The Sandusky Register from Sandusky, Ohio (2024)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 85 the real effects of Locofoco principles and mea sures have become better known to our lush citiand the show a di-position to think for them zens, selves, thes ue whi-tled down the wind, as of small and we are now told that it 1- stooping (o account, if we even listen to them' As nothing more is hikeh to be made of Irishmen, the Germans are the e-pectal farontes of -e ardent loverof adopted cuzens, but a 1 as ering 1s alrcad, dis cermble in their support of Locofocor-in, and to learn that at 15 "4-tooping for may soon expect Americans to notice them Such 1- Locofoco lore for 15 very strong and noise while be made sub-er vient to the cupidits of the leaders of the party, but turns to rankhug hate, they can the first indication of a dr-po-ition to thank upon and act for them-ches Gen. Scott's Mot ements. B1 a private di-patch, just recon ed from a friend in Cincinnati, we learn that Gen Scott mill leave Cincinnati on Thur-du, at 2 o'clock, a special trom, provided by the Cincinnati, Lia milton and Darton Railroad Company, remaining at Haml ton until the arrival of the regular evenng taw, which he will take for Dayton where he will remain all might, leaving Darton on Friday morning, 10 the 10 clock train for Springfield, where he will dine Leaving Spungfeld 2 stopping at Urbana, West Livers and Bellefontane a fen nunutes cach, he will arrne at Tiffin abou. duck, where he will remain all nigh Leaving Tim at 10 o'clock, Saturda morning he will arse at Sandusky for dinner, where he vill remain until Mondar Let our committee men, military, be prepared to recene the old General, with the honor and res pect due to bis long and patriotic service- Gen. Scott M2 Cancannati.

We are indebted to Mi I RFT of the Cincinnati for and Sandusk: Telegraph Line, for the following account of the reception and speech of the Old Hero, in the "Queen City," ve-terday evening Oct At lo minutes past 5 o'clock, the fleet of Steamels slowly hove 11) ught, lushed together The bottwere crowded to the guardOn landing the procession 1F1- -about 1- one thou and hor-emen heading the van, preceded br 1 cal drawn by four horse-, and contuning thirty one little girl- emblematic of the number of States in the Umon-all of short nere dressed an white and wore meathe of Dower- with the excep tion of one, who, very appropuatel, was decked in robes of sable, to repre-ent Kentuchr in mourning for her del Vert, w18 a magmficent open carnage, drawn by four whate hor-e-, contain ang Gen Scorr, Judge and AI DEPT TEE Tor, followed br 1 number of carnage- in which were 11c nber- of the Citr Council, and cis of the muurcipal olucer, and distinguished cit zen- A luge number of mounted men brought up the rear which numbered over thirty thou-and per sons The procession reached the Burned House abont 6 clock, and the side walks were lined with a dense crow 1, uting with inten expectation the um al of Gen ScorT As the curnge reached the house, it was with the greatest difficulty that an entrie could be obtumed through the crowd ever be fore were one third 15 many per Ona seen in the streets of the- city After rien minute- the Gen eril made his appearunce and was Ushered to the stand by Mr 1 Cont 011 Shout upon shout arose is the stalu ut form of the old chieftain 11 19 seen upon the bilcony, and at was long before the remarks of Judge Jon who introduced hum to the populace, could be hea Cren Scott rephed as follow I ellow citizens, of the Burkeve State and of the Queen City of the wet It has been ms fortune to free multitude- of iny co intr, enennes on the bat tle field, but never vas I so overponered 14 I an now, (cheer. never before hare I met with so warm a reception (Cheats) On the 1 is to sour be.u tiful city, at the Levee, and all along the street-, I have read the welcome in the faces of this generous people and hare liter ally felt the embrace of a thon sand um-, worthy to defend any country (Ap ph use Among the I un glud to have recognized, 15 I pied along you crowded street- the accents of mmy of sour lush and German whose countrymen fought so bravely on the pluns of and rendered there -uch es-ential service to then country In the field, the mumfi-ted 1 devotion to her interests and 1 manly biases, which could have been empassed by no other peo pie but our own alums sis then fighting with dimation and I -hill alw 21 5 speak of them with pruse (Checi-) My countismen, I hear withnn the -ound of 11S VOICe, mins, bc id those a ho ink themsches with the Wing puts of the nation (1 voice -les here are Democrat-) (ren Scott ud, I um glad to meet you all 1 ou mat to do some little honor to in old soldier, who has spent long hie in the service of his coun tit lot this honor however little deserved I thank son it will be cher-he lamong my mot pic CIOUS recollections Tellon Citizen sou could not Ire it Wot the el address of Judge Johnston Pa don In me the seeming egotism an alluding 10 1 portion of his -peach Your speaker alludes to that cutic al hour 111 our hus-tors whe a Hun had inglon sure idered and the blackest clond- hung the stung, the horizon of our beloved country It w14 then, that Icalled wound me, men who could be tru-ted and told them, the hour had come for decree how, that a woth must be douc oft chat Canada frontier, that would but the Amen in peo pl from the gloo 11 of recent event-, and enable them and then children to ung belly, to fire can non and build bonfue-, commemoration of Amen in victories, that should obscure the memos of Hull 4 surrender We fell to worl and the thing was done (cheer-) the battles of Chippewa and I undy lane followed tren Scott remarked, in conclusion, that he was severely adi-poss and would be unable to spe1b further until after a might rest He thanked the people for their kindness and retired amidst then applause After the General nad concluded, he retired to the reception room, where he received the warm and hearttelt congratulation- of the lush, (vermans and others there assembled -That hive, President of the senate, and the democratic" cindid for Vice President, voted in favor of Mr Douglass project oflersing tonnage duties, for harbors, thrs taxing the produce of the West to pry for them On Saturday New York Tocofoco and a betting man at that, stated in the Amen can that New York iris surc for Pierce by 20,010 1 Whig off red to any sum from 1 10 2,00, that the Empire State casts SOLP GA co 10 carol ant a NEW BOOKS I DEN, BI ARDSLE1 CO, hase in press and will pub light the Colt owIng salunble Books The Cereat Cit of the World, in their Gins and in their Desolation-em bracing the cities of Europe Asia and America with a of the important counts of their tame, by Jobs Frost, 1. nuthe of Per flour Adventures of Picto torial of California, Wild -cents of a Hunters Life, ate. cle 1 vol barge 12 my 592 pages, fully mix Mished with plates, num. Illustrations and Colored Frontispiece aud 1itla lage Muslin embosr gilt bick $1,25 Par Adrentu, ex ant and Maira Lises of Traveler in kurope Ami, Ahica an America 1 3a all pa of the merli to the 1 repent 153 John Frost nuthol of the Great Cities of the Worll, In 'Ian Bats of the Will scene in a Hunter 1 etc, 1 vol large 12 mo cur 120 1 fu is illustrated, and ired routi piece nd Istile Page casbossed gilt back 21 95 the the Bio r- dr the fall eclelated characters and with elegant steel Adells CountesseS Blois Fleanor Aquintante of bat e10 of Angouline, Viol in or Torus dem Fleanor of Cistile by 151 auther of Bloss Ance pt Hiators 12 mo 5430 piLes crab 3441 mushn Snine, edi er and side: $2 25 Same, full gult edge- and el $2 The Firm and sure Sale "or the Romance of Apriculture, in halfh ur she chee of life in the Coontry, Li the ev John I 1st ake author clopedia barm a Di Book tic 12 mo tol 450 pa ze $1 Family Groceries, Provisions Stup Stores A.

INTLE (0., 1 COMMERCIAT BUILDINGS WATER ST 4 autoful Ver Serves of Jurenrles The take Stories. An en new rice of JusemkaLy Cousin el (alas Sar bif bradf ri kno rn as a pol war writer in th Period cals an Journals of the du) In ex sola -Quare 16 about 192 pages embellished with 12 en, sin each olume uniform in style muslin gilt 1 and side, -m the follon ang volumes, v0 1 The Jumble stories 11 Prose sud Rh me The Cori uco 8 do do The Pu get da Ine Aunt Old Patty cu Port a 2a ch Iono Varror, do do do do do do 830333 On capt of the price of either of the above works 1 will a tage jarl, 1) part of the BA SI DST F1 CO Cet 3 1-2 Auburn EMPIRE LINE. THPOUGII TO SAN FRANCISCO, AT PE DUCED I TIA ASPEN ITS LL AND PAS Spl ndl 1 Double Fugine ear bop ten )J man ter will de for Aspinall direct on October 19 from her Pier 0 3 orth Ras at 3 lhe Sierra Set ado connecting at Pan 1 With the net and double engine ate am 1 OF PITT-BLIGH, (2500 ton BIT 1 -St which steam will be in ret recess the A re bi the Sierra a Ja, at 1 scull Fail for San Frarcisco These Steam r- ire unsurp a -ed for speed and accon madiuon, an I offer superior arant for fames go30. to aliforn a I irat and -econd cab a I IS engers are pro sided witf state rooms on both ships an dine at the same ta ble Part of the tee age of the City of Pittsburgh 15 all sited 1, er- art landed at the Panama Railroad Du; ot 4t 4 pinall 1 or brasht or 1 assage arply 10 BOW ARD A -ON, Leota out 1't 1 No 34 Broadwas New York FALI AND WINER GOODS. 1 are fall recent ml Winter and offer God, for sale comprising a large brown and cho and CA He stock ed -heet no an 1 Co ton FlanneL Bed Striped -furtir -3 Ag ron Checks Catunt- Cloth led Hannel: 1 large an 1 de srible of Ladie in 1 hel dren Dress Orc ols Lot and Square Shawls and Ln AC in late 15-ortment of I (rent an 1 Children: fine ani 1 11 Boots and shoes which with 4 lirge of Gro ens Mar hi ate Wooden Ware and Cord age makes our stock at complete All of which end a eat ramjets of other Goods we will 4ll at so' pier leer ret al for Co or Produce We anat 33) 30 15335 of good 19 call and examine our stock a ad price a the all let and of Hubbard Co HUBBARD SHEPARD Sent 0 lat CO hare reinered to etur a new Flock, A.

they are non 188 addition to their stock a large 1-ortment of choice wud fresh Family Groceries for lownestic nel slip tat Th sr -tuck emur ic 4 TI aricty of staple an I (ro cene zelce e1 with the grentest cart and clevery cruel nt 1 sity or su3 she of the houze o1 th epicure I he have giren particular tenuon to procarir a compl to a if 13) ich ze Backlo I reserved Drie 1 Fruits Sauce tchups Jo'he the purcet Glue 01 Prench Mustard (muel) set Jury Wuss Chec. 4 St ces ic Ac togeth Tith (F article noce-zar) for culmirz Thor tach ethe (n crie Tor Coffe carars, Mola 1 into Ir 4. al overs complet brth in variety and in qu dits The re liberal cu tom winch the 1 bare hitherto (novel bus woe urged them 10 make arrangemeDtely which rill be in the constant of FFF SUPILIP of all articles deteriorate in quality with CHOICE BRANDS OF PIOU1 kept con tenths on hanl Lleo Sud Br-curt Crackere and other fawlly 1 Oct 141 for I Sache 3 24t re cre ed at FOOL EXILE, LIONI and De ulera in Fish and GuILe of All TV kinde Fri supples received daily orders prompth att led to and forwarded with spatch Depot 1 Commercial bushings Water street sandusky pt 18 dif FALL GOODS AF POOL. PECKS. order to aus pis the deman la cf our large and constantly 0 02 1P and keep pace with the rapidls Incr business of tie place we Hail purchased, are taw recessing stock of Drs Goods which in ty richnes and a press will fur 4 anti ing we hast ever I cfore bro ight the cuts and hiring hought them we are intou: to them an all them if an exten ise weart meat low I fair dealing are any inducement for people to trad the We have not tune to enumerate ar cles but invite all in tovo er count 3 to call 1u see for them clues 1001 lu Sept 50th 15 GRAND SOIRFI VARILTIES RI THE INFANT THE SINCLAIR CHIT DREN' A Jer the man by ment ANALL PARING At EASTMIRE uterpean In Hall on Wednesday and Thursday 1 emng-, October bth all 1 7th The manager announces to the citizens of this place that ho will have the nor of introdurne on the one unapproach 11e siree Tickets only 50 conte On wh hi occasion the SINCLAIR FAMILY consorting of Met Sin tar 73 cara APL enchan 93.

are Mast (, Fin clair 11 scare and 13 Fu tr4 will appear in one of their cha te in I ich almired Entertainmente (f Sung3 Dance 1au be sallee Tankce -torn tc LC No Piro-t Clutlor Teacher should mi a witness ng the pa.r fo 121 11 Ct cf tt chil iren c4j ecially M1-t r1 in bi- taror ate haracter of the 2) el old on! Mister assuming the Character of kin. in all his post -its Sick ty athout a present 25 de cents iren under 12 ball pric Door- open at lock Perfornan to commence at Do 4t; a mement (n account of weath spo kit 1 AOLICE. un ler no having 1 cen appointe1 on chic cut ite finic Mills lite of Fri count: Ohio de cus el Eli n4 having any Jam in I again letite are heels noti edu ire ent their 1 gulls rosen within one year fr this date an I all persons indebted to sud estate are 16 make immediate pay ment SO HIS MINIS WILDWIN MILLS San In ho Cats Sept 00th 1-0 LADIES IATUS FURS. 1 takes pleasure in announcing that he has been able to 1recure something wInch will g3se comfort an lad i to the goo l1 cheer the la he. and her quests them to call an ic namine the articles which mast of Stone Mart lictorines on 1 Cult, Fitch Victoun in Cuff, Bang Victorinee and us Prinine an I Col4 Blot (rent tie Victorin an 3 Caffe MI all kind: from twe to cen dollars A190 an 9 Dr an and ilick 1 us for Mu Victorines and Cute Ina la to ler Sun a of the Bi, Hat Water Street Copt 29th 1-52 -dtf ORI ROSLY! RORI the lat tor hie brought 011 the We 2 drove of But al 1 He inste- th Sundo and urmit, to cal an lee the mall ale ani would also that they are for sale at his list on ster sheet Sign of the Big Hat 4t J0th 16 p) chef GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE POR FLE CO.

COMMERCE IT DINGS, WATER ST 0 Greer, PORTER, 1852. 1 Tattle POTTER CO hare removel to Poles a Ver Bloch, S. ul Water Street where they are now recening a luge and fresh stock of a cenes expressly for this In 11 kc They mite dealers, generally to call and cumine their stock and prices, have the fact demonstrated hefore chasing elsewhere or going further and fuing worse Nor 01 1s SUGARS, MOT ISSI tc, have been selected with the great st care, and are the best foun 1 122 the 0241 marl et They embance overs vanety from the apost to the best qualities, an will be soli in quantitics to suit purchasore Tobaccos an 1 (agars of every gra le, shade ani price Lassin-, Tigs Preserves, Spices, Prunes, Cit ron, Almonde, Brand Vuts, Hiberte, Pecans, Madeira Vute, in abundance Cheese, Soap, Oil Candies Confectionary, Matches Bag Salt, Pepper Sauce, lemon rup Starch Red Clothes Tines Fonder, Ahot, Lend, Decanters Tumblers, bill gall Squat and Tara, Quirt and Pint Flasks, and other Glass ware, Tar, Turpentine, I o-in tc on.ention is directed to their unusually large stock of excellent Wines and I liquors, which wall he soli by the pipe, barrel, keg, gallon or bottle, at the very lowest sates at ani the same quality of quors can be obtained erit or so ath MERCHANTS AND who mi to purchase, ran here fin I evers thing in thie line for the complete outfit of then carabhishments at low rates Call and sec Remember the place- Commercial Water 4t Sanda-ky, Sept. 23 1952 CO The Von tri Times Mont Vernon True We Herald, Norwalk Pefector, Freemont Freeman, Tiffin Whig, Sandusky Proncor, ant Findlay Whiz, will please copy 81 A 1 at -so 4 Commercial Register. Wednesday Evening, October 6, 1852.






SIMPSON. Portland District DAVID BARBER, Ozford Diatrict. Will address Hou-e, on TIPTON 13 hoped that 434 F. W. Tipton.

the Wings of this city at the Court Thursday evening next, Oct 4th 31 an able and popular speaker, and it 13 there will be a general attendance Br order of the SCOTT CIEI The Fade As we had reason to apprehend, the delvery of 2 Wing address, by an Irishman, ba- excited the me of some of our Locofoco friend- 1 1 1 1 inter in the editorial column- of last erening's Mirror, reveals bis exasperation, and spite tow nde Profe-sor I IT7 GERALD, in o1 era column of comment, composed of false statements and ridicule of that gentleman In speaking of the meeting, he sirs We hare called tho late demonstratico 2 4 trick and in that term we refer to the great Paine taken to conceal the party character of the meeting dal of avowing that it to aid the Whig ticket the ball- of the night containe 1 no allusion to the Whic Candid ites--not even an announc ment that the meeting was political in character Professor FITZOFPALD a celebrated Irt la orat would speak at Luterpean Hall -the latter a room usually occupied for concerts or addresses not of a party characterwas the purport of a poster bich bad I een circulated very extensively Our of Irish birth were to be drawn together not by frunk announc inent that the clec tion of the Whig Candidate would be urged but to hear lecture an address frem a scientific gentleman from a Pro fessor FITZGFRALD whom the Whigs have transformed into a celebrated orator and patriot but of whom though resi ding for tans wears in Cleveland nobo had ever been 60 fortunate as to know any thing eacupt within a few day First, let us see about "trick" The first notice of Professor FITZGFRALD's visit to this cats, was made in the Register of Thursday last, when we stated that he would "speak on the political gues tons of the duy" On Saturdar re spoke of hun as one of those Iri-hmen who were "urging the claims of the war worn veteran (Scorn) upon the attention of their countrymen On Monday, we stated that he would that crenig "address his fellow country men, in favor of Scorr and PROTECTION The "bills of the might" di-tineth stated that his address would be "upon the political questions of the and were officially signed by the President of the SCOTT CLUB It is in the face of these facts--us notorious as publication could make them--that the writer an the Mirror charges us and others with a "trick," in suppressing the intended pohucal churacter of that address' The most chantable explanation we can give of so mend icious a state ment, is, that the writer had but very recently resumed his charge of the Mirror, and was not 15 well "posted up," 29 one miking such charge against huis neighbors, ought to be The meeting was ongn ally called at the Comt House, but was changed to the Mall to accommo date a larger number thin the former would hold and the result showed a necessity for such change It cannot escape the readers notice that 111 ill the Mirror's onslaught upon the muter nowhere culls in question the truth of histatements or the correctness of lute re bound The truth 15, that the apped of Professor to bus countrymen, to vote for the veteran Scorr was deemed too elective and just to be allowed to piss without come eflort to counteract it, and in the absence of anything better false charges and pa sonal dicule are 1c-orted to Professor FIT7GFRAID 19 not of that class who make pohtics a trade, and have -punt then lives 111 studying the various peculiaritic9 of political contro very Hi9 pursuits have been of a bto us charac ter, but bus sound judginent showed hun the mentof this campaign, and the ardor of 2 warm lusa he ut would not allow hum to ran un slant When he SaW 1 pobtical puty attempting to listen upon his adopted country the policy, and cloct the Candi dates, supported by the foremost of his natu coun try's -and believing thut the tendent, of that policy would be to make of Amencme "bewer, of stone and drawers of water' to Butch capitalist-, is it already his made of lus own coun it surprising that lus voice should be raised in narning 10 his brother Irishmen, though that voice should not as-ume ill the practiced fornis of professional pohucians? With an honest heart and disinterested purpose, he relied upon the eloquence which they must ever mere, to reach the minds of his sympathsig countrymen, rather than the delusive "blarney" 50 Fall abic with demagogues If the Mirror's writer really deemed that address as puerile and weak as he pretends to do, we doubt whether his extraordinay means for counterreting ate effect, would have been resorted to But, according to this unter, it 04 stomping lo conquer," for the citizens of Sandusky to heten to a political address frown an Irishman! Stooping to conquer Time was, when such epithets of con tempt were not employed toward Irishman It 13 bat a few years since Locofoco politicians pretended to consider them the most noble and goncrons class of voters! Great were tiken, we recollect, to prove that Gen JACKSON W19 of Fresh decent, indeed, hardly A candidate for (rovernor or Con The law of list winter requue- that the polls, throughout the vanous Lown-hips of the Counts, shall be opened between the hours of en and on the morning of election dan, (lue-das, the 12th protuno,) and shall not close until si o'clock, Under this Jaw, there will be four polls one for the township, at all voters residing out of the city hunt-, will deposit then votes, and one poll 111 each of the three wards of the cuts, for the voters residing 111 the several 1141- Me 8 40 state and County Election. No The New York Times publishes the report In the greut Methodist Church North and South, contro vers1, made to the Umted States Supreme Court br Mr Jou, NELSON, who wa- duected to ascertain the value of the Church property, knonn as the Methodist Book Concern, vath a view to a partito 1 of the same between the partie- to the memor able suit The plaintiffs 122 the sunt-repre-enting the Church South--contended that the Fru-tec- of the Book Concern must be hold 44 defaulters, for huing fuled once the 011 pion of the Church to allow the beneficiaries South to recene tier share of the profits The Pefire reject- thi- proposi (1011 The Tru-tees erred in law, but did so in good futh, and should not be charged with fraud If the Northern beneficini have receired more than then are entitled to, (which does not appear,) the onls con-quence 1, that they must refund The el point- are argued briefir, but with much and force The aggregate value of the property in di-pute, at the ume of the Church division, in May, 1813 12 e-timated at 76 The incre1-e 111 value since 1813 is set down at 16,171 78 'She Church Cast. The Scott Reception Commitce Are requested to meet at Mfr office, to mOTION morning at 9 o'cloch, to mile arrangements for the Old Hero's reception on next Saturdas noon The Sinclair Children, Who perform to mght and to morrow evening, 6 lugbly spoken of by 0111 excuanges They will, undoubted plen-e out theatre going people The Iuron and Ene Counts and State Far 1- now holding an Norwalk A great cros dare 111 and proceeding- are 10 morrow, being the list day will be of specul inter est The Part correspondent of the Journal des Lloyd. states that Lngland 13 about to become the po -e -or of the import int Gallipagos Island, on the cont of Loundor, in consideration of two mil hons sterling pad to that Republic, and the 2--ump tion of the deht it ones to But creditors The American Cabinet, says the -ame writer has u-ed every eflort to prevent the tian-action, but 111 rain, Trance 1 consented to it, in order to check the greedy of the Lnited States, though aware that the Island rill become, in the hand- of Fng land a second Malta This 1- an item of news that will not sound pler-antly to lmeucan ears Our commerce to largely intere-ted in the every 1-landand England will not as ume control of them 1 ith out come talk at lent The Handel Zeitung, an ably edited com mercial paper, publi-hed in the German linguage 111 fur 1ork City, IS urging the clection of (veneral SCOTT not 15 parti an measure, but as the meanof assuring to the country such 1 commercial poles 75 all give activity to commerce secure a home market and lung prices for fumers, and the development of the mung and inufacturing re source- of the nation The Handel Lettung hold, that only a Protective Tamil can effect this nu-pi cious 1e-ult, and we rejoice to sec a paper who-e interest- ne neutral, thus independents and patri oticalls rating its voice 113 behalf of its convictions on this vital question Trot WASHINGTON -We learn from Washington, that the United State- (ro-einment has enternd into no fie-li negouation-, o1 con espondence, with the new Pausan Minister In the Guano matter MI Win-TIP's health we me sons to learn, has been quite poor ever since 1e left lle 15 obliged to diet and to Inc very enoringh, and mins of his letters are written by an am inucn-1 I do not believe he 14 it all acquunted with the pontical movements made in his behalf bi some of his judicious friends So cats the Lepre 11 shu gton cone-pondent cf the Tout nil of Commerce, who leans towards Pierce, ac knowledges in his last letter that the pro-pects of Scott 210 decide dis improving Ie S11- "The Scott whig- here 1 in good heart They clam to have made some promic4 during the la-t tinee works, in York and Ohio and al-0 111 the Southern States Some of them who hue ja-t returned from Ohio, ous that ther have got all their gun- tic land trips set They are sure of taking Ohio Mcests Hie Cha-c and Bunkerholl, ate stumpmg that State for Idle and it 19 supposed br by the friends of General Scott that they will draw oli more democratic rotes to Ille than wing votes But the democratic minarets here think differently, and me confident of succo4, Hit Oino Gen Scott will take a stronger vote in the South than bus been generals supposed The fact that he is of south cIn buth and will help hun in the Southern States INFORMATION WANTED -Of Tous I ARrI who left Glasgow, for Now Toil, in the ship Commodore, May 20th, 1819 Te is 11) Youngstown Ohio when last heard from, winch 79 111 1830) It 19 thought he 13 either Ohio, Michigan, Illnor, or and papers will confer a furor by no Wiscon-m dicing Al-0 the Now Tork Ans infor mi ton given to the I ditor, of the Purrsulle Tole graph, 01 to Pano 1 snaps, Youngstown, 0, will be thankfully screwed INFORMATION WANTFD, of Tours Down, who lett County Kerry, in Ireland, 3 years ago, and came 10 this countis This mife A Dow 13 111 Clevand having come from Princeton I in search of hum Te 1- suppond to be now 12 Olno or Illinois Pr pers 111 tnosc states wali confer a furor by copy ing The Directors of the Scioto Hocking Valley rustond compans have adopted the hine though Perry caster It County 15 1 to Newark, instead of through Tan remarkable fact that the route of their road aroid- all the unciple n9 between Port-mouth and Newark The mineral line 12, how ever, followed, and the shortest one, we beheve The road will doubtless pay Scroto Gazette PROSPERITY -It 14 now claimed that Sandn-he ity has a population of 10,000 souls The cholera left the place, three ago, with something near 1000 So much for bring place A Further Items of News by the Falcon. The Falcon came bi was of Aspmall, and bungs advices from San Francisco, to September 1, bemg fifteen daws later than those brought bs the Dunel Webster hom San Juan.

The -tc un-bip Brother Jonathan, of the Nicara gui line, which was supposed to have beeu lost, hau armed at Panama, and sailed hence for her tion, on the 10th The 1alcon reports thit the new and splendid steamship Cortez, Dari- Brook-'s New York and Frincisco line, had ed it P'mam from New York, after the rapid pouge of surfy three days from port to port, bi the chorte-1 on record, that of the Win field Scott, her associate' the line, which ou her previous great tup, occupied sati sir dais and ten hourThe health of the 1-tumus 11 15 generally good aud passenger- were arriving and departing without ant interruption The election for President of New Grenada pas sed off quite peaceable, and resulted in the choice of Gen Considerable ercitement existed at Panama On account of gold upon the I-thmuand many of the inhabitants had left their Loneto- the diggingThe overland emigration continued to arise in large numbers Some of the emigrants 1-poit the most termble -nffenngs, others ha fared well during the entire journer The Telegraph project the Isthmus was pro gie -ing farorabls The Isthma- roads were in goo order Trade at Panama improving The Rulrord was pected to be completed to Panama by about Apul ex, neat The news fiom California 18 intere-ting There have been -ome fin murders and other outrages eme the sulng of the steamer, but La a gen rul thing the state of aflurs fir more encouraging let Some seriou- di-turbances hose, bowerer bro! en out in ontr2 Costa, the authontis had taken prompt med-ure- to quell difhculty occurred recently between Major Say age and Capt Have, on the Kings Ri e1 111 which the former Wis lalled The news from the mines 15 vert favorable and the yield the comirg sc 1-07 it 1s anticipated, will be 11 tense 4 man mimed Dre--er, from Jf1--achusetts, com nutted suicide by drowning in the Jenthe- Kiser for the independence of 4thfor 2212 mere still in progress The notorious Parker MI Trench wa- Durango had made 2 proposition to the Goseino low him to arm and equip an ot oue hundred Seminole- with which to bight the Apaches, I and check them in their murderote and lawl deeds Some neT and valuable gold discoveries hare been made in the ent range of the Sierra berad: The markets were only moderate 10 tie and many de-criptions of good- had decined Several auction sale- had been held, it which the puces accepted In number of were belon the hr-t co of the goods in the st'antic State The money market was in a vorable condition and the receipt of gold du tat Sun I racisco t- ou the From Oregon we lean that oving to the neglect of the formun interests, flour wheat were on the 11-P, da were also mans other articles of pro duce The pipers contain nothing of -pecial importance from ant other portion of the Pacific cost The ste imslup I mind State- now on het war from 1spinwall to cu York, will bring the pa -engui of the infield Scott from San Tranci-co and dates from the latter port to Scpt 6 being five diva later than the new 4 by she Falcon Tar Payers Remember. That the expense- of the I ocofoco Legs latuic was one hundred and tuenty thousand dollars clerks and sergeants at arms, the enormous sum of REMEMBER, That there was pad to the members ninety thousa rd dollars REMEMBER That the Locofoco Legislature the wage. of its member- from chec to four dollars per day RE MENTEP, That the entire expen ee of memberclerhs sergeants and mesengur bov-, when the Whigs had the control egi-liture in 111 ter of 1841 5 Wis on! tuentw cen thousand free hundred Aftu three dollars REMEMBER That the expen-es of the legs lature for FOUR '41 to '48 for the pas of member-, clerk-, and serge a its was on hundred and fou-teen thousand doll 20 000 than was squandered away by the Lorofoco I cg-11 ture 11-t winter REMEMBER That the total appropintious by the Legislature in the winter of 1800 1 to 9368 120 and in this were included -19 000 for the Constitutional Convention, and wi-h also to remember that the last Locoloco Len-liture mule appropriatior: to the unount of 370,686 more than that of the proceeding I eg-la ture We gel the hone-t pavers to lool it the -c facts, and think of the coumous amount of moner that was shamefully squandered by the I ocofoco I last winter at Columbus Will the poo plebs their sotes this fall approve of this ness ind extravagance of the public money Steubenville Icru'd The members ef Diri ion No Son of Temperanc will mnect at Ir 1 bilall on lacks n- Wednes fry evening Oct 4th at "ou ch All 111 fut r4 are roquc-ted to atten 1 oct51 CHEAP AND TOS 1832 1852 Detroi Chicago, Reno ha Ricin nuke Sheboy run Cc 1 the swift LOW PRISORI -tc uner ARROW, ATWOOD, Mister lunes Sand 1-ks duh at CV or on the arrival of the tint 14 from lance ill an I Cincinnati 10 at Detroit at 2 cl el night 1 ret or funtil morning I car trost 1 3 I up re and 1 mutes I which 14 three hours in three quarte re Trains at 5 clock 1 aril 111 a at To clack le 4 untung tune thinth South rur oute Th Roire ad from Detroit to hic 4go 19 fenced the entire we 13 1 bing the 1 60 common en Western 1 14 running ore: cal 11c and other For freicht or piss ige or through tickets apply on bog- 1 or to DEANS ALent ep27 hr Burl hinge The only "Quickest" rat 1852 FOR TOI I DO CISICAGO, MILK LUKI and other fake ports -The fast lor pressure Steamboat IsH TON, Fran Mister indusky dulv (Son 1 u3 cepte 1) on the arris al of the Mel Rival care in 1 returning leaves Toledo every morning coca ted Time r3 wishin, to 1 eke the acke4t st cheape onl most pl want route to the West en Countis wall And thi- to pose Be all icht ine o1 advantages apply en lourd one or to an the ju lge TORN PRICK Agent San lush Sept 27 1952 dif LADIE A SALOON. respectfully informs the Ir Bicy ani on tiemen of the cats, that he ba- litte lup an clumant S1100 for I adies in connection with his establishment where the del caCi9 and unties of the scavon may at ill times re found an wall be serve I up in the most superb style Thie department mill br conduct 1 in a manner n9 to mect the approbation of the me st ver ance on Water street, nest door cast of my pub inc I catan ant Jc29 ltf DEPOr. Tr PRICI has permanently locate in tlus city in the Oyster Tra lo Ic 13 found at the store of 1 laT Co on Water Street A choice article in Can4 ani wi'l be kept on hand it all seasons Agent April 231, 2 -4113 GUN LOST.

TOUR necks to night, Gun was lost by the eubacribes on ater street below a the Man I Depot It 19 an ng heh Double (run made by Williams, Ton Ion name 14 engraved on the barrel The Gun 14 hut a piece has heen cut from the stock near the front aught a The harr 14 are 3f et 5 inches in length hon Isome rewar will be pard for ile return to the subscriber who hres on islungton Stroct, Fast near Tames Wright re ardence Oct 6, 155) WITTIAV CAMPTITT have large assortment amorg them com very fne lamb's Wool An at bargains co5 PFen ADITS an I Marine good 4 ani cheap For sto by orts POOT PECK A LI. large WOOL. DELAINES. plan ard figure 1, Act rOOT PECK MADAME: DUROYCE, Same has CELEBRATED spread throughout ASTROLOGIST. the United from Sew York, whose for correctness of time and and tu Stale with health wealth, uttlenJu businese, absent as frandy, conusted law rope, circ*mstances suits, love, courtslup 03.

1 murriage stance, The period which of our Madame birth's marked with some peculiar circum been consulted by persons of the bighest seepactability, who frun has will explain satisfactorily all predicted, of fo the 1847, Union that Madame uns the only parson why I resident, the loss of the Ocean Monarch our text Gencral fa*gior would he the Cholera, in 1509 the return of of the steamship and Atlantic riots sud In 1-51 accidents of the dety Su Madame addition to assures fourteen her founds of and the public -encrally, that stars ly in in laspeii put, she his spared no Astronomy expense to acquire Astrology, know lodge the celestial -cl cuces of and to ampart such informats 1 is in be relic I upon Madani is thie place and has taken rooms at the TOW HOUSE, for a daze only, where she I sucks information the above named eatene now prepared to gise as fu a be relied required Ibi, is an portunity to information that cau be upon that may Deter occur in thi place I erms 50 ct 10 THE AFFLICTED -Madame further informs those wha art africted with Scrofula, letter, wilt Rheum, Old bore legs, that they can be cured in their worst stapes A Cure or the Manes R-funded Ep2s def NOTICL. B' ion virtue Pleas of of trie decretal county order Obo issued I from shall the oller Court for of sale tu the door of the Court Icuse In Cite ch the firs das cf suraber next, at 10 o'clock 4 31 the Church Buf! 117g on the Publi- Square in Sandusky Cuz, known 3 the Wesleyan or Beatty Church to 4311 (y a decree rendere in the sail Court in the ca- of Buarty 'a dmn -trato again-t It Jennings und others SADLER Special Master Sandusky, Oct. 1 1552 da wall res with a large yu. stock of Gent ossuth Hate Manufacu has returned cm the tern hossuth Hats, which will be rel 1 cheap for ca AlBo3 fanes whole-ale or ret all lily motto 14 4 Large des and -anal! it- No 175 Water street Sandusky Citr sp 3 dtf HI ARPER'S morning OCTOBER One Hun 1 Copies of the full of good things Get one of course 11 DERBY A CO4 100 Powder KEGS HAZARD'S I and Also, Blasting Powder and f*ck, for sale very cheap by PUPTEE A 'CO SALAMANDER SAFES. OPT of WII DEP Depot establ FIRE hed in BLI LER for PROO tb AL SALES--Riches Improsem*nt DERBY CO having appointed sole celchrated Safes, Till keep a 'Bsortinent agents of for ti above vari putterns an size and will furnish them at York prices HALF TOO I SAFE -If not the following may claim serious consideratio interrogati first Would not the des-ruction of Four valuable Bork Papers, Money, greatly deranse your bu ines and sul ject you to serinas af not ruinous louse leti Seond fuch a calunin can asosled no by the outlay of Shy or bun Ired or too hun during Ir dollars in the purchase of a safe, does not true pconcins Lou Fel that outlay rather than the rain, of the would thus incur? if you pay annually for insurance sour stoL merchandize, la at equally rusportant to Dect insuran your bock, and papers for a Erric3 of sear laying tit premium once fo- all? a The da pander a as the the only one 1monz twelre an I Che 19 te ted in the Pearl street Fire, wluch proteu to A SurE, the contents of tie other eleven berg REDLe ASHES The importance of being in possession of such a rance for aloal ic documents book spor cheap reading the 13 appare on following her, therein it ill be seen that fir -ales (which cost the owners eared property to the mount of ,8 150 from fire HIRE STATISTICS FOR 1-51 AND 30 wherein these Safe tr served their contents from the devouring element OFF LEI OF SAFES LOCATIONS OF FIRES.

ATLASS OF GAFF Wit on My att 1 azoo Car Mi- 13040 in SotJohn Wilhams Ver Orlean4 Bow he Ac Conway 1 onl Co Conway, Mast 0,030 Note Alta Cal Office, tins Suite al-0 in Gre San Francisco Pool Lc. of May A 1 Bates Chicago 131 14 000 J34 Fire 1400 Sew Jerk $1 170 Voter Gilbert Ver 1 ork 3100 Land: Mo 9 Eafra In Great Fire Goli Da A 4t: May, 1551 unknoan CRILLICOTIE 0 Apol 1. Jesere Stourna ed slurrin, In Tuch Gentlemen--Yours of the 1- at ban 1 In reply eve Safe so the are EXPERT TOLES, la pre rel good I notl I to-t a herze wur perf of'y detroyed--but in croall Sal sender I bough. from sou, noth ng waz injured Your obedient servant, WOT Other certificate- equally eatidfactory crtenhog user ap of ten tears past during which tune no in bus corred where Wilder Patent salamander safe In proved Rich Co has Luled to preserve its contents the Bores 4t 6 Ile can now furnth counting ronins busine min ani a one a lit a complete sett of all kind- letter 171 Account Box L-, ard a wife at La el safe to all very cheap unphlets and Circulars, containing sizes prices dreds of testimoniale of the serere tests thee ush whch ubort Safes have passed, will be sent to any a dross on aj; ca tien by maul L. DERBY CO Fp25 Sole Agents for Wilder genuine Salaman1 7 -3 WAISONS VARICTI BREAD STORE CORNER of Wayne and Market Streets formers ADORn Hurd a Bakery, will be opened on Friday Sept 74: when the sub criber expects to be able to offer to tre rut in to Finity and quality such as will enti-fr all taste A Parties ordering Cake null be promptly atten led in AI FL INDEP Sandusky S.

pt. 23 1:02 diw IMPOR I TO BOOK GEN sub cribers are publi him br scription a new work upon a subject of special interest to American people It le from the pen of otte of the cried and accomplished writers of the day splend ily lustrutert by numerous large highly finished and auti engravings and altogether one of the vajual le ard tractire work 4 issued from the American pres Fnterpr and respectable men with a capital of toll or are wan to canvass for the work Addresa post p.u: 57 2411 ur n19 6w DRIKF CO, Clevelan I Oh: STPFRIOR SHOL MUST BRACE ol ject of which 14, to rect babitual stooping, round and crooked shoulders back and chest and to pressive that erect and graceful which join able to health and beauty It 1-d to Men Women and Children of all ages occupat and conditions It 14 light 3 pt perfectle cha sc pit and beautifully a lapted to the designei Brace is constructed as to an wer the rurpose of Brace and Suspenders FRT effectually ed by Marsh newly invented light 41 justing clastic -S Vas pr cal Tru Wanuficturer is the invent of new True nounced by the ficults to be the Ino electire one ex properly wiju ting to every of the balv dering dr placement impo sible It net on 3 insure 1 piete retuntion of the bowel: but elects a ra hical cure March having hid upwards of twenty sears cope rune the treatment of hernia, will guarantee 7 cute in of rupture, of however long standing Chil iren ant 1 cured ARSIE CO No 24 udon Lane Sold br AR BFIDEN Sanduehr Cus sp 410 GAS! GAS' 6 TT 15 not often that I would get out informs of the Gas citizens but by howeser some I run -ho I have just receired a new supple and will keep it on ha all times hiR Sept 23 1502 MEDICAL, NOTICE. BI ANCHARD, a graduate of 1cler on Wed 1 D' respectful ten lure his fr fo services as Physician an I Surgeon to the citizens of -37 and scinats Ofacc In Union Block Columbus 1set ue Sandu hr, sept 22d 1502 1 HT Hattended Derby Co, in the Pian Forte has induced them to ape? De 17 9n sp Ware Room in the store lately occur ic 1 bs Lorter Co new rooms will be reads in a few due In the Incan 1 FATY SUPERB ROSFWOOD INSTRUMFATwill fore 1 for enle at the old I DEL BY co Piano Forte and Mel sp21 heretofore eusting between the 51 DISSOLUTION. under the hrm ani letzh of Weed Brothers t) di3 firin settled 1 Nathaniel Weed Tr 219 alo dissolved 1) mutual consent The businese of will be thorized to audate the business and to use the name firm for that puri 09c IREDFRICh 1 WEE NATHANIE VIED 1st 1:52 Sandusky City, Sept NEW ARRIVAL OI Mittens, Hats, Caps, Furs, Gloves, SANDUSKY still stan is an 1 wall stand 8 Nourish until the He a ens pass and away, with with great noise heat 19 and then it will require a httle melt fervent heat to melt rocky foun lation Ari Chi still In c4 es will stick by the Bay City of the ns ho les 1 In order to make his stay agreeable as possible, an best the people, has just brought one of the Ingest and stocks of Goods in his line ever opened Sandusky AFT dedel Sindusky, Sept 17th, 15,2 larg FAT I SERGE OF TEA just arriving The best guilty and cheap AF Sept 17, GLOVES, MET TENS AND on SOL th Over $2000 worth are now in store and 37 of Buck, Woolen and bar refer Gloves tens, which were honght with particular A Whoraleing CAPS! AF sho ore, fashions an 1 prices Sept 17, 1-52 IDES, at all famt9 SKINS be pat 1 for Green and Dry Palled Worl "king, Sheep Shine, Rank Furs all Cuts kinde Orders and Stor ha of (rinsong brol en Money, RI Sept 17, Houses, In the part of Warker Street Aprly to TO good up1742w A CITESFRRO FRESH faced OYST The Ad Tine in fall blast it pre are receiving daily, in Kegs Malt Kegsa 1 41 rior article All orders promptly. to 0 9 24.

t. AT.

The Sandusky Register from Sandusky, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.