i 'U. TLTJ SypbiUs of ttaemost Inveterate deeeriptiea have sromptiy th of tbe AnUSyphUilc Specific Rlect, the "Mixture" for Urethral Aeons bj net a Potent Medicine, offered aa a Cure All," but eswTonV peunded and prescribed in aa extensive practice, darine seventeen years, by a physician In this dty. Uj aU aaeompifcated Urethral Caara, one Bottle, aa i vial of Dr.

Thompson's "Belladonna Injection," will cure la from three tosix days. It not be detected, It aoea not Interfere With kmiina aad requires but lew restriction a te diet. For full parUcaiara, aee Treatise oa Strlcturee, be STeVt "fCARONDELET BTRaET, between Poydras and Lafayette struct, afth bouse from Peydraa, sign ef the Merbl Statue. al sa ly Seatkiera AledleaJ Ileaae. Fauaded ia lass.

1 1 attenUea of strangers and others visiting New JL Orleana ia called te tills medical establishnunl! Those requiring Medical Surgical aid can rely ea prompt attention, permanent euree and anoderate eharaea, Particular sttention paid te ths treatment ef all acute and chronic rttoiaeio ef tbe nervous system end genitourinary organs, comprising Spinal AjToctlona, Paralysis. mm mvmm BUeCS Sn DreSAn. SMM sv soensnsmg omnai annexions, raralysls, CborSjUrrthrltis, ravel, Strictures iaevery form, TO ana rrastate criano, mer. eurial Affections sod Diseaaee of the Skin i also comprising Primary. Seceaidary.

Tertiary and Hereditary SrpbJIlZ causing, la their different etagee. Ulceration oi the rload, ThjS Dstrurtiou ef ths Palate, Nodes oa tbe UoatZ Alopecia. loss af hair, Peine (nocturnal. raseauhllnariaud often treated for Rheumatism. Blotches.

Ac Special attention paid te case of Si em Onaniam iaelf ahoaa.1 as ashe. ticaisrs, see Treaties oa Spernuriwrhoa." te be sue vmcc Potlenta treated for thla unfortunate malady by the moat recent and effective methods, com prising electro maaneti application to the spine, acupuncture, aad If necessary. cauterisation. Sargical aperaxione pel formed far Flsrala fa Ann. TTt.

nary in tha Perineum, communicating with the Urethra Kydracele, Consmitai snd Accidental PbymosloS Varios (oy pressure taslea. Impassable fctricturea. Falsa persons opplvina eat the Brat symptoms of any uerrbs SlfiA nr 1 many cases by tha abortive hours. sy leieiaacea given, aa well est be lanyyesrs practice ia New Orle Poy draa and Lafayette atreetai kft boaee abovVPoy draa Oaice epea from A. M.

taeP. af. al oo tv Iefalllble Kemedv. DR. ABERNETHT'S GONORRHEA AND eLECT DETEROEN The only tnvaluahia remed mwmTi covered is too weU anowa la all porta of the country te ffMin mm mmtm umi.i...

I aw i sea. smcs no vfar aauau, at warranieo so cure La forty el rh oonrs the most despsraie and Inflammatory casee of Uoa 7r on iiiair saagaa. is oe amnal iir mm auiaao ly DR. MULLEN baa removed from Na. as Cuxtomhouaa at, to OS P.f huM Vl TlfTALUABTJS DISCO ViuiiyNs pay required untS a J.

care i effected Prsrate Biases ss cured in few days by a regular physician, without mercury er other poiaoa ou meujcmsa, at Me, as Rxchangs flaca, Nsw Orleans, Dr. ai ULLEN can tne attsntioa of those afflictad wRh saiy ss uie sorens a cartain aussssa, to Bis general edver SmiMiiI hi imIIm. TLA .1.1 mAnmmm mm him is that which has the approval af the moat distinguished surgeons of Paris, London aad New Tort aad na universal aneceaa he proved bey and a doubt that a aesv ananent care for tbe worst cases ef constitutional svntiLis. made te tboae whose lateilieeaca, skiB and experience caa be relied an. Biace Dr.

MeilaaepeBod lathis city, ail the many casus that hava eomo under hie care have boea urea wit bout single exception. Some of those were of year standing. One remarkable ease of stricture, thirty years eld. baa ben cared, to the surprise ef the patient The gentleman (whoae rasoactabllitr is known ta tha ori sons ef Nsw Orlaana) la at hand, and bv hia ikna eaa bo referred to. Dr.

My treatment af stricture la not known South ef New Tork. His treatment of gonorrhea la too most purfect ever niemrsred It is the aaieat and beet. Tbe patient takes no cooaiva. cnbsbu, turpsntins er ether Baoseoua doses, but a cure is ebtalBed fat one or two days, without pain, faaconrenience. or a change of diet.

No pay aatejs a care it enacted Within th time aaroed. IMPOTENCT Touaff msn er etaere. who, by esxuei excaea ef self pollution, may have brought oa thomaalvus any or tne painrui consequences resulting atrainad rnduleance af the naasion sues suck as eremature mvoiutary eaminal emiasiona eanarai debit itarv eaminal emlasiona eeneral deoil Ry, er coustltotional dsraneomant, may consult Dr. MuV tan wnn asmavnote connaaacet ae oners core. The atricteet eereey obsarved.

Di Mnllaa aa ha fasisnllail at hia race. BENJ. ItQiXEN, M. IK Remember, No. as Exchange Place.

at 8Q ly HFAiJ)mam peefailed Frepmreel GIa Bptddb M'm Pnimureel. Glae i BATAt TUB nECESt i BTCOIfOafTl DISPATCH! SsT ASatchblThria Bs IHauj." jaa Aa accident wlH happen even In weU regulsted famlTtss, I oerv iueliatli to hava essno rhseu ana troy for repairing FatuReia, Toya, Crockery, SPALDXNe'S PREPARED 6L0B aaeefasBsnchastaTgeaciaaaBdno hoosshoid caa afford tobewhUscutsl Uatar Teyaready aad ay te tba atlca irltt ereJ bye'ffi esses, wherebv there la a ew urteana. THE SOUTHrJHN MEDICAL DISPENSARY. LtJ NedlclBea. COMPOUND MLXTU RE, for the care ainrtares, Uleet, rrmak Comp such aa Whites, etc.

Also. LB EOtt tPFr YL wf ead a ta tha stack. i todies and for Itatrdn, iZ dalle aad broken LSZZwVm coae, ahoR aad ether nances. Day for Snd Daaeaa, Day for bag peiatv There at na longer a shears, splintered At at an to article worRee sa1ar with ladiaaaf and taste. I vned cold, kefng cheml eaOy held ta aolatssa, and iaaonung all the vnlsaa sTasi Bam ef the beat eabmet aiakere glaa.

It may be need fee af erumary aaacllag, bernff vaotly "USEFUL ET ETE2T H0U8X yf B. A kruah aceeapeniae each battle. Prie, SS eta Waeasaala Depot, Na ea Cedar struct. New dram HXNRT SPALDIN0 ft CO Rex Na asoa. Hew Tsrk.

amrtat deslertta caxea, catrtarntng four, elfbt sal twelve daaea a beaatifn! litaofrapk ef BP ALBINO'S "aFk arnglo battto PKTPdRCT I aVoto naa LUB will aava houafkeld. ite by SB a aPALDTJr PRRPARXD 6LUB when msrrng ap at. Itwfl Jala lydatW Cms fJeta f'aalr tere THE property ef Richard Pet tmportad during to year jaeJ, fceea Xaraey, at Asm, J. tmportad during to year law sy Dr. Davie, ef athCarouno.

Aa agunt ef Mr. Per lam orders, and enter tnmfB lSSJ5te "rhJZ LmTtM, i iar ran be ged ta dsvu eo acyaca Mon bstn ndoraad. iCHAS.A. LAhuZA FSB dAWBT i. TataaRle rrva at far Sale.

are Wale and aunaral Boase Servant, aaW lgTwkh bar rhl aoad Seaaalaa, fany bxocx, Bbjuria ajco A Uraea MTf I si 1 1 si i THINK op Dr.Radwav the public, the kLT1 efhr HdJWAr8 HE AUmamaamrAtL. vwsa Of the ha. JREAjyo; tts) Coat, Xdver, RJeaevA ATa' wZw3m n'. J)Wars wefmSi ttlTe vecetabl. fa, CtlK Dr.

Radway. ReKu: ether rtimth, aaa. Their acttoa lass aaaaan. tit a Const: Dytpeprbj, uji mm i OS Ult. StomsctL usam ar taam PIQ wig the, aeaoay eeaaltioa.

H'. rac wat'i stecLAr Are elegantly covered wits auIVaadca. hem mail, aUSlWATe SKeuUTl iSTd utii, We Ungdoav of Extracts, etan. Herm, Tree, ssi asedlclnal virtnes. "'t pieeaant symptnm, of sspr evvery.

and 1 mi Ta to rirr They eorrect ell irresuiaritka llowela, Heart, Bladder, Swi, Urte if Buerbld aad eerrapt bauwra. kui rn. Sat te heath and rerulam, af tat, Tlader tbeh beertbiw eerutat sad Tae heart, ever, etoatach aad tm. era! fraction with aeitbfBi eystew Is raveetsd wkb rack tirt reader ft fcapngnabl to tbe sttsck, I I Te Sick tuffateg frost WsURESIKB BYITZRIA, and these whs suffer free rereatlon reiy apsa a pomtire rouorauus pun. pfla ar degastly eatd mssssrsuKa Price tt cents per Seal by Drsggjs everywhere, aul son street.

i.i and EADWArS REXOVATi: a the atanposlUvt and tbsraoxb el. auedlctne knows to medical sriem teatakrsg speed ta purity aad alarm away ell daoasU deposits, whtu. i eixta, thaaot, Ac 1X5 DUEir All areptfoni ef ta Silu, Sotm. tern, Canksru, Buaors, Vtnsresl i Chitis, Catarrh, Dissaisi of th Cht i totismsl Diseases, ar sales it ssf sxod trem the (ystesj sy ths ess ef ATTftO RIS0LVrT. There hi a bees dsai sf borribls eiali.

Icrefala, HersHHaiv snd Cor BoCOliSTlTCTIO.iAu, su4 wuirk net cared, hut but. nm.tln.M, team and violent, a wit rtsaaail Asy witb tns Urn ic. ratmu lisd in tit constitute, can asssrt, and srtt anrf erfe fceevwwmejieelWa the tart, tl.n haUVrlT disposal at all omatttut talnil ani aU actual at tool br" pani.i UJ hat iuuin. RADWArS EF DIXS sr. I sv.r, klunAI A JOES WRIGLi a en so iy DANCI.

rref.A.CherareU'e PROP. A C' KT ee' A.Ax! i anouncesti r. bis a at'tet and BEB. otiea tt truA to noirufOU'f as re. rm i inds 'iirn S1 arennruiri i davs, from to Private is SchooA arorsptiy to.

WiiLLi I X.mcm ni ia AaveUna'a NIW PARLOR, lo buj i Yt. and Brm. I then fcienu and lMi vrraWoendiusuisti tiovcniixT. rliarea'aCia Ta day, from 4 to e'eisc Pref. Trrs 0Di tLLLO y.

Term meat rnec, friends and i Acso'wy i i otw' a i' 'lowaJAia't i Thedsvaar a boars eft Children 'i ueia.jra, lualf.t kWweW. gremeA kUtiUlt W. Privste Cises oiU be frmlf' Practicing art iA Lau flLrfwaw 8Hob afllw, mtna Will be oat. J. Vesvs a rvs suns, turioding sy i 1 so ka.itJ Drpsrtmeni.

aakTf.1. 'Wl XEiAa. FeiewA'e a) prof, P. errDuc," ei Acsiewy 1, Stow ll yrioay, Private set' .4 "ttirt meBCSatiai mth l.l.ned I 1 ausr SJ TsdiHi' rrrvste Hm to I teu i. aW ao 1" Lm a a mi aforthe above frFITE.

dtrts IV Nl! ffd i and "1 r' aajadj syaraow rlfT UadtdB sard MWdj Vi" I a. mm i.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.