Life, Liberty & Levin : FOXNEWSW : September 1, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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[laughter] more than 2.4 million views of for this video where this teacher went through explained it to parents, we don't like it, i do not want to clean it up. there were some teachers out there who said i get it. parent said thanks for offering maybe we should bring cookies but most of the paper like it is my kids birthday and going to let them bring whatever they want. >> if there's a day for those older processed foods, it's a birthday. [laughter] or if you do not like them drop them off at my place and i will eat them. >> he doesn't want to cupcake? okay. before we go, do not forget to follow the big weekend show on x, facebook an instagram at big weekend show. that does it for us. we will see you next weekend. "life, libery & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

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♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is "life, libery & levin" sunday. thank you for being with us. tonight is part two of our special interview with president donald trump. last night, i believe you will agree was very compelling. he's got a new book out called save america you can get it at, beautiful pictures in the book his remarkable comments some are hilarious in the book. i use that as a springboard to conduct this interview. i want you to note something, he does the interview without not notes. he does not have a running mate sitting next to him. and he answers every question and then some. a big difference between him and his opponent. go. >> i'm looking for a photo of you in the car.

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which is seared in my head, this photo right here. >> yes. mark: what were you thinking? >> that was a photo that was taken -- it's an amazing photo. mark: 's right to the window. >> seven secret service table on top of me because of that time i had gone down. this was a photographer that was taking pictures. and i think realized when he was developing them look what we have here. so there's a little gap in the floor where you were able to see it is not og what a nice picture this would be. mark: what was going through her head right there? >> a really amazing, i felt very clearheaded. i knew i got hit in the ear. i felt i was one 100% okay. the secret service was very brave. they jumped, they were on me very quickly, seconds. i was down but they were on top of me and bullets were flying

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over right over me i heard them i didn't know you could hear a bullet you hear it like a whiz at sound. and by the way secret service sniper was amazing. did not know anything. did not know there is a problem for it heard the sound of the gun. saw the smoke and within less than five seconds he shot him from a very big distance but much further he was on the opposite side of the podium. one bullet, pretty amazing. one bullets. and that is without knowledge. obviously somebody should have been on top of that roof. and there were no problems. i have to tell you secret service, they were on top of me. and bullets were flying over us. there was not one of them that said oh gee, i am not doing that. and even the people -- as you

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note we lost one great person. corey the firefighter was fantastic. we had two people we felt were going to die and they ended up living. and they will be good i hope, perfect. we raised a lot of money for them for the family of corey. i was very nice. a friend of mine said i would like to give corey the firefighter a check and i said good. he said would you give it and i said yes he handed me had me a r million dollars. and so i gave it to corey's a beautiful family his wife and daughters. the daughters were there and he wanted to protect them he got over and got hit and got hit hard. pretty much instantaneously over. mark: are you able to see him or not really? >> no they were moving me i guess in a different direction. he was hit hard bad shape he was really hit hard. it was probably instantaneous. we had a man from the national

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guard who was sitting may be 15 seats away. he ran to corey and he gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. amazing. some of the things that you hear, it is amazing. the other thing is the crowd people the people who study crowd control access or they say when a bullet goes off everyone stampede's, always. no one. they saw i was in trouble. it's make america great again. it is so big tens of thousands of people as far as the eye could see. and at first you have that crowd and you are speaking something hit you hard you don't know if you want to go down. i think my movement was quick because i heard people screaming at the bullets go down, go down, go down so i think pretty sure i could not have done it as easily as it looked on the tape.

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i must've been hearing people say that. but two of the people were hit had this guy not been taken out very quickly it's nothing but people there were no ground basically there is nothing but people. in fact, when i first was starting to get the first thing i said is how many people were killed? there was no ground. you've seen it ralli rallies its wall-to-wall people. but we've then did a gofundme for them. and raised millions of dollars. we are very proud of that active. very proud of that. have the two people were very thankful in the family was very thankful. i know for a fact they would rather have corey back then all of those millions. that was a rough time for the

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hospital was amazing, the doctors were amazing. the doctors and saved two people that most people thought could not be saved in these were local doctors in pennsylvania, butler area. and they were phenomenal doctors. they saved two people that in theory nobody thought could be saved. we have a lot of talent in this country. mark: you have been a man of faith. you go to church. you believe in god. has this further your belief, your commitment? and obviousobviously god, and ao that church saved your life. he has a purpose for you. do you think about these things? i think you believe more when you speak to experts like my sons were shooting experts when you talk to experts they say there is no chance he could've

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missed from that distance. i think he was hurried he was rushed because people were starting to say, there is a guy up there with a gun. i think he was probably rushed. mark: this is what drives people crazy right now, me too there's a guy up there with a gun. there is a guy up there with a gun. >> of the time they started saying it is a little bit on the late side. luckily he was taken out quickly. i tell you if he wasn't it would have been like las vegas that horrible attack in las vegas with the crazy man up in the building shooting down into the crowds. that is what you would have had here. these crowds were vague or you would've had a lot of people it was bad having three. especially losing one. i think if you believe in god you believe in god more. and somebody said like why and i

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would like to think god thanks i'm going to straighten out our country. our country is so sick and it is so broken. our country is just broken and maybe that was the reason, i do not know i do not know flood people said that. mark: i'm just curious if you get a call or note from kamala harris? >> no not that i know of. mark: we know now that shortly after that. >> i did get one from biden. mark: we know that shortly after that the department of justice was still trying to get you. they a secret grand jury in washington d.c. maybe within days of the assassination attempt. to try and breathe life back into the case that essentially the supreme court killed with their immunity. >> i thought we won.

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>> you did win. you did win. until they come back, jack smith cannot fire that weapon with the approval of the united states the brief is not written by jack smith i know the department of just must fight work there under ed meese. one of the ones who filed a beef in brief in florida and said wait a minute he is unconstitutional for the attorney general filed it honestly filed 12. checks great lawyers. if it's true there is true in washington d.c. also is not allowed to do it. >> that is what i sent one of the motions are about to file. now that said, this is intended to get a result before the election. this is intended to smear you. and to keep smearing you. and to keep wasting your money and your campaign money into keep using the taxpayer dollars. you know, mr. president, the

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president of the united states or the want to be president of the united states have the power to tell the attorney general to knock it off. you have made the point you did not want hilary clinton indicted. she would have been indicted you would've said knock it off. the president is the executive branch. not the attorney general. and yet they go ahead and do this in the middle not even the middle of election pennsylvania they start voting in a couple of weeks and so forth and so on. i mean this election interference never ends, does it? what this is the worst case of election interference anyone has ever seen certainly in our country. they do this in third world countries. they have some of it in south america. they don't do a lot believe it or not but they do it in banana republic's but this is the united states is. when it came to hilary at your

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liver tyouremember they subpoend she will each bit it's basically acid everything. broke with the phones, broke the computer. broke everything. it was so terrible. i had to make a decision to i want to do this? do i want to put the life of the president of the united states and secretary of state by the way, do you want to put her in prison? and i'm trying to unify a country that really listened broken badly. if you look at what was going on with obama when i took this over, this country had tremendous hatred and anxiety a lot of hatred. do i want to put the wife of a president of the united states in prison? i did not want to do that. and then when i get out it is amazing actually. it is amazing.

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it is such a bad precedent because people are going to think about it differently. they're going to think about it differently. and it's very sad actually. but do you know the good news? it is so crazy my poll numbers go up. who ever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election. where you have every right to do it. you get indicted in your poll numbers go up. people get indicted your poll numbers go down. it's such nonsense. they got to the d.a., they put people in the das office for they put people in the attorney general of new york's office. fani willis in atlanta met with them and her boyfriend met with them for days. this is all coming out of the department of justice in order to get their political opponent, me. think of it fani willis came up with this crazy scheme.

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a lot of people were hurt by a very good people, patriots because it was many people indicted. date they did this to try and get me and then they say to people we will let you off if you say bad things about trauma. if you say bad things about trump we will let you off. this was all done by the department of justice. i am surprised that merrick garland. i knew he was very liberal. there were those who said -- make when i came in i put three supreme court justices in. and they have been very brave actually in many ways. they are very highly thought of people. there are some people that wanted me too put him in when i first came in and they thought they could unify the country. i had a decision to make. i didn't know if it would be accepted people would say what is he doing why is he doing it?

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i said i wonder if they would do it. you know what they had that option, which is in the conservative bait y vein you kny would not do it. when schumer was screaming on the stairs of the u.s. supreme court i'm going to get you kavanaugh, i'm going to get you we are going to hit you. i said can you believe it? i told our people i don't think they denied it, i think you should do something about it. that's like a mobster he was not shielded. when you're in the halls of congress are shielded and can say anything which may be crazy, maybe not. he was not shielded at all. they said we don't have it. i thought it was a terrible thing if you remember that. i thought it was terrible that the supreme court comment to this date there houses are not properly protected they were supposed to have great protection. their houses were not properly

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protected. things are happening that are so crazy. there is no human being ever treated worse in congress then justice kavanaugh. mark: and harris led the battle. >> that is right but she was vicious she was the most vicious. she was going after them it. just like with mike pence she said you are interrupting me. abc is probably the worst in terms of fairness. george flop adopt a list. the people they have they are just terrible. jonathan carl, and that's the only one she will go too. the other one is the head of abc her best friend and her husband's best friend too. and i had to make a decision. do i want to debate? i like to debate i guess i won a lot of debates otherwise i would

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not have been presidents i had a lot of debates initially than i had quite a few. the last one with joe biden i think i did a very good job. maybe i did too good of a job. but he was shielded and sheltered. he's a man that's in charge of nuclear warfare and stuff and i don't think he should' should hn there. that was a debate it was their idea it's early i'll do it if you want they gave me cnn. they gave me jake tapper and they gave me dana bash who traditionally you would never do it with them because they are trump haters at the highest level and cnn is a trump hater. basically they are liberals. i don't like to use the word progressive it's such a pretty word. progressive means you think into the future. they are actually thinking to

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3000 years ago these people. they are not progressive. but they are liberal. i took it because that was the only way you can get a debate. i was surprised they did a debate i don't think they wanted me too take it. i thought they would say he wouldn't take it therefore biden does not have to debate. i agreed to all of these things i normally would not agree too. and now they have kamala who they say has many deficiencies. she is saint nasty person. the way she treated mike pence was horrible. the way she treated justice kavanaugh during that hearing in the history of congress known has been treated that way. mark: it by the way of a picture of her in the book. it's a fantastic book the things the president are talking about art in the book much much more than that. an kamala harris member the

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story says she berates her staff uses the f word and has lost 92% of her staff as vice president. we don't hear the stories anymore. >> they do not want to hear them. the press is a big problem. and you don't understand why. i fixed our military. i create a great border. i built hundreds of miles of wall. we had a great economy. we were going with school choice. we're doing a lot of things that were so great. you don't know why they hate these things common sense i'd like to say the republican party has been the party of common sense. much of it is common sense. we do not want men playing in women's sports. look at the swimming. ladies have been swimming against each other for years. the cream of the crop, right? and then they look there's somethingtheresomething to theis a giant he goes by them at levels no one has ever seen before.

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♪ ♪. mark: you are president of the united states.

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at title ix part of the civil rights pack is always been intended to protect women's sports. to make sure they are fully funded. to give women the opportunity. in so kamala harris and biden they change it with executive order. it is late lot th a lot they ch. a federal judge has ruled hold on, you do not get to do that. so my question to you is this, how is that they can claim they are for women's rights? they are destroying the key act that protects women's sports, girls sports, something that is been in existence for half a century. yet they claim they are for women's rights. >> there really demeaning women. they are marginalizing women. just recently a volleyball a female all-american or something. got hit by a shop i'm a champion

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player and knocked her out she is not going to play anymore. you know, when i hear the different things open borders, defend the police, men playing in women's sports for it all different levels of problem. but they do not make sense. who would want this? who would want open borders and mental institution and terrorists. openly just walk into the country. from places unknown. who would want that. who wouldn't want that? who would want men playing in women's sports. very simple. who would want all electric cars. elon is a great friend of mine he is phenomenal i love the electric cars. there's a place for them and

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there's a place for gas propelled comic gasoline propelled cars. there is a place for hybrids. they have a mandate but we don't make enough electricity. so what are they going to do? who would create this mandate? they want to make trucks all electric but the trucks would have to stop six times to get charged. from new york to los angeles as opposed to know times if you have diesel with diesel the truck gets lighter and lighter as it goes along. but the electric the battery is so big up to cap the payload up or we would rebuild every bridge and roadway in america to carry the weight. think of that. it sounds like a simple statement. i said to them, i met with all the truckers are going to be out of business with this whole thing. you talk about supply chain wait until you see this. so how long of you been in business? he said 50 years.

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i said wow. he said they started off with one truck. i think he has 29000 now. like one of the biggest. from a one truck to 29. you know that type of guy. amazing. every single year i bought trucks i always about them they got better and better. they got stronger. they got bigger. they got more beautiful. they got much more efficient to a point where we have things that are so good now. you will be proud to live in them. we built apartments in the back. they go in the apartment in the back do you notice? these guys live in their to the said sir i know you're rich but you be proud to live. he said they just got so good if they force us to go to electric trucks nobody would be able to economically. we would go back 60 years because we would not be able to

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drive. six stops versus no stops. right there it does not work. right there. new york to los angeles six stops versus no stops. they want to put these guys out of business. i like to say the republican party has become conservative where this for that were a lot of things. it's basically the party of common sense. we need fair elections, we need walls, we need borders. the two things that work to democrats even nowadays say it, kamala did not want walls at all for it she was always fighting me on the walls. i ended up taking the money from the military i said this is an invasion i built hundreds of miles of wall. this is an invasion of the country we are being invaded. why do some things have to be so complicated?

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hostages. i am jon scott now back to "life, libery & levin." it ♪ ♪ to be six virtually everything you are talking about, is about saving america. saving america from an ideology. that is really crazy, crazy. but i want the audience to understand something. we've bewe been sitting here fon hour. you can talk from subject to subject, knowledgeable, you are not raising your voice. you are willing to do it pretty

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much with anybody. friend and foe alike. you are willing to do it anywhere whether it's the bronx, philadelphia, detroit, whether it suburbia, rural. conversely you are writing a get somebody who is now deigned the american people with her appearance with one interview. you want to do multiple more debates. she says no to fox. everything has to be to her liking and her way. she is concealing information. she has been highly prepped about certain types of propaganda to use. it is important for people to see this. when you were in the oval office, when you were making decisions a zillion people a day coming and everybody has a priority. you've got wars going on, things going on in all of these things going on. you are allowing people to see the measure of the man.

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is this how you conducted yourself? you brought people in you wanted to talk with them and understand the positions and then you would say okay look, let's use common sense of principles with common sense. let me figure this out. the american people a lot want to know how do you come by your decisions and how do you manage in the oval office? >> i learned like a talk about the truckers. i learned about trucks by talking to them in five minutes i knew as much as i'm going to have to know to make decisions that are going to be earth shattering for transportation, for moving cargo and moving a lot of other things. i learned from having interaction some politicians do not have interaction. some politicians are not smart and can't have interactions. i think you have an obligation as a president to let the public know. even from the standpoint let the

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country know how great our country is. yesterday i went to a terrible terrible situation with the afghanistan as you know 13 people killed. many horrifically injured. those parents are wiped out they are devastated on something that should never have happened. this should not have left from the local airport. they should have done so much different. they should have had the soldiers taken out last most importantly. abdul was not bothering us that. he was not going after us. he was the head of the taliban. he would have left the soldiers i could see somebody going up to abdul, a tough guy, the american soldiers have left and he probably said there is no way, are you stupid? there is no way they left. abdul, they left, they left, no way. then he checked and said they left.

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what did they leave? american hostages they left americans behind. they lift tens of billions of dollars of the best equipment in the world behind. we lost 13 soldiers. we have 45 of them horrifically hurt i don't mean hurt i mean like the arm is gone, the legs gone, the face of glitter a did. and there is none of that. this never would have happened because i was getting out but we were going to get out their dignity and strength are going to keep the airport. because of its relationship not to afghanistan but to china one hour away. >> china let me ask about china. some people think it's the greatest threat we have. you have said he is no fool. he worked his way up the ladder, there he is and he is in charge. they're massivthere massively bp

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their military. conventional and nuclear. >> with our money. and with i guess iran's money. their navy is now bigger than ours. if you are elected, do you feel we are going have to rebuild our military because our military has been zapped as it seems to be as it was under o under obama? by zapped i mean our troops do not have the equipment they need. our sailors do not have the equipment we need. morale is very low. people are not joining up. do you feel we have to rebuild the military again? what they announce six ships are going to be drydock too. not because the ships are bad but because they cannot get the sailors they cannot get the sailors. they also announce a very low on ammunition when when i came in they announced they had no ammunition by said number one who is the stupid person saying

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you could tell a couple of people. that want to say the giving to all of our people all over the world. in particular ukraine were giving them massive millions of dollars. i rebuilt our military all in four years. i had great people. i had a great people doing this i respect our ammunition. so much ammunition it was coming out the gills as they say. we have missiles. now we don't have ammunition. how would you like to be president xi sitting there saying america has no ammunition? we are so vulnerable. with that being said, i think there is no greater critic of china then me. but i respected china and i respected president xi and i had a great relationship with him. they took advantage of us and why shouldn't they? if we were stupid enough to let them do it there's hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

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$507 billion most years over that time, now it is more. i had them down to a much smaller. massive tariffs on them. again nobody got any money from china. i got billions, hundreds of billions of dollars from china. i think we will have a good relationship. i would rather have a good relationship. i am saying this and i hope president xi is watching he will in one form or another whether he is watching or will be told. we'll have a good relationship in china. we'll have a good relationship with everybody. russia never would have happened. i had a very good relationship with putin. and it would never ever happened if i were president. is zerzero chance. he understood that. ♪

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mark: i think people confuse the fact we do see say i get alongh them, that somehow you are not going to look out for america. >> is just the opposite. mark: they purposely project that he says he i is going to gt along with for the purpose of safety. >> of not being in wars. but, i got along with them. like russia building the largest pie plate in the world. i terminated it. nobody ever heard of it. you might've heard but not to make people did. i determined that it is a pipeline that was going to service all of europe, germany in particular i said what are you doing were defending you with nato and you are giving the people that are defending you against billions of dollars a month? what kind of deal is this and i ended it. nobody was tougher on russia than me. but we were having a problem. you had adam shift each shift and all these bad people including hilary and others coming up with this russia hoax.

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i told putin it is a shame. we could have done a lot of business in the countries together but this whole fake thing going on and he understood that. he said it's a fake deal. he actually said to me it's tough to make a deal now i said you are right it is tough. they create a fake and narrative russia, russia, russia hoax. it was a hoax. we could've had a much different relationship with russia. between obama and biden bait push rustheypush russia into thf china. i have always said that would be the worst thing that could happen in terms of the world. but russia is a natural enemy of china because of the land is not friends because biden and obama not because of me. i would've gone a lot faster, not because of me. russia would never have gone into ukraine.

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china paid me hundreds of billions of dollars and then they say it you're soft on china. i remember president xi sent you are soft on me i would hate to see if you are bad. by the way putin said the exact same thing. if you are soft i'd hate to see a bad prayer this is a good thing the he said he gets along with them great. this is a good think this is a smart thing. we have the enemy outside which would be the very standard countries. we have the enemy from within we have very sick people from within. the people who go around indicting their political opponents, especially when their political opponent did not want to do it to them did not have done it so easy. i did not want to do it i thought it would have been so bad you try to bring unity can you imagine the president of the united states, his wife being put in a jail cell someplace who is also secretary of state? but their thinking is different

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but honestly they are very vicious people and are very bad for our country. ♪ protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain.

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♪ ♪. mark: kamala harris is attacking

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tariffs she says is a middle-class tax increases. did they repeal your tariffs? >> no, no. mark: had biden not talk about adding more tariffs? lexi is talking about it now because of so much money. i got it right on tariffs. mark: why would you be raising on taxes on the middle class for tariffs that they would not? >> is not a tax on us as a tax on other country. if you look at mckinley he was a great president he made the country rich probably the richest we ever were relatively. he tax countries for coming in and taking our jobs. for bringing us their product. for taking away our factories because they would make it. and he would tax them is called a tariff. it is not a tax on people. i hadn't billions of dollars of tariffs on china no other president took in anything. billions and billions of dollars. we had no inflation permit the best economy we've ever had. the best economy we ever had.

8:53 pm

because of the amount of the tariffs i stopped china from dumping steel heard they were destroying our steel industry. and i stopped at them i put a 50% tariff on all china still coming in. it saved the people in the steel industry love me. now that is gone because we have been so bad. we have been so bad. but the one thing they want to end the tariffs because they want to do favors to the people they gave him money. in some cases they're very dishonest working for us and you see that every day. but it is so much money that biden has not been able to get rid of the tariffs. if you put tariffs on as an example, mexico with the cars coming in they will build the car factories united states and said building them in mexico. right now china is building to major car companies to biggest manufacturing plants. the biggest may be anywhere in the world. a friend of mine did that he built cars.

8:54 pm

this i his respect if you asked them to go across the street he can't do it but he can build the greatest car factory you've ever seen, all robotic. they're building these massive car factories. the building that meant mexico. what i do is tax them if they want to send cars in. because, if they allow those cars to pour in here with no tax, no anything you are not going to have any jobs in detroit anywhere in michigan you're not going have jobs for it anywhere in south carolina and all the places we build cars. already, i stopped at during my years. over the last 30 years we have lost 57% of our car manufacturing business. i will bring every one of those jobs back. all i have to do is say i am sorry, you can build us cars but you've got to build them in the united states. and they will do it. we have a lot of potential. we have tremendous potential paid we can save our country but she gets elected our country is finished.

8:55 pm

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8:57 pm

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8:58 pm

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8:59 pm

ask your doctor about building new bone with evenity®. >> book goes through the presidency, campaign, family and life. save america. i want the american people to know in the book, save america, you will be able to see the fantastic photographs, see everything that we've discussed and more, your personal life. so, i don't interview you much. i try not to bother you. but i want to thank you for sitting down with us. i think this is a very crucial time in american history, i want to do my little bit to make sure that american people can hear from you directly about what you feel and how you think, thank you, mr. president.

9:00 pm

>> thank you, mark. >> what is remarkable, i don't know of another politician certainly not at a national level who could spend two hours discussing any issue, taking on any issue. and doing it in a substantive way, compelling way. in a thoughtful way, that is donald trump, he is running against someone who only does interviews if she likes the person that is interviewing her, if she is sitting with her running mate, if it is edited, a big difference, get the book, you are going do love it. i hoped you liked our show, see you next time on "life, liberty and levin"

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