Stranger; the dragon's sister's journey. - shijin03 - 전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader (2024)

Chapter Text


Para ella el paso del tiempo no era para nada relevante, aun así disfrutaba de su tiempo, de los preciosos recuerdos que creaba de cómo dejó huella en la existencia pintando su historia en la tierra y de los cuales las estrellas fueron fieles testigos , así que sí, el paso del tiempo no le molestó en absoluto solo la hizo apreciarlo aún más.

Como un ser con gran vitalidad, un inmortal, el paso de las estaciones no hizo mella en su cuerpo, solo ayudaron a moldear su alma, su temperamento, ayudándola a crecer y aprender cosas nuevas constantemente cada día.

Como inmortal, las vidas humanas parecían insignificantes en comparación con las de ella, que caminaría sobre la tierra quién sabe cuánto tiempo, en comparación con ella las vidas de los mortales no eran más que el soplo de una brisa, un parpadeo, comparable a la llama de una vela, eso se consumía poco a poco, en algún momento desaparecían y eso estaba bien, era parte del ciclo humano.

Aun así, había algo de amargura en ello, como inmortal vio de muchos humanos, muchos de los cuales eran de su tierra, muchos con los que había formado un vínculo, los vio de uno a uno, dejando un sabor astringente en su paladar , pero ¿qué se puede esperar? Eran mortales y, como se indicó, debían seguir el curso de la naturaleza y desde su debido tiempo.

Como diosa con muchos títulos, durante mucho tiempo se hizo cargo de la tierra que ella y su hermano crearon con su amigo, de las personas que juraron proteger, personas que a cambio los adoraban, que veían en ellos un líder y un protector, por lo tanto junto con su hermano mayor se dirigió y protegió a su pueblo, brindándoles orientación y bendiciones, haciendos prosperar construyendo una ciudad y creando un legado que se asegurarían de proteger hasta el momento en que ya no fueran necesarios.

Tan poco duraron los tiempos de relativa paz cuando los de arriba daban un aviso, se batían en duelo, como en una subasta de siete artículos, siete asientos ya los concursantes que quedaran en pie, los ganadores, se les darían estos regalos uno por uno, cada uno de ellos, con este anuncio comenzó la guerra, una masacre más bien dicho, fue devastadora, los pueblos fueron diezmados junto con los dioses que adoraban, no hubo piedad ni vacilación en las acciones de los demás dioses por mucho que quisieran. participar por los bienes y el poder que les fue prometido como si lo hicieran sólo para sobrevivir y proteger a sus devotos.

Fue una época oscura, pero ella y su hermano siempre salieron victoriosos, junto con su pueblo, dieron un paso adelante, protegieron a su pueblo y destruyeron a sus enemigos.

Con una reputación y un poder como el de ellos, era seguro que ningún otro dios querría medirse con ellos y provocarlos, pero no bajaron la guardia, aun así fallaron una vez, una que aún con tanto tiempo sigue presente en ellos, en una astuta artimaña deben reconocer, con resentimiento, fueron separados de su amigo Guizhong fue asesinado y llegaron tan tarde para rescatarla sosteniéndola en sus brazos, su hermano y ella la vieron exhalar su último aliento y desaparecer del mundo, de su mundo .

Con la ira ardiendo y el resentimiento fresco en sus venas, su hermano y ella destruyeron a todos los dioses involucrados en la muerte de su querido amigo. Cuando la guerra llegó a su fin y los siete vencedores fueron reconocidos por Celestia, la tierra entró en otro período de paz y entre los dioses victoriosos, los arcontes, se llegó a un acuerdo tácito a menos que para ocasiones formales no se permitiera a nadie más entrar en una tierra que no fuera sus dominios sin una invitación, la tierra se dividió en siete naciones que eran gobernadas por su respectivo dios.

Los mortales comenzaron a obtener hechos, poderes que reflejaban el elemento de cualquiera de los siete arcontes;

Pyro para el fuego, el Arconte de Natlán

Crio por hielo, el Arconte de Snezhnaya

Hidro para el agua, el Arconte de Fontaine

Anemo para el viento, el Arconte de Mondstadt

Electro para la electricidad, el Arconte de Inazuma

Dendro para plantas o vida vegetal, el Arconte de Sumeru

Geo para la tierra, el Arconte de Liyue.

Representados por estos portadores de la visión, aquellos que fueron bendecidos o entraron en la gracia de Celestia y fueron reconocidos por sus dioses eran sin duda más fuertes que sus compañeros, ya que los dioses de Liyue Morax y ella, Astarte, garantizaban la seguridad de su pueblo. mirando desde el margen o ayudando indirectamente, fue un tiempo de paz, tomó mucho tiempo y dedicación arreglar lo que los vestigios de la guerra destruyeron, honrar a los caídos en la guerra y sanar las cicatrices de quienes presenciaron tan trágicos y desafortunados. evento.

Tuvo varios nombres, Astarté, con el que la llamaban en Liyue, Belial, como era conocida fuera de los límites de los dominios que ella y su hermano gobernaban, en algunas de sus representaciones era retratada como un conejo en el regazo del El Gran Señor Geo, en otras como un fénix que se posaba en su asiento de piedra y en las más populares, y correctas, como un dragón majestuoso, nunca fue vista tomando forma humana desde que terminó la guerra de los arcontes y los que antes de ella habían Vio una tomada y solo pudo dar una vaga descripción de cómo se veía ya que nunca habían visto su rostro desde que lo cubrió con un velo.

"Morax - habló de repente la suave voz femenina, terminando con el silencio que se había creado entre ellos.

Colocando la fina taza de té sobre la mesa de piedra, se giró para mirar a su hermano, quien aún no había desviado su atención del té. estaba bebiendo.

“Astarte - murmuró su nombre con una dulzura única que podían tener las personas que amaban profundamente a alguien, tomando un sorbo de su té.

Volvió sus ojos ambarinos hacia su amado tesoro, quien le devolvió la mirada suavemente con sus orbes lilas.

“¿Hay algo que quieras comunicarme, mi pequeña estrella? – Continuó hablando, dejando que una pequeña sonrisa se deslizara por sus labios rosados, mirando la cálida sonrisa de su hermana pequeña.

“Liyue va bien hasta el momento, nuestra gente está bien y eso me llena el corazón de tanta satisfacción – el menor miró hacia el horizonte, desde donde estaban ambos se podía ver la silueta de su pueblo, se podía ver el puerto y ella Podía escuchar desde donde estaba las voces de personas que transcurrían su día a día sin preocupaciones, una sonrisa de satisfacción decoraba sus labios rubicundos y unos orbes lilas brillaban satisfechos con lo que podía captar.

La mayor observaba atentamente a la menor, su largo cabello castaño-negro con las puntas descoloridas a violeta claro que estaba atado en una coleta alta adornada con hermosas horquillas y lazos de tonos morados y plateados, sus orbes lilas similares a amatistas, su impecable piel blanca y la delicada sombra de ojos de un suave morado que adornaba sus párpados y resaltaba sus largas pestañas, los pequeños aretes de amatista que adornaban sus orejas, su esbelta y grácil figura que estaba envuelta en un hermoso hanfu con su combinación de colores. favorita, morada y plateada, sus delicadas y suaves manos con el esmalte morado que acompañaba y decoraba sus uñas, todo en ella era hermoso, en otros tiempos Morax habría tenido, y aún lo hace, para ahuyentar a los arrogantes pretendientes de su pequeña estrella , pero ¿quién diría que en ese pequeño cuerpo se esconde un poder terrible, con su carita inofensiva, quién diría que es una diosa guerrera que arrasó los campos de batalla, con solo un arma de asta? Las apariencias realmente engañan, ella era muy diferente a él, quien tenía cabello castaño oscuro con un tono ámbar desvaído y ojos dorados que eran como polos opuestos.

“¿Sigues escabulléndote para mezclarte con los humanos? – Dejando sus pensamientos a un lado, Morax centró su mirada en Astarte, viendo como se sonrojó levemente al ser descubierta nuevamente por su hermano pero aun así mantuvo su expresión serena.

"Por supuesto, todavía lo hago -admitió honestamente luego de ser atrapada por su hermano, no estaba mal que ella lo hiciera, Morax nunca se lo prohibió, pero tenía que admitir que era especialmente vergonzoso cuando su hermano atrapaba. su deambular entre los mortales, hablando con ellos. como si fuera una persona más normal deambulando por el puerto y las calles de Liyue.

"Debo admitir que tienes algunas formas creativas de observar a los humanos - comentó Morax con un ligero tono divertido, observando como su hermana escondía su rostro avergonzado detrás de su abanico en un intento de ocultar sus mejillas previamente pálidas ahora decoradas con un suave color rosa. .

“Qué mala eres, siempre aprovechando mis deslices para avergonzarme -refunfuñó Astarte mientras se quejaba de su hermano, Morax simplemente la vio enfadarse con él mientras dejaba que una sonrisa acariciara sus labios.

El ambiente cálido permaneció por un tiempo mientras el sonido de su agradable conversación flotaba en el viento, Morax realmente apreciaba momentos como estos, con su larga vida inmortal realmente apreciaba las pequeñas conversaciones con su hermana, sus debates, sus entrenamientos pasando.

El tiempo con ella y los demás adeptos hizo más llevadera la carga que había asumido y la maldición de ser un inmortal que vería cambiar los tiempos y seguiría presente, sería testigo de tantas cosas que sólo los de su especie serían capaces de entender, y verdaderamente Lo apreciaba, amaba a su hermana, la adoraba y no sabría que hacer si la perdía no después de perder tanto, los Yakshas, de los cuales solo quedaba Xiao, y Guizhong, su querido amigo, siendo realmente inmortal. No son bonitos, pero Morax no pediría más, estaba bien con lo que tenía y era feliz.

“Hermano, algo me ha parecido mal últimamente, no sé si solo estoy siendo paranoico o algo así, pero algo muy dentro de mí me dice que algo está pasando y no sé si es bueno – el que tiene Ojos lilas lo miraron con una emoción en sus ojos que no pude explicar muy bien, ¿era preocupación, confusión o miedo? No sabría distinguirlo bien, estaba muy mezclado e incluso a él, que conocía tan bien a su hermana, le costó descifrarlo.

"De nada sirve adelantarse a los hechos, lo que tiene que venir, vendrá -comentó Morax luego de tomarse un tiempo para pensar en lo que dijo su hermana, no era que estuviera siendo paranoica, él también sentía algo, deberías De vez en cuando, no. No fue tan preciso ni tanto como lo que sentía, fue leve pero sabía que algo se estaba gestando y no sabría cuando surgiría, solo esperaba que no fuera tan malo como la última gran guerra, realmente esperaba que no fuera así.

Again, peace never lasts forever, another catastrophe occurred, this time not for the land that the archons ruled but for a small nation that did not worship any god, which Celestia decided that it touched too many taboos and therefore wanted to punish them, He ordered his archons to destroy the nation and punish the 'sinners', in that catastrophe in addition to the loss of the innocent and the punishment of said 'sinners', we lost the electro archon, Baal died and his twin sister, even with the lost fresh in her being, she took charge of her nation, and although Astarte was not directly present, she knew it, she saw it in the stars, the truth that Celestia wanted so much to hide was discovered for Belial who observed the secrets that the sky that controlled and She showed her love without hesitation, and decided to remain silent, because knowing such a truth could end her, that is why she kept such a secret, keeping herself safe.

Time changed again, Focalors disappeared, but Astarte knew better, Rukkhadevata did too, but left a successor, time continued and five hundred years passed and everything seemed normal, Astarte saw what was coming, a plan of which no He wanted to participate in a scheme that involved all of Teyvat, waiting for a great change in the tides that destiny had prepared for his land, his world and everything began to take shape, when a stranger appeared at the gates of the city of freedom. Searching for some clue or way to find his lost twin, except Dvalin and Venti, Barbatos, lost his gnosis and soon the traveler set out on his way to his next destination, Liyue.

Astarte knew that her brother wanted to do something, she was very aware of it, she knew it better than anyone and she did not stop him, she knew what he wanted and she did not oppose it, she kept it a secret, Morax might think that her thoughts They went unnoticed by anyone and that's how it was most of the time for other people, but he couldn't escape from his sister, who seemed to know everything, he had the feeling that she knew what he planned to do and he wasn't very sure. his reaction, pleasant was his surprise when she only looked at him out of the corner of her eye on one occasion while they were having tea, and wished him luck, he remembers having curved the corner of his lips in a small smile and looking tenderly at his sister caressing her hair with softly, the topic was not touched on further and the afternoon continued as always.

The rite of Descent that year was somewhat controversial, imagine the surprise and horror that shook the bodies of those present when they witnessed such a thing; As every year in each rite Rex lapis and Belial descended, first the youngest descended taking the form of a majestic and elegant phoenix and took place on a previously arranged pedestal, then when Rex lapis descended the weather became tempestuous after the roar of the dragon The exuvia fell on a pike until it crashed against the stone table where the offerings were arranged. With the anguished song of the Phoenix, it took flight and disappeared in flashes and lilac stars. Panic ran through the crowd as they watched their god lying on the ground. , dead, and his goddess leaving in anguish.

The Qixing took quick measures and closed the exits, the traveler escaped while the Millelith pursued him as a suspected suspect, encountering a Fatui named Childe who lent them his help, the traveler and his floating companion embarked on Jueyun Karts, the abode of The Adepti, in an attempt to show his innocence, after his meeting with the adepts advised him to also meet with the sister of the former lord Geo.

"One considers it prudent to communicate with Lady Belial, one believes that the situation should be explained to her and appease her anguish and anger, one would not want Lady Belial to hunt you down, as a suspected suspect in the murder of her brother -Cloud Retainer suggested, looking at the traveler and his companion. who looked at him with confusion.

“Lady…Belial? – The traveler looked confused at the illuminated beast and at his floating companion, waiting for someone to explain to him.

“Right! Paimon hasn't explained that to the traveler yet! – the girl exclaimed out loud with a nervous smile. “Now, Belial is the younger sister of the archon Geo and although she herself is not an archon, in the time of yore she was a powerful goddess who helped Rex lapis get a seat.” in the seven under Celestia and founded Liyue with him, she is known as the Goddess of the stars and abundance, although she has other titles, it is the bird that we saw descending at the beginning of the rite - Paimon explained to the traveler who understood the instant.

“One knows that the floating creature is right, one advises to hasten the pace in your meeting with the Demon Conqueror and return here to meet with Lady Belial to discard her suspicions about you – commented Cloud Retainer, dismissing the traveler and urging him to hurry.

After the trip downhill, their meeting with the Demon Conqueror, who did not take the news well, was somewhat difficult, because at first he did not seem to want to listen to them, but anyway he managed to meet again with the Adeptus, who said that he would meet with the other Adepts, the traveler once again set out on the path to the Jueyun Gorge in search of the Cloud Retainer's mora, once the two were found the Adeptus took him to the abode of Belial, the abode of the goddess was cozy, the two large trees that flank the beautiful house with the characteristic Liyue style, the open space was covered by bushes of herbs and beautiful flowers, some of which I could not recognize. On one side there was a lake on its banks there was a platform made of wood covered with beautiful carvings on its pillars, inside it there was a table and its respective chairs.

“Retainer, it is a pleasant surprise that you visit me – a pleasant female voice was present in the space of space on the shores of the lake, upon hearing her name Cloud Retainer shook his wings for a moment and bowed his head in greeting.

“Lady Belial, one knows that it is certainly true that we have not seen each other in a long time,” the Adeptus agreed at what the goddess said.

“Leave that Retainer, you know it is not necessary for you to bow to me – Belial gently reprimanded the Adeptus who was still bowing.

"One is sorry, my lady, but one must show proper etiquette when meeting one's employer," the crane apologized to the voice that had not yet made a physical presence, the traveler and his companion were confused, the voice was there, but they still couldn't see who it belonged to.

“Well, Retainer, I know that you have come to look for me for something, so tell me so I can judge – on the table where there was nothing before, a small furry body was present, it was black-brown in color, it seemed to be a lop-eared rabbit, The tips of his ears were light purple and his eyes looked like amethysts. It was beautiful. When they realized that it was the rabbit who was speaking, they looked at him in surprise. They expected Belial to present himself as the majestic bird they saw during the ritual of the ritual. descent, not like the shape they had in front of them now.

“…I see, that's right – Belial spoke after the matter was explained, it was all a shock and the traveler hoped that the Goddess would not blame him. “Although you did not have to come here, that you would take the time to try to appease my anger.” It's quite refreshing on your part, even so, I'm sorry that they made you run from one place to the other for something you haven't done - I expressed with a small apology for the whole thing, saying goodbye to the traveler, they wished him luck on his return to the port. from Liyue.

"You don't seem as surprised as one expected, my Lady," the bird said, watching the goddess take her human form. She remained silent with her eyes closed. Opening them slowly, she looked at the Adepti and turned her gaze to the small lake on her back before to answer.

"I saw it coming, my brother was planning something, Retainer, don't tell anyone else, keep my words, let what I'm going to tell you remain in your mind and the words I tell you die in your throat so that they won't be pronounced…. – Astarte whispered in a soft but solemn voice.

“Morax still lives – the voice of the goddess shook the body of the Adeptus, it was inconceivable, but again her lady had knowledge that they could not understand.

“My lady, how…? The body of our lord… – Cloud Retainer sputtered, still not processing what Belial had revealed to him so easily.

“The exuvia is nothing more than a shell at this moment, nothing more than an empty container – the woman explained to the bird that was stupefied.

"Don't ask me what my brother is planning by faking his death, don't ask me why I didn't want to interfere in his plans, just keep silent about what I just mentioned," the goddess murmured with a sigh, the Adeptus nodded promising discretion. .

“You must leave now and meet with the other Adepti, Retainer we will meet again at a later date – the goddess dismissed the bird, watching as it left and her figure disappeared from her sight.

“Morax no…. Zhongli, my brother, let's meet soon so you can tell me about this experience of yours of passing like any other mortal - the goddess whispered to the wind with a soft smile on her face, observing further where Liyue and her people were, who were now tense.

“May Liyue always be prosperous – Belial wished to the stars in the sky, while the wind caressed her hair.

Osial was released, something that should have been unheard of but still happened, and endangered all of Liyue, but Belial did not appear other than to monitor and evacuate the villagers in an unknown way, he knew that Zhongli was putting his friends to the test. citizens, he wanted to know if they would be able to face the threats that endangered their land without the help of their gods, and they were able, with the help of the traveler and the Adeptus that still remained to protect the port and its inhabitants.

The traveler continued his journey through Teyvat searching for clues about his lost relative, getting into trouble and helping the nations he visited, and something was wrong again, Astarte knew what had been brewing beneath the seemingly calm surface was bubbling up. from the ground upwards and very soon it would come to light, Celestia's plans would come to light soon and that would bring nothing but the destruction of Teyvat if it was not stopped in time and as if manifested the chaos began once it The traveler and his missing relative met face to face again, as the traveler's journey through the nations ended when Celestia, always impatient, finally decided to intervene with Teyvat once again.

There was not much time left, the fight began once, the fight that would decide the fate of Teyvat and its inhabitants, it was hard, it was cruel, the entire battlefield was a disaster, incoming attacks, craters everywhere, bodies by others and Celestia did not give her arm to twist, weakened one she insisted on holding on, in a last attack with her remaining energies she opened a crack using an unknown ability and the laws that governed Teyvat began to fail, instead of the attack that was she was supposed to throw something else happened, Belial knew it when he looked at the expression on her face, that wasn't what she wanted to do at all but she used it anyway, it wasn't what she wanted but it would serve a similar purpose, dl The attack was directed towards her brother and the people around him, her instincts screamed and putting herself between the attack and her brother, it hit her instead, she dropped to her knees while Celestia was defeated.

Her brother approached her, his expression denoted how he felt at that moment, he knelt next to her, taking her in his arms, he knew it, he knew that his sister, like many others who fought against Celestia, was disappearing, it was that last attack. And although Zhongli didn't know what he was doing, he was clear that he would take his sister away from him forever.

“Zhongli – she called with a quiet voice, the woman rested her forehead on her older brother's shoulder, sighing softly.

“Xinghe, my little star – the former geo archon spoke in a silent voice, looking at his little sister in his arms. At this moment, a memory from five hundred years ago entered him, when his sister told him that something was wrong in Teyvat, she She knew it, she knew this was going to happen and yet she chose this path without even a second's hesitation.

"There are... so many things I would like to say, but I can't find the words..." in the throat.

"Astarte..." the man tried to speak, but the words did not come out of his mouth, the always eloquent advisor of the Wangshen funeral home could not formulate any words, he could only tighten his grip on his sister's body, transmitting his meaning without the need for words.

"Quería compartir muchas cosas más contigo... ser testigo del cambio de esta tierra, caminar contigo para siempre..." continuó murmurándole a su hermano con una sonrisa en su rostro lloroso, el entorno se había calmado. Permaneciendo en silencio, los que estaban cerca de los dos dioses se acercaron a los dos, observándolos más de cerca.

“Hermano, lo siento… lamento no poder ser parte de tu historia de ahora en adelante, pero aún no me arrepiento de haberte salvado…” pronunció Belial mientras acariciaba la mejilla de Zhongli antes de comenzar. desvanecerse.

“¡Astarté! Tú...! – exclamó Zhongli sorprendido al ver a su hermana comenzar a desaparecer, las personas a su alrededor jadearon de horror, la niña solo negó con la cabeza.

"Hermano, antes de irme, quiero dejar un regalo, tanto para Teyvat como para ti, el tuyo está en casa, sabrás dónde encontrarlo – Belial dejó un beso en la mejilla de su hermano, reuniendo su energía formando un ocho- estrella puntiaguda en sus manos, pronunciando una oración, besó la estrella y la arrojó al cielo “Es hora de que te diga adiós hermano, te amo, vive bien, ¿vale – dándole una última sonrisa Belial se desvaneció en qué? representaba estrellas, la estrella que había arrojado al cielo se fragmentó en muchos pedazos que quedaron esparcidos por la tierra, restaurando el lugar y trayendo de regreso a quienes habían perdido la guerra en esta batalla contra Celestia.

“Astarte, Belial, Xinghe, my sister, my dear treasure, I will miss you… – the man called his sister in a soft voice by all the names by which she was known, observing in his hand the bow of his sister's favorite lilac color, he smiled sadly, His sister had disappeared, she was not dead, he knew that well, she was just in a place that he could never access and from which she could not return.

Stranger; the dragon's sister's journey. - shijin03 - 전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader (2024)


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.