FOX and Friends Saturday : FOXNEWSW : August 31, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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a harley? >> we're going to see this hair that they. some relax and bring some peen. ohpe, all right. >> it's still daytime. yeah. so that was before still d skinned it? >> yes, exactly. all right, emily, you're up.alli all right, guys. well, you got to you might remember back in frow maugust this chair in august of 2020, i told you about this very ohisy nonprofit, canine hurricanes, heroes dedicated to bringingiald veterinary care, to retired working canines after a white house intruder was taken down by ca on live television by canine hurricane. the vet billnis for these only four legged heroes are only covered while they're working, but many have to medicallyd whid retire due to injuries sustained on the job, protecting their handlers, takinguesustaion the jprotec bur in brutal assaults like hurricanes. l assaults like is now stepping up. go to canine heroes. dawn. is n ♪ ♪

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[national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪

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[cheers and applause] pete: if your photos, our nation's anthem on the final day of august, august 31st, year of our lord, 2024, and here we are at 6 a.m. we're ready. i think we're ready. maybe. rachel or, good to see you. rachel: i'm ready, but i'm not ready. by the way, good morning, joey. i'm not ready for summer to be over. i notice people had all these photos of their boats and water skiing and feel -- taking kids tubing. my kids start school next week, and i'm just not ready. i love summer so much, joey. joey: down south we start early, andin know -- i didn't know that

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until i started coming up here. august 6th is when we start, i had at least five things we didn't do this her -- rachel: like what is? joey: i wanted to do a weekend trip to the beach, just stuff like that, fun things i wanted to do with my kids in between my son being a fanatic about his running and going to the the running camp and stuff like that. we didn't have time -- rachel: it went like this. joey: yeah, there wasn't enough summer for us. pete: running camp. i've got four kids playing cross country, so i get it. i love the running thing. joey: it's a. >> christian camp. it's in northeast georgia. i'll tell you about it. they had a couple of limp januaries there, and that's what he does, cross country. rachel: i love it. pete: it's good to have you this morning. we've got a 4-hour tour, buckle up. if you were watching the channel last night, you may have seen president donald trump took to the stage in washington, d.c. for, i believe, the third annual

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moms for liberty convention. hay talked about a wide range of subjects in a way that kamala harris -- [laughter] never would. on stage, unscripted with someone who's asking you questions on anything. it's never going to the happen. but he did that, spoke to the group of supports of byron donalds, you recognize him. and he talked about that big moment just a couple of days ago where kamala harris did that big interview we have all been waiting for for 40 days which was underwhelming, to say the least, and here is president trump talking about kamala harris' big interview. >> she's not good at it, i guess, and they do that. they did something we didn't know. i think she would have been better off if she did interviews and they weren't great. she's defective, she's this defective person, and we don't need another defective person as president of the united states. [cheers and applause] if. rachel: yeah. it wasn't the most impressive

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interview that kamala harris did. the last time she did an interview like that sitting down, remember she had that clip, just be woke who. whatever you do, be woke. [laughter] and -- pete: i never stop being woke. rachel: yeah. so he had some fun mocking that. but he got down down to some serious stuff with this moms for liberty. as you guys know, i love these ladies. they're the quiet champions of our country. they're the ones who are fight for our kids in our schools and getting attacked for it, often getting investigated by the fbi for it. and so here's donald trump saying who wouldn't be for presential rights? listen. >> i'm for parental rights all the way. i don't even understand the concept of not being. do parents truly love kids? some of these people on the boards, i think they don't like the kids very much, what they're doing. so you have to give the rights back to the parents. >> they called us domestic

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terrorists, president trump. >> can you believe it? well, we'll change that on the first day, i promise you. [cheers and applause] rachel: yeah. joey: yeah, you know, i mean, pete -- well, all three of us have gone through the rigors of where do we put our kids in school, where are our priorities? i think we probably have all three found different types of schools to send our kids to but with the same priorities. i had a chance to brag on my kids' public school last time was up here hosting, but not every parent has that understood. not every state allows for school choice, and there's a lot of reasons why parents are not up in arms, but concerned and say, you know what? this is my primary if issue. i'd love for the economy to be better, the border to be secure, but i don't want my kids to be indoctrinated. i don't want to lose my kids before i have a chance to the share with them the kind of person i think they should be. so for donald trump to show up and speak, it's just another

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opportunity to the hear him talk in a long list of them. to go back to the to the kamala harris interview real quick, they introd the second segment with what was equivalent to a political ad for kamala harris. dan that is reading -- dana is reading, she was a prosecutor, an attorney general, and there's these clips of her getting applause. and then it cuts to donald trump and he's at that now-famous or infamous sit-down he did with the association of black journalists, and basically, it's just a clip of him saying kamala isn't black. so the idea there is they used that against him as this juxtaposition -- rachel: instead of saying kamala didn't show up to that interview. joey: that's the irony. that's why they had that clip, because he'll sit down and talk to anyone to get his message out. pete: joey, they tried to -- is hard to prop her up as much as they could, but that interview burst -- i mean, that changed the whole -- look at the betting

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markets on the presidential campaign. kamala harris is up 3 points today if you're betting -- rachel: you're saying that can -- i thought the analysis was that she did no damage to the herself, so it was neutral. pete: bubble's burst. i think she's toast. and -- [laughter] i'm not saying the election's over. rachel: no, you're saying -- pete: i'm saying the bubble's burst. the honeymoon was long, and the media with loved it and hay a fawn pd. she came out one time, and it was terrible. and service the exactly who we -- it was exactly who we know she is, who her campaign knows she is, who the media knows she is. this is a whole different race now because what do you do? do you do less of it and play into the carrick ca capture? joey: that's what they'll do. pete: but they built it up, they created the expectations for this interview, and because they turned it into the super bowl, we all watched. and leak when joe biden debated trump, that's all we've got? i think they've got big

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problems. rachel: and the worst answer was the first one, which everyone watched. joey: the worst answer was describing breakfast. rachel: oh, yeah! joey: we got more detail about that breakfast than any policy position -- rachel: so funny you said that. i was talking to the producers this morning, and i said people aren't talking enough about the filibustering on the breakfast. [laughter] what happened when biden called you? i was making bacon, and i was serving my niece, and she was sitting at the table and is we were making a puzzle. what is going on here? pete: i do that a lot on this show when i don't have anything else to say, i speak at length -- [laughter] about unnecessary details, okay? [background sounds] if she knew she could9 set the scene on the bacon, and so she went on and on about breakfast otherwise she'd have to the answer a serious policy -- rachel: it wasn't just breakfast. it was maternal, i don't have kids, but i feel so maternal. there was a lot she was trying

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to pack in there. pete: then you get asked day one what are you going to do, and she can't -- rachel: she can't answer. pete: i think the whole race vet in an interesting way. rachel: there's another to topic, you guys, that's grabbing people's attention. we talked about it yesterday on "fox & friends" when i filled in for ainsley as well. this story is terrible. the venezuelan gangs that our show has been very, very outspoken about and talking about that have come through the southern border have now -- they're not, it's not just that they're harassing are residents. they've literally taken over this building. pete: that looks like a nice -- rachel: they're commandeering the building. basically, normal residents left, and there's a lot of illegals in there and other americans in there, by the way. and the gang is collecting rent as if they own the building. this is a new level of things we've never seen.

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you know when they say we're turning into the with third world, this is what we're talking about. there's a city councilwoman who's been bringing attention to this. she's been getting no attention, but because there was a ring video and this video that you're seeing here, it's finally getting some attention. this is a facebook post by the mayor of aurora, mike cough learning he says the city is preparing documents to request an emergency court order to clear the apartment building by declaring the property a criminal nuisance. in the meantime, the law enforcement task force set up to disrupt and arrest venezuelan gang members in these buildings will continue its operations. meanwhile, residents of the apartment say they just couldn't get the help they wanted. listen. >> on this particular date, it was really bad. and, buts it is not by any means an isolated occurrence,

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unfortunately. i have months, almost a year and a half worth of footage from six separate cameras. they don't want to admit that they're part of the problem. it's the administration. who we count on to to make the rules for us, to make the guidelines that we go by. i call 911, no help comes for me. nobody showed up to help me. i didn't have a bulletproof vest is. i didn't have five officers showing up with me whenever there was a problem. we were on our own, and we were left to die. >> wow. >> these people have no registration in this country. joey: that's amazing. you look at that video, and tear standing with long rifles. i believe she's the one that took that video -- rachel: correct. joey: that is her video that she's put out there. this isn't new. there's a community outside of houston that's basically been taken over by the cartels. this isn't the only place this is happening. we've got video and witness account accounts to talk about it, but this is a problem

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that'll continue to to persist. pete: you're going to let in venezuelan gangsters, what do you think's to going to happen is? they're going to the open a lawful business and compete for customers? [laughter] no. rachel: right. pete: they're going to extort and intimidate. and they find the most vulnerable people to do it, and i'm glad these residents are able to somehow get information out, because the governor of colorado's denying it. rachel: well, he's actually criticizing the city council member saying she's giving the city a bad name by -- pete: democrats. rachel: there are four other buildings that have now been taken over. by the way, do you remember when i went to the border and and spoke with the chiltons who their ranch was take then over -- taken over? pete: yeah. rachel: think about that. their entire life was dictated by the cartels coming over. you guys saw firsthand how 3,000 people were coming over, they had videos. all the stuff they had to do and change their lives to accommodate for the open border policy that brought those people

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onto their property. this is colorado. it's moving up, you guys. this is happening. it's going to happen in your neighborhood if something isn't done. joey: every state a border state. rachel: yeah. joey: hockey fans are paying tribute to the nf dnhl star johnny if gawd row and his brother matthew. rachel: killed just hours before their sister's wedding. pete: chanley painter joins us with more. >> reporter: hey, guys, shock waves around the hockey community as a fans come together to mourn the loss of 7-time nhl all-star and father of two johnny gau dr. eau and a dad to be, matthew, in ohio a memorial built outside of nationwide arena and in new jersey, a makeshift memorial grows at the site where the brothers were cycling together thursday evening when they were struck and killed by a suspected drunk driver. police say 43-year-old sean

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higgins, who admitted to having 5-6 beers before the fatal incident, was behind the wheel before he attempted to pass two other vehicles before striking the brothers behind. in a virtual court appearance, higgins appeared to sigh with exasperation when he learned he would be held in jail through next week. watch this. >> i'm here til thursday? >> yes, sir. statutes and court rules require me to hold you over for a minimum of 72 hours before your hearing because we have a weekend and we have a monday holiday, 72 hours becomes thursday. >> reporter: yeah. and that court appearance happening around the same time that the brothers were set to be groomsmen at their sister's wedding, an event now canceled in light of this tragedy. the family saying in part, out, we want to know everyone -- to let everyone know we continue your thoughts and prayer, we is can if for your continued

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respect. coming up next hour, the brothers' former hockey coach will join you guys here on fox and frerntionz guys. pete: so tragic. chanley, thank you. we turn now to a few additional headlines starting with a fox news alert. seven u.s. service members are many stable condition after a thursday raid on isis terrorists in western iraq. a u.s. defense official saying, quote, one of the wounded was evacuated for further treatment, two additional evacuated. 15 isis fighters were killed in the raid. new overnight, special counsel jack smith filing a joint status report with president trump's attorneys leaving the trial timeline for his election interference case up to the judge. he just can't quit. requesting guidance and a court

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ruling, smith's team asking the judge to streamline her decision on trump's attempts to dismiss the case but isn't pushing to take it to trial before the election. both sides are set to return to court on thursday. now to a record-breaking night of women's basketball. caitlin clark scoring a clear high3 1 points against angel rees -- 311 points --3 11 points. >> chicago's been trying to find a way to get rachel the ball. that's one way. >> caitlin clark has a -- pete: reese notching her or 23rd double-double with 10 points and 11 boards, breaking the rookie double-double and rebound records, but her team still fell to the indiana fever 100-8 81. kate lin reese, the rivalry -- caitlin-reese, the rivalry, like magic and bird. joey: is it? i don't know anything about basketball. pete: i don't think it's at the

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same level, but -- they don't think so either. rachel: you're just looking for a -- pete: just for fun. [laughter] exactly. i'm trying to instigate here, rachel. i don't think it's going to work. rachel: let's check in with adam, he's live at penn -- ahead of penn state versus west virginia game today on fox. hey, adam, how you doing? [cheers and applause] adam: it is like a holiday out here because college football is back! [cheers and applause] out near morgantown, west virginia, the people are excited. it's, like, 5:30 in the morning, people started lining up. it's 6 a.m., the game's at noon. [cheers and applause] wait, and west virginia's taking the on penn state. how do we feel about penn state? [background sounds] [laughter] yeah, we do not like penn state out here. this is something i've been learning, which i love. if i say let's go -- >> [inaudible] adam: if i say let's go -- >> [inaudible] adam: all right.

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let's talk to somebody. did you sleep at all last night or, like, what's the plan here? it's so early. do you get a really good night rest? do you just stay up all night? what's the play? >> wake up and just get here. adam: just wake up and get here. this is going to be such a fun morning. i'm excited about it. college football is back, and what was it -- let's go -- >> [inaudible] adam: oh, i love. we're going to have so much fun out here this morning, guys. for now, tossing it back -- pete: go -- >> [inaudible] joey: morgantown, west virginia ready to go. pete: it's early, that's what they've got. rachel: should you be allowed to have that much pun if you're at work? joey: maybe not at 6 a.m. rachel: i mean, i'm not saying you guys aren't fun -- [laughter] pete: i mean, the return of college football, as joey can attest to, as much more of a lifelong fan than me, it's a big

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deal. rachel: yeah, i know. pete: more than the nfl. rachel: you're ready to say good-bye to summer just so you can have football. pete: summer's over. joey: it's hunting season, football, fall is by far the best season. pete: i agree with you. joey: yeah. trump is targeting kamala harris' flip-flops saying pennsylvania is too smart to fall for this back and forth. >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. [applause] i would not ban fracking. as vice president, i did not ban fracking. as president, i will not ban fracking. right price. and right now you can save big on the latest whirlpool appliances. like the new whirlpool range with wipeclean™ coating that makes it easy to focus more on the cooking... and less on the mess. shop lowe's now for great labor day deals. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred...

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♪ ♪ >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning frack. [applause] >> i would not ban frack. as vice president, i did not ban frack. as president, i will not ban fracking. pete: kamala harris appearing -- not appealer, she makes a complete u-turn on energy, and president trump is not going to let it slide in the keystone state. >> then they start playing crips. -- clips. we will always ban fracking, there will never be fracking. the people of pennsylvania are smart. they're not going to fall for it. we were emergency independent four years ago. look what happened. we're energy -- we're going to

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be energy dominant very soon is. pete: the president and ceo of jwf industries also spoke at trump's rally in pennsylvania, and he joins us now. bill, thanks for being here. you know, kamala harris is counting on the fact that she can hoodwink people. well, i may have said that before, but i don't believe that today. for folks in pennsylvania who are involved in this industry or around that in the industrial base in manufacturing, which you are, how do they feel about what kamala harris would actually do? >> well, first of all, we're not stupid, number one. [laughter] you can't say something ten times and then say something different the eleventh i'm and we think, oh, that's the actual truth. we know damn well she's far left. we know shah -- that she's very liberal. they're against any fracking, and the sad part is our costs since donald trump has been out of office ors our energy costs have gone up, our jobs have gone down in the fracking industry. you know, it was a wonderful

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thing where you had a fracking industry that was robust. it created jobs, it brought our utility costs down, it brought our gas prices down to our homes, you know? it's just ridiculous to think a the average american, the average pennsylvanian is stupid and going to think, oh, all of a sudden now she's flipped. pete: bill, we know the race to the white house goes through pennsylvania. we hear about this issue of fracking. how significant is, you know, horizontal fracture in pennsylvania? is this the a small issue, or is this really something that people resonate with? >> no, it's a very big issue, and i anytime affects everybody across the state. it affects, you know, obviously the people working in that industry, it affects the price at the pump, it affects the gas prices at your home. ate effects, you know, my concern it affects my cost to manufacture, and, of course, we build things in the oil and gas industry. we haven't had an order since

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six months since biden and harris took over office, you know? it's just at the pointer where you're hurting manufacturing. she says she wants to help manufacturing, help the middle class. it's the exact opposite. that's who the hell it is, the middle a class, that she's affecting. p. pete: yeah. it's all duplicitous. their policies crack down on your industry, and then sudden hi they want to help you or address inflation. your senate candidate there, dave mccormick, put out a couple of graphics about the cost of things in pennsylvania which are that much more expense if i. let me know, is in your expensive? if you want a 6-inch hoegy e from wawa, it's almost doubled. if you want a beer at a pittsburgh steelers game, it's up by $.70, and a cheese -- $1.70. and is in your experience ooh the. >>? are people voting on this?

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>> yeah, or they are. you know, the average pennsylvanian lives paycheck to paycheck. they go to the grocery store, and now they've got to to decide what type of groceries they're going to buy or maybe some of the senior citizens ared s doing whether they can afford their medicine or pay for food. mean, it's the ability whether you can live, and it's just gottenly deck louse. yes, we see that same thing. not to mention go buy a hamburger today. it's up 50%. pete: yeah, and then they want -- >> she says it's a 3% increase, she's bragging about it's only 3% more. that's over the 20% they've already increased, you know, with inflation, so it's the ridiculous. pete: correct. we brought inflation down to 3%. what about the 40 i see in all my other items which we all experience? good luck to russell wilson and your squad this year. >> yeah. we hope he's our favorite player. pete: hey, he's done it before,

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we'll see. all right, the illegal immigrant accused of murdering laken riley now asking that crucial evidence be excluded from his trial. what it means for the case amid the search for justice. (in atrocious french) au revoir mon amour. a bientot let's work on that french, shall we? (♪) au revoir mon amour. a bientot (in perfect french) au revoir mon amour. a bientot (♪) sure, i'm a paid actor, and this is not a real company, but there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. search talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills you may not have in house. more than 30% of the fortune 500 use upwork because this is how we work now.

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chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. ♪ joey: the illegal immigrant suspected in the killing of georgia college student laken riley is now asking to suppress if multiple pieces of evidence ahead of the trial because his lawyers say it was all taken illegally. that includes two cell phones, genetic and physical information, social media data and even his google location data. here to react, former federal prosecutor andrew cherkasky. andrew, thank you forking being here. for being here. i don't understand how they can say this evidence, even if it was taken illegally, the dnc a evidence -- dna evidence seems

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important to the case. does that really risk the opportunity to prosecute this guy? >> well, despite laken riley's accused killer being an illegal alien, he will be afforded the full rights of our constitution. and so with that we will see his defense counseling file whatever motions or whatever efforts they can to defend their client as we typically do in these cases. just because he's filed a motion to suppress this evidence doesn't mean it's a particularly strong issue or that they're going to win this issue. this is quite ordinary in a manner of this complexity, and when he's facing these very grave charges. i think it's too early to come to a conclusion that this is going to go badly for the prosecution or something along that line, especially with the dna. it sounds like the dna they're challenging because it hasn't excluded another person as well. that's the sort of thing that a jury can sort through that a judge typically won't keep the evidence from going forward to the jury. so i see this case moving forward. i think that this evidence is going to come in largely.

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there's more litigation that has to happen with regard to what exactly is going to come in and what might be kept out by the judge. joey: do you have any idea what makes them say these pieces of information were taken unlawfully? is it he wasn't read his miranda rights or there wasn't an interpretersome can you pontificate on what those facts are? >> sure. they're saying there's a lack of probable cause. that causes me to think when the police got there, they're alleging that the police were just kind of randomly plucking him and saying that he was the suspected killer or that in getting the search warrants, they were putting too many pieces of the puzzle together without enough evidence. that's the sort of thing that i think the judge is going to have to sort through quite deeply, the reports on this or the specifics of what the defense is saying hasn't been made public as far as i can tell at this point. the prosecution will get a chance to the respond to the all of this, and there will be a formal hearing to this. so this is just kind of the

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initiation of the complaint saying that there wasn't probable if cause for the various search pieces that occurred during the course of the investigation. joey: so the trial isn't until if november. say these pieces of evidence arewet held from trial. is there -- withheld from trial. is there enough evidence to get a conviction here? >> there is pretty overwhelming evidence with the number of different things that happened during the murder, before the murder and afterwards. and so i think that the prosecutors are going to have a mountain of evidence to bring against the accused killer. the problem, ultimately, comes in if the judge were to keep some of this evidence out, what would the prosecution do. there are appellate options that they can take prior to trial if it's something that would essentially change the nature of the case. so i think there's a lot to be done here, and the prosecution's got a strong case. joey: yeah. andrew, or thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure, thank you. joey: yes, sir. blackouts across maduro's venezuela. our next guest argues there's a

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sinister story behind them. plus, brazil issuing a total ban on elon musk's x because he won't back down on free speech. and we're going to check in with adam klotz live in morgantown, west virginia, for week one of college football on fox. ♪ if the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic automatically responds to snoring. so, no more hiding under your pillow. because this system actually detects snoring, then adjusts to help reduce it. don't miss our biggest sale of the year, with savings up to $700 on select adjustable mattress sets.

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college football season, and west virginia is taking on number 8-ranking penn state at home, and -- 8-ranked penn state at a home ahead of the big noon kickoff on fox. adam klotz is there. feeling good. adam: yeah, of course, i'm feeling good. this is, like, a national holiday -- [cheers and applause] and i'm learning so much about morgantown, west virginia. for example, if i say let's go -- >> [inaudible] adam: if i say let's go -- >> [inaudible] adam: it's like a superpower i have. i found someone who's really brave. we have a couple of nittany lions fans. are you nervous if being around this crowd? what do you think's going to the happen? >> no, honestly, the west virginia crowd has been more welcoming than i expected. adam: that's very nice. he's just trying to butter them up. do you guys have a saying as well? so if i say -- what's your saying? >> we say we are, and it's followed up by penn state. adam: we are -- >> penn state. adam: we are -- >> penn state.

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adam: a let's go -- >> [inaudible] adam: we were out here so early, the game's at noon, we were out here at 3:30, 4 a.m., and you were the first person i saw. what time did you get out here? if. >> 4:00. adam: what are you out here for? >> i'm here for mgk. adam: i'll throw it back to you, but we've got a lot to be excited about it. one more time, let's go -- >> round here! adam: this is so much fun. i have superpowers! >> mount nears! pete: fox's big noon kickoff, by the way, airs live starting at 10a.m. we're going to check back in with mr. let's go later in the morning. a few additional headlines starting with this, president trump defending -- posing for photos at arlington national cemetery. here's another hoax they're

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pushing on him, insisting he was invited by the families of the service members killed three years ago at a abbey gate in afghanistan. >> mine, i'm not surprised, i never even thought about it. sir, would it be possible for you to have a picture with us by the tombstone the of my son? i said, absolutely. i wasn't doing it for -- i don't need publicity. i get a lot of publicity. pete: the army says an employee at arlington was pushed aside -- this is all from anonymous sources, by the way -- by a member of trump's team after a dispute about a photographer in section 600, but the trump campaign says no physical altercation occurred. can congressman michael waltz was with former president trump at arlington and says the backlash is bogus. >> made-up reaction is one of the most despicable things i've seen. trump's amendment the originally was not going to let the media that travels with rump the out of the van at all -- with trump -- and they said we would

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like that because we want this moment captured for all of history. the families wanted them down in section 60. they deserve to have the whatever they want. pete: house democrats are now requesting a full report of the incident from the army. this is the latest hoax, call it the arlington hoax. it's all because he was there and kamala and joe weren't. and so they've got to go after him for it. and now we're moving on to the labor day weekend travel already off to a rocky start as hundreds of flights are already delayed or canceled this morning. the tsa bracing to screen more than 17 million americans this busy holiday weekend as the summer travel season comes the an en. rachel, did you hear that? rachel: i know. pete: coming to an end. and those are your headlines. let's turn now to chief meet -- oh, there he is, he's right over there. rick: right on the other side of this camera. i'm with you, rachel, summer doesn't have to be ore over just

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because it's labor day. it is not over down across the south, although we are going to see some batches of cold make their way in. 600 in fargo, a couple of big storms we're watching. this right here is a front that's going to cause severe weather later on in the day and usher in a little cooler air as well. but our bigger problem is this moisture down across parts of the gulf. this is going to be with us the next couple of days, it's going to bring really heavy rain all through the weekend. so if you maybe had some beach plans down around some of the texas beaches, not going to be a nice one at all. same towards or louisiana, alabama, mississippi as well. take a look at this later on in the afternoon, severe weather cutting right across the ohio valley. rachel, over to you. rachel: thank you, rick. well, a massive power outage hitting venezuela yesterday amid political fallout from nicolas maduro's bogus re-election last month, his government even blaming the opposition saying, quote, this is a constant strategy of the opposition, the

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enemies of this country, to impact the population. as if the population controls the power -- the. [laughter] the power factories. but others say it's all pant of the regime's plan, pointing out that this happened in 2019 during a similar period of unrest. the founder of dissident project and manhattan institute the fellow danielty martin kno joins us now. expected that he's blaming the opposition instead of, you know, the ineptitude of his government who has nationalized many of the utilities. i want to play this from maria who we had on last week who is the heart and the voice of the opposition in florida. -- in venezuela. here's what she said is happening right now. i want to get your reaction. >> maduro's response to this huge defeat was to to unleash a campaign of terror. this has been brutal. over 2,000 people have been arrested or disappeared.

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edmundo and myself, we've been accused of terrorists. we will keep on fighting. rachel: what's the status of these protests, and how could these outages affect it? >> well, what's funny is that if we really had enough power to to shut down the electricity in the country, maybe maduro wouldn't be in power anymore, right? but he is. this is all concocted committees excuse. what he's doing is shutting down the power so people cannot if communicate. even mobile data is not working in many participants of the country. so he can arrest and disappear people. he's continuing operation knock knock, he's going after the rural parts of the country half even less electricity. my family doesn't have electricity right now in venezuela. people are charging their phones in the state the with power stations that they built, like, burning gasoline. and in a country that that used to have the most electricity, that used to have the largest hydroelectric plant in the world, that has the most oil, there's no electricity the.

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milton friedman said there would be no sand in five years in the sahara desert. now we have no oil, no electricity, we have nothing. this is why you are cannot give absolute power to the government, because they will weaponize it against you. rachel: yeah, fascinating. i thought it was just that they weren't managing things welsh but you saying it's -- well, but you're saying it's also being used as a repression, the utilities. great stuff. what's happening in brazil is fascinating and i think has a lot of -- it's sort of a foreshadowing of what could happen here. so a brazilian judge has a banned x in brazil and is warning anyone if caught using vpn to excess x -- access x could be fined $9 ,000 a day. what's going on and what does it mean for us? >> well, what it means is that we are seeing more and more governments use their power to try to censor the only social media that is not owned by some

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of theiral lie, right? since elon musk took over twitter, now suddenly, or there's no censorship, we already know that mark zuckerberg admitted in congress that he was censoring because the government was requesting it. the the government is requesting that elon musk censor some people because they don't like what they say. that's what's coming here. the fcc, the biden administration is going to try to cent corps -- censor x and try to ban it, and it's really scary, right? at least we have somebody who's advocating for us in the social media space, but we can not allow brazil to try to imposes their laws on the rest of the world. rachel: yeah. i think we need to get to the bottom of where our country is actually supporting brazil, enabling brazil in this censorship because we've seen this kind of censorship, as you very aptly said, right here in the united states. and we even saw that with tiktok. so we need to have our own free speech censorship discussion here in the united states. daniel, great stuff. thanks a lot.

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>> thank you. rachel: you got it. it's time to break out the bowling shoes. we're hitting the lanes next. ♪ ♪ ♪ whenever heartburn strikes, get fast relief with tums. it's time to love food back. also try new tums gummy bites.

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joey: welcome back. we're celebrating national bowling day this month, and this weekend kicks off the start of the the fall bowling league season. pete: and we have our own bowling lanes right here on fox square. new and improved. joey: yes, we do. pete: kevin krause is here with us. kevin, thanks for being here. you upgraded this just for us this year. >> we did. fantastic video screens and part of what happens at a bowling center in america today. yeah, we're excited to be here. appreciate it. rachel: bowling is growing. like, talk to me about a just how much americans love bowling. >> over 60 million people bowl every year in the unite which ih is a participate story -- participatory support. people do things together as family -- pete: i think there's not a lot of sports you can do with a 3-year-old, and actually i hurt my back, so is maybe not 55-year-old -- >> yeah.

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we describe it at 4-100. so, yeah, it's a family support sport and a lot of fun -- family sport. joey: when we talk about bowling, listen, a little bit handicapped here, but i find my way. you're a 4-year-old automatic way to 104-year-old. what is it about bowling that makes everyone attracted to it? >> number one, it's fun, which is important. it's good to be able to have fun together as a group -- rachel: it's competitive. >> it is. even if your not good, it's competitive. rachel: yeah. rick: and there's no longer smoking in the bowling alley, that helps. pete: that's a bummer. [laughter] [inaudible conversations] joey: my mom is a junior pro boarl. she just went to reno for a big convention and came back -- >> oh, or yeah. the ladies' nationals. pete: it's given herr -- joey: it's given her purpose in retirement. pete: you can rip a cig and -- [laughter] rachel: let's do that the here. >> looking forward to you guys

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getting on the lane -- pete: we're going to the come out and bowl ourselves. rachel: these guys hate this competition because i usually win it. >> and i notice you have your own shoes. pete: you grew up bowling -- rachel: the bowling association people gave me these shoes, and i bring them out -- pete: i bowl regularly. we got an hour or two to win, go to the bowling alley. even loves it, i get to have a beer -- rachel: and smoke. pete: not anymore. joey: download a free bowling coupon. kevin krause, thanks for joining us. >> thanks, guys. rachel: we'll be back out. >> look forward to seeing you again. pete: all right, more fox and "fox & friends" still ahead. ♪ then i saw her face, or i'm a believer. ♪ not a trace of doubt in --

3:57 am

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