Theology and Literature (2024)

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Why has nobody set up a Chair in Wandering Studies at any institute of higher learning?

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Julian Scutts

Literary scholars and critics occasionally refer to 'verbal clues'. one such case being Barbara Melchiori's references to such indications found in the body of Robert Browning's literary works. IThe critic argues that individual words, irrespective of their immediately recognizable meaning within the terms of a narrative, signal trains of associations of which the poet is unaware or which he may wish to suppress. Thus words would reveal allegories produced with the cooperation of subconscious as well as conscious motions of the mind. Does Melchiori's theory of artistic 'reticence' have a wide and universal applicability? In print: (view by pasting and copying)

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Has the Muse Deserted Modern Poetry? Is the Collective Unconscious an Adequate Replacement?

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At the latest Romantic poets languished under the burden of not being sure about the nature of the inspiration they most urgently needed. Has this crisis something to do with the prominence of the word wanderer and related forms in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?

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Back to The Logos

Julian Scutts

This document comprises a number of studies centered on notable works of literature such as Hamlet and "I wandered lonely as a cloud' in which a logocentric approach to textual criticism is applied. Also as book publication:

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Julian Scutts

In this book I take issue with those in the area of literary criticism who categorically would deny to literature any prophetic or socially relevant importance.

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A Focus on two Blind Spots in Literary Theory and Criticism Relating to the Pied Piper of Hamelin and Poetic Wandering

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"Much fiddling in the Ivory Tower while Rome Burns" Let me say a word on the above rather odd title. There can be no doubt that it alludes to the popular notion that Nero indulged in lyrical pursuits while he viewed the fire that destroyed much of ancient Rome. " Ivory towers " belong to the domain of the Ivy League and similar august university locations. Combining these allusions, might we derive from the title the implication that academics could do more to apply their intelligence and their vast fund of wisdom to the problems that face humanity in a far from happy world? In earlier times prophets and poets could still claim an authority of divine origin, the authority of 'the Word. " Unfortunately the absent consensus on the existence and the nature of such an authority prevents the wise of our day from claiming a divine warrant for their expostulations, whatever these might be. I limit my discussion to the coterie of scholars, experts, pundits and critics that occupy the domain of literary criticism. Those seeking to discover the modern equivalent of the Tower of Babel would do well to seek it here.-the perfect setting for dogmatic advocates of the most disparate and contentious points of view, finding perhaps only in the speakers at Hyde Park Corner true fellow spirits. On one matter they agree, shun anything suspiciously like a religious point of view in the course of interpreting works of literature. This aversion produces blind spots in a refusal to take seriously matters that most surely deserve serious scrutiny. see

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Thesis: What we discern in poetry depends largely on what we expect language and the mind are capable of achieving (French Preamble)

Julian Scutts

Ce que nous discernons en poésie dépend en grande partie de ce que nous considérons que le langage et l'esprit sont capables de réaliser La confusion babylonienne dont nous sommes témoins dans la critique littéraire contemporaine trouve ses racines dans les profondes controverses concernant le langage qui ont éclaté dans le dix-huitième siècle. D'une part, les protagonistes de la raison ne voyaient dans la prose lucide que la forme de langage la mieux adaptée au nouvel âge de la raison. La poésie a été rejetée comme un retour à une étape infantile du développement humain. Ce défi a été traumatisant. Les poètes ont commencé à se méfier des mots et se sont retrouvés dans un état d'isolement terrible. Il ne peut y avoir aucune belle division entre leur angoisse de poètes maudits et leurs sensibilités personnelles comme le montre le roman de Goethe avec le titre " Die Leiden des jungen Werthers " Les Souffrances du jeune Werther). Cependant, il y avait des défenseurs d'une vision du langage qui posait le revers des rationalistes. Schleiermacher et Herder voyaient le langage dans toute sa plénitude dans la poésie, tandis que la prose logique n'était que l'apparition superficielle du corpus profond du langage. Schleiermacher a découvert une compréhension de la psychologie qui accommodait ce que nous appelons maintenant l'inconscient.

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Context Theory Applied to the Study of Poetic Works

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A UNIVERSE OF SYMBOLS Could a car's number plate prophesy the coming of Armistice Day? Excuse me..

Julian Scutts

In the poem 'Correspondences' Charles Baudelaire expressed the ancient notion that all sensations of sights and sounds form a unity, a universal language. Goethe reiterated this theme in the final lines of Faust, Part 2 in lines that state that all temporal things are symbols of the eternal. Can we take this understanding to an extreme by positing that even a car license plate can convey a prophetic message? Paperback:

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Theology and Literature (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.