St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

I 2C I et. Ennis Ointic-Drmorrit. Friday, Sept.10,1948 THE MAIL BAG 411.1.14 111:1114 The Rrzthe 4. t.PS.!:',. r.

rl 4 -7: 4,.. CzTv r- 14- 1 4 rr 4' 4: Ot.Z.N; -t 1133 Franklin Ave. (1) DOUGLAS B. HOUSER, First Vice Published Daily and Sunday E. LANSLNG RAY, Publisher President W.

C. HOUSER, GArfield 1212 Second Vice President and Treasurer e.41 tto. tol000 twoot toot oo 04,0,6 604 3 us4d 4 et, 'rho od ou o0 moto tcterto to 04.4, 0.04 V.r eo 1044 6o 606 a to oe et t6. kto4 I V. The Globe-Democrat is an independent newspaper.

printing the news impartially, supporting what it believes to be right. and opposing what it believes to be wropg, without regard to party politics. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all mews dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of publi- ption of special dispatchescherein are also reserved. Soviet Provocateurs Russians heaped new fa*ggots on embers of the Berlin crisis yesterday.

After police from the Soviet sector forced their way into American offices, rifled files and dragged off 19 other German policemen seeking refuge there, the Red commander in Berlin, Maj. Gen. not only rejected a United States military protest but witrned our forces not to "interfere in matters which don't concern them." ters which don't concern them." Labor, the employer in government-ownership projects, and labor, the employe. Britain's wage-hungry labor wants upped wages from its wage-stabilizing government The cleavage became more basic when labor's dock strike was broken by Labor's use of troops. One drastic Margate solution calls for worker management instead of government management of nationalized industry; the bank employes' union asks to name a director of the Bank of England.

Congress leaders repudiate this suggestion but they are, in the cryptic phrase of London's Financial Times, swaying betweeit a desire not to thwart the government and a need to placate their rank and file. Mending fences, in American term, is the chief item on the Margate agenda. It is a preliminary to any Labor challenge of its strong Conservative opposition at the polls but a thankless and negative business. Meanwhile, Labor marks time not only over its own socialistic program but over such grave issues as a union of Western Europe. It will hear about this from Winston Churchill.

Loiters totoodoi tor ghtross et Oho o'ttowoh es 000t ornts tko v414 to proot is of tito corroft.cosie0 41 tooc si. pipet. Addroso lotto, to tto Woman on the B. of E. To the Esi, Nose that the echool are ring-mg again.

It ua het forget that vie, need a won ort the of E. to rerresertt us 11. Our Friendly Enemy? To the Editor: rresident Trunts.n stated in eo nn ect ton with Vle congreasional investigatien cf wartime ory acts- ity in the United that Russia was at that tirne ally and that. of course. it was foolish to think that they would try ori LAI under these "lancet.

It is that his efforts to th in vestigation of Comrrrtintst inraence and in his own and M. Rooseve2t tion have led to utter such an absurd.ty. Mr Truman, sillutien to a as-artirne -aniance with la most inaccurate. It harrened that betth w-e and they Isere fighting a common enemy. ant It wit, fashienatle to state thAt they were our eknies tl3wever inforrnaton then our officials.

and cnce should hove male it evident that the Soviet leaders ctil not harbor ftny frendship for the 1Itied Slat( s. The story of the shuttle bc.rr,btrig Germarry tetween bases in Ilritsun rtni Italv ant hakes In salts one of SMlet and obstruction ffl token of co-cret lion. Only last week accourts were ruhlished ef the means Tlussans ernrloyed trt of our best hornber. the which sririting assay a aircraft downed In and Interned before entry Into the Pacifie war as a the shooting tirwn hroad of one ether Canadian st- inquiry, to the consicticn of a ef perwortt rmrtttr et dcw tzt credence Mr. A --ear and a hal atm V.r.

Truman that he did it corIder Ito a 14a(ttul and u1 ta and tre. litre ct b.rg 4ralt-rt t.te Mmre t-as Mat ran la V-e tin et 1r rt her rat Into rri NrinA tt'e Arner.ean 11' Itntl et the tvartIrre et 1714t La Ave MT Tr3rnan. :4,11 R.74,,At vet ar-st ran has te4 kV tyr.Ry. a 11(Ist To the sr I lc eriyc'e, Cf he -c AB tra the ttVcr the 1.r..c1,!ayer atho S. 7 hc.1.17t aroric in Ychi oka the tt CvC cl*tt d.

h3, ray clinlon no aoilat-1 Nnd erca, tut tho 14,1,3 lairriAT rmktI'c litt711 er 3 the ore ho arainiot 3t, in ether uerita, inrittkn thirg kik ixtch-oi lahy fLn a geond eii: for Li tt that brought the rniti.ter rac Et; 70 to the.r Clft ritzg' A k-ty cf the than ari It ha in 7-c-mt 3I-77, I H--a Vh. -7 SHEA ri 4-0-- ...1 1 1' EN TABLE I coNFER- 1 1 -I 1., s.l 3 )1 1 10 n-, 1. I 4 :1 i 41Pecip.o.rti, twl i 1 je 's VAN' 45 1.., 7.,.. I lc. .....7 I 0..1.: 1, I 7 4 I I l' i 4 4.

4 'a' ,,1114,, I 4 4 -0, t14-" --i 4 ti- i 4- -r- 1. s.t li -7 e-, 4.... This is brazen conduct. Our military precincts were violated by a Soviet-sanctioned police invasion, and we are bluntly told to mind our own business. Russians are beginning openly to push us around in Berlin.

This episode is a clear if minor act of flaunting hostility. The fusilade Soviet troops loosed upon anti-Communist demonstrators, across Russian boundaries in the British zone, brings an accumulating peril closer. These are pieces in a dangerous Red mosaic, an integrated patchwork of provocation. Unquestionably American interests are using every influence to prevent Berlin from falling a victim to Russian grab strategy. Emotions are edgy on both sides.

But the Sbviet military show steadily increasing disregard of Western and German rights. They get bolder and more ruthless by the day. Kotikov charged Americans with "protecting provocateurs and blackguards." The in Berlin are openly bent on wresting the city for the Kremlin from all other legitimate controlsthis in the teeth of the unequivocal four-power control pact negotiated at Potsdam. How far this needling can go without flaming into desperate violence, none can surmise. The attitudes of Soviet leaders on the Berlin scene banish any immediate hope for agreement, leaving only an atmosphere pregnant with omens of a raveling peace.

DROP IN THE BUCKET GEORGE E. 1 Country Fair Shilis Help Forttet Berlin Our Achilles' Heel LAWRENCE: Lack of Coordination Apparent in Russia The Federal Reserve System, virtually an agency of the government, has taken its third monetary slap at inflation by increasing reserve requirements of member banks by about $1,900,000,000. This is expected to have the effect of reducing potential credit perhaps 000,000.000. Earlier it reinstituted consumer instalment credit controls and sought -to discourage commercial borrowing by raising the yields on short term government securities and by increasing the Reserve System rediscount, rate. In total effect these are merely spoonfuls dipped from the buying freshet; good -in their limited way but of doubtful adequacy in controlling the stream.

The question still remains whether the only real remedy isnot to get realistic and cease the pegged-bond policy with which Henry Morgenthau cutely diverted the cost of the war from the voters to the banks. As it is now the administration adopts purportedly deflationary devices with one hand and with the other enables lenders to cash in government bonds at supported premium prices to obtain money to put out at higher yields. This support the Treasury has maintained in order to keep interest rates low for any future funds it borrows. In practice the policy acts merely to emasculate any good that might come of softer measures. Today the banks have only to turn in more government bonds to keep the same credit flow as before order.

Only the potential lending is curbed. There are admittedly grave dangers in allowing the bond market to seek its supply-and-demand le el. Some persons claim that is what set off the depression of the last decade. But the government at present is merely fixing prices on mOney, with the same result as its fixed prices of meat The money is oing where it will command the best price in interest-to borrowers and spenders. By trying to keep its budgeted interest charges down, the government is contributing to inflation.

It is "deflating" by dribbles while itself keeping the spigot of free creation of credit open by guaranteeing par prices or better to anyone who wants to sell government securities before maturing. The policy allows none of the flexibility essential to any successful controls. Whether or not the drastic remedy of unsupported bonds lies ahead eventually, perhaps it is wise meanwhile to stop kidding ourselves about the value of political pecks at 'inflation. I went to the animal fair: The birds an bettets were there. The big baboon Ile it on the moon.

And combed his golden hair. The monk Yes. that must have been me. for I went to tbe coantry fa.r played all the shill games. I moved froiu one to othior ste how they worked; how they took the money frara the yelsel-4, cf whom I was one.

It was a wonderful eery time I put up a dime or a quarter. fir half a There wfm the game with the these numbers were red. black horses climbing uphill. You ani green, and one ef pushed a handle and a hall yellaw. The numbers wr nat bounced- in a glass case and in ner ere every time the ball went into the colors for it Slot the horse moved.

The first The thi'rt tV.i 3 horse toreach the top won the in: Ti it .1 prize. About a dozen could play liiri, thr game. at once. but only one could ev.n a to: ndia a prize. I played half a dozen hers get a meniething un times.

A boy. about Is years old important, I ii vm a or thereabouts, won five times rritnber then the ante is out of six. He was playing an to een'ii, The object ot to get hour later. lie waa playing two greens or 'ire ns t4til hours later. He was the shill.

a nut zui th-n yiya tn He worked for the en the Mevhe So I moved to a real provost- for 5:1 or Si )(et yin take tion. This ftanti exinbiteil the thing that eoiit sioit maNbe roost expensive prizes. If any- The Is only One won he would walk off with mix yod wt. you get on something real, like a costly I I tor trot-amt. but nit rrizc table radio or a fishing outfit.

It coct me tn eat, on, So I put up a quarter. A num- At the sends balls ef ber of India rubber halls were nil colors down the chute. So rolling down a chute. Each ball yott get a red or a gr en or a had a number on it in Hack black Yod get two for a ink. The number was relited to Yrei them yotira group of numbers on a chart: self.

Nobody interferes. Le Ievt 9 tr hake r.Vn the ftt-tt. et ten4 to Lonien. There is nn to et.trrN.rg the gor.1 thAt k. tee- t-et( re rtittttit tee western A rerni 4.

tt't trre thlt ete.ctr4ert. Tr rove'eed the Sc' e( c' c-, in the ty et e' 4 It te (1- do not ry (' then they hare; c- attr up trettuEe ton li.e.r,.rs T. et I l't enttnte reatl.rit intt-iere rn they a tte oc- 4- 4: nna te the recent tenterenter. tn14-t I 41 th Ttte eat-t. at -re To ertanclel ooen entntsy et g.ket-.

trent tit the tt Attstah art -g ce't 10, eS 'ts ttil te ri of IterLn I. 0., -k tt t'te eel at. Ate'y IN -11 the I en! t- Ntt scow. .24 tt Sit lark et! en ta, t-ctira ar.4 cn the tr(k vvr.t er ecne k-e l-tat tt-ey t-' 4t earat.nable In no ay. tc'r 14-e tett( at ccrtatnly the are ani tnere owera not 0 twits-e, to beLeke the that -g en tr; sAtil rnoke In ct i tctzat iekel orJer to get the ttrten- fl Itited to- eh st asett become hte erttlt-I cvrr Lttle matter ot dpute Comm tot 1 a't4 the top nt.tstantonkti-A rt0'Xsi 12.1 the So t-ornraut-todt, There ta la tt.trorN;t-g cool the thAt tee t-tc( tt, tt stans are rt tee extern A ac-- ferni et egreemert xt pat-.

CT tirre tle-c-r(ter. Tr h.t.toz I Y. tn the Sc' :71 c' c-. iat'xta in the ty et 4 t-e Inftte-I tat do tot any Tt then thty hxrct tter.t, c- tto attr troue ton it-, it t't entintt rvattrg rt rn T. a IA(71 '4.

'1 roa (It 4., the recent tenterenet. A to, th (-11 Th.e eat-t. at are ertxrclel it tit't oohn ctitntsy et t. tritnt ant tbat the uhah ts Srt cert. to, es rt ter( te ri tte 1 I lietLrt Alt-7y 7, the titnct.orainta scow.

.2, t. I too Sit ilirk cot.r.itr.t.t ytf atjettra rin't art-rs cn the tr(N er S.ottt acne -e t.ev t-- In no vkay. t'c'r retrt the are nnot 1m-fro not 0 as to the that rlolte in is ct tn a ietel orJer to get the Liteti to hoxe to- st of tterltn become a t.e, artt14-1 cvrr a ltttle ntxtter ot dtarttle t- ht tot 1 ta'it the top ntatatalnolato--1 an tte 14.0-,-(1$'tcro Ihc CnziurMi )- you A rr. Mit YOU Are. tc1110e1 to get the three greert Se) )ou go on irIt nw grt any tatit nAmtiers.

All of a tVis ar; car that reit or rtuilbers on lite chart. 1 ft ttrA t.arn, but then tn tnere ts of In hal. en tt trt, on 97 hcra w.f. the ni of the chute t. Ile can t.rei as, Ye c.

ant he I.ket r. I I a ful Urne I rcrt P. w.r,h.r47., I'm II at the .1 ker It-at was I. be more If you wr.t. (13 Itvc 3 fr.nviand for InGt dottn't I.

tdett or a tr! noborty tt 7 I t-; ih at bteome Ana the y-; t-r4 the three fr, re lertst to.r I the ttep free7e thtro.1 wh.e.t urogress dots tel 115- S1 I wert to the falt ftni save 5ewel7y 11 I. cowboy clothes Thew cares I. W311 A day when I rerhm They rre that ZhIelsnov (Led utblor was at the fair. So' Sitter xl)erience By EDG It GUEST Vhen ns left am And I think They're nieep. there comes the cry: "I Ant a drink." Vhen Tye pett7e1 in my 1-nr a Corneal Ji dnwn the On tors.

'hen I ash the rtAfon why Down con, 1.he'll reply. "'Mains arti hums." Vhen to ant-u every call 16p I tvoritter they ever Fast L. current marijuana case. you Ito many of them into fame. nobody should expect them to behave on the higher levels.

4The be low-ered '21 seconds to let my Remington cool o. Hedia. you know very that movie fo.ks are trained wallow in that they it Objective No. 1. an that at all know how it and whist it can mean in And aince they know the spot-linht is on them times.

Aren't they under a of special oblation to take bad with the good, I am with you when you that very few stars have balance and capacity to meet temptations that cora with fame and fortune. That what we all say. And that is mLllAora of American fathers and mothers have been contending all along that Hotly-woods top officials. and especially the Johnston office. should a little more to acquaint with the hard facts of life a much tougher attitude-Get me right- Heidi.

No man be held guilty until he had his day in court. It is possible this tad Is innocent But pleas Lay off that of tbe newspapers and regular reporters and the They. too. Could be Innocent trans In Callaway County tomorrow approximately 20.000 persons are expected to watch a modern agricultural miraclethe telescoping of eight years work into an eight-hour day. In that brief period a soil conservation project will he cornpleted on the 200-acre farm of a World 'War II achievement which would ordinarily take eight years to complete and which will add about $10,000 to the value of the farm.

This is a spectacular demonstration of what. can be done to safeguard this country's greatest natural resourceeits soil. It is impressive, not as an of American ingenuity and cooperation, hut as an illustration of the urgent need for proper soil conservation on thousands of Missouri farms. Speaking at the All-Iowa Soil Con5ervation Field Day at Osceola, this week, Secretary -of Agriculture Charles F. Brannan aptly described the depletion of our soil resourc as the "Achilles heel of America." It is one of the lessons of history, he pointed out that no nation can survive as a great power if it permits its land and forest resources to deteriorate.

We are still drawing wastefully upon our heritage. In another century at the present rate of despoliation. the United States will become dependent upon other countries for food and clothing. Fortunately, the United States is beginning to do something about it, as the field day near Fulton attests. But in this state, we are not yet doing enough.

An example of what Missouri can do is provided by our northern Mr. Brannan summed up Iowa's achievements when he reported that Iowa now has 90 soil conservation districts, contaiiiing more than 30,000,000 acres and about 200,060 farms. Nine out of every 10 Iowa farms are now in conservation districts. Missouri, by. comparison, has 19 conservation districts.

The Soil Conservation Field Day Fulton should be a reminder to Missouri that it is time to get on With the vital task of conserving and developing this state's land resources. Ge'rnton Vtien Secretary Ntarahall TT 1 rfunts that tee why he In sire tart to up a Cornni tto no-nannted covitrt titere he r-, enc tray re, evidently teels he can tke en- rg IN 1 0 ach a at'ttn-. at r.ri,t I pf 1 RAYMOND MOLEY: President Usurps Power CONSTANTINE BROWN: Dawg Russia Stran(re Maneuver The Vote in Georgia 6 Georgia voted on "white supremacy" yesterday and there is no question as to where its majority sentiment lies. Herman Talmadge, son of the ineffable Gene, was nominated for Governor in the state primary, which means he will Gov. M.

E. Thompson. He won the county unit voting system, like the federal electoral to the large counties, two to populated rural counties. The fairness allocation has frequently been ques Herman did more. He also majority of the popular vote over the results were published he said a warning to the nation on the And well it may be.

The given to Talmadge followed by a overwhelming election of Repre. in Mississippi, another advocate supremacy." It followed the pretentious of the Dixiecrat party in the the promise that it will deny Truman. Its excuse for existence unalterable opposition to the President's program. Only yesterday it a States' Rights ticket will be ballot. expected that the Talmadge be continued in Georgia because he possessed under the county his corralling of the total vote is aroused feelings in Dixie.

Meddlers have been served due notice. Counselor Gabby has at last come through. And the Fresh Air Taxicab Company has had a windfall. Amos 'n' Andy, far less familiarly known as Freeman Gosden and Charts Correll, have sold all their characterization rights to the Columbia Broadcasting Company. Since the sale is said to come under the capital gains tax law, comics will escape some of the tall income levies of upper bracket folk.

That's finesse incorpolated. Amos ought to be able to feather a nest for Ruby, and Andy that ailiable Jerk-of-no-trades, can lose a few rounds io the hopefully larcenous Kingfish without bankruptcy. Buzz Miss Blue. Take a letter to i3ncle Sam. Sign it Andrew H.

Brown, Financier. They're in big business again! Let the grind his tooth. Profits are in the bag "one million two million wlio dat Morgan feller?" And this time the boys aren't kidding. Once Over Among the infinite variety of talents ascribed to Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt no one has been so hardy is to include a lawyers knowledge of and feeling for law.

Roosevelt was admitted to the ner-Smith. who WJ3 a member bar after an incomplete turn of the military government staff in law school, but he never went in Germany and Japan. reviews seriously into its study or prac- the whole situ tan in the cur-Lice. Harry S. Truman secured rent ream' Law Review.

a law degree while serving in a Ile says that "a reversal of political job in Missouri. but np- our earlier polley has apparently parcntly never attained standing been completed." Put he also at the bar. My references do not quotes the House report to the indicate Prime Minister Attlee's effect that The reduction of legal erudition. Joseph Stalin 1s du4ry find the total neglect of not fenerally known as a jurist. the Germin economy hove certainly not in the field of in-' not vet been entirely tcrnational law.

Stalin may be trem the policy of the rreted known in history as a law- giver, but more will he noted of It rnhne r-S i h. moreover capacity as a law taker- mattes a clear ease for the away. of Congress which have hecn Yet these men at various Big dierea -rded by two Presidents. Three meetings, laid clown The tragedy in this sOtwien specifications for the disposition that so much in mr htei of Germany that in practice have had the effect of law. ready twee.

done that 'Conrrevi Congress only dimly realized when it finally awalcns. will be what was going on. but it may unable to do excel I be assumed that by the time beiatedly lock the barn 'door. Germany is pretty well dismantled it will know that someone has been usurping its power for II. PHILLIPS: some years.

rylv The nearest Congress has come to an indication of its true I ile authority over the occupation policies in Germany is in the report of the House Select Corn- LETTERS FOR mittee on Foreign Aid. a re- ilecida Hopper. Hollywood. port numbered 1500 and issued Dear tieddat Sounding off this year. The report holds up a write: threatening faiger at the Prest- It is deplorable that becaus, dent, implying that Congress a Man happens to be a movi, should have had joint respon- star his actions draw a torren sibility in the entire preparation of the destructive attention upoi and demolition program which the entire movie industry witl has beets, carried out by the a free-for-all splorge fron President acting with the heads patzes in 7 varieties of scandal of foreign states and.

on his own malicious tongue-waggIng an initiative, entering into agree- dirt. If this man were Jo ments with them. Doakes. living, in Center City The complaint of Congress is the story would tie buried oi strengthened by the fact that in page two." And you ad the disposal of German prop- lywood reaches into every cal' erty and the demolition of its of life for its stars. Very few industries the Allies seems to them have the bachrsround have violated The Hague Con- accept the fame and forturt vention of 1907 and the Brussels After all.

how can you expei Conference 'of 1573 concerning them to have the capacity the powers of a military occuhandle this responsibility sa, cud pant. The ironical overtone in this situation is that a number denly thrust upon them! Pull over to the curb. Hedda of Nazi leaders were found your typewriter is speeding guilty at Nuernberg for violist-You are driving it so fast yo ing this very convention concerning occupied territory. What can't stop to think. You gritls is sauce for the goose should be be Or you wouldza make furls sauce for the gander.

The dis- cracks like those. with the newi pers and the public as you Unction is that the goose lost Pa the war. main targets for the rabn The Morgenthau plan. initi- punch. Listen.

Hedda. you ated at Quebec by Churchill and better go easy on that free-foi Roosevelt, would have been a all oplurges in gross violation of international scandal and dirt stuff. In free law. Hull and Stimsom of for-all splurges of scandal an course. prevented its complete dirt let the front page fa adoption.

but enough of it has where it may; name me an been carried over into our occue body who' runs second to Mil; potion policies to retard the wood columnists. peace. impoverish Europe and So lets take up the thi to cost this country billions of Its lust too bad a man gets a dollars in this publicity because he hal An able lawyers John W. Brab- pens to be a movie stare an and fecling for law. ner-Smith.

who W33 It member of the'rhilltary government staff in Germ Iny Japan. reviews the whole sititition in the current Virgatta Law Iteanew. Ile says that "a reversal of our earlier policy has apparently hcen completed." Put he also quotes the House report to the effect that -the reduction (If industry anti the total neglect of the German evortimly hove not yet heen f1inl7ratel from the policy of the 13rnhner-Smith. moreover. mattes it dear case for the rigt-4s of Congress uhirh hare bet disregarded by two Presidents.

The tragedy in this stuation that so morn inplry has already boei. dnne that Conrrevi. when it finally awakens. kali unable to do anything belatcdiy lock the barn 'door. The LETTERS FOR Iledda Hopper.

Hollywood. Dear tiedda: Sounding off write: "It is deplorable that because man happens to be a movie star his actions draw a torrent of the destructive attention upon the entire movie industry with a fret-for-all sprge on front paties in fil varieties of Scandal. malicious tongue-wagng end dirt. If this man were Joe Doakes. living, in Center Citv, the story would tie buried or page two." And you ad: "Ho: lywood reaches into tvery wal of I.fe for its stars.

Very few them have the bacitrsround accept the fame and torture, After all. how can you expei them to have the capacity handle this responsbility sud denly thrust upon them!" Pull over to the curb. liedds: your typewriter is speeding! You are driving It so fast you cant stop to think. You must be or you wouldnt make funny cracks like those. with the papers and the public as your main targets for the rabbit punch.

Listen. Iledda you bad better go easy on that all oplurges in 51 varieties scandal and dirt stuff. In for-all splurges of scandal and dirt let the front page fall where it may; name me body who' runs second to wood columnists. So lets take up the that its lust too bad a man gets this publicity because ha pens to be a movie stare and Gains The name of begin with from the Paris Come the County ham. succeed Acting the office under which is something collegesix votes the sparsely of this Coned.

But young garnered the the state. As soon as his victory was civil rights issue. thumping vote few days the sentative Rankin of "white development Solid South with electoral votes to is its civil rights made certain that on the Texas It had been dynasty would of the advantage unit vote, but significant of from the North Mr. Truman's the West to find Mamma played wasn't gambling. side of the river.

A Texas figure of 267,339 then, he says, it Mr. Dewey Sept. 20. Going he will Refused a cousin and wife, cut his grandpa him a-lone. Sett 9 The I.

Foreign Ministers' to wtle tnc zo-oco I lte former a mantioter. cf unicn through the ttoblem ef I trto Arraric-at dori.optle pol.tics For more than a the der- rtaLh 21 of the Nt.n.stfts the ic, or have been engaged In 1.conti:n Inc it a attempt ugh the qtartIon of hat to to isind cof kith the Lb .02 iht ya and Socnotand 1.414 trart o-t Gotrittel Ausembly. nothinga that ere pcssit3e pbere thoet nct er)ey the hits been by the arto crti or here she is to series of d.scussiorts there. be mei doun the 'Wesicrei laCe agreement d.d emerge lass b4c4c rind ts sarr.prthirtrs! so minute as to he bo can say ctria-n. he-As the tote for subtriiss.en cf fore the tratSe hstthe ilstie to the Unoted ter bare In General drew near bt-to rn.n.1 1.11'.fr Victit CT matter came into Amer.cara neat! ve :1 tte ittcs An in Irian; re pro.4tc.cooters, no this country favors the retotcra- 1-sy V-e are'es a tIon of the colonies to un- uhst trey cap der a nt Nat.cons trvate rpther tbsis to Lay it ship which will peorm.t itaIv to is r.n rose Thcre are rumen-exploit end develop them o-s angles the out actually LC to ts je Pch er.gbo.t es-them.

cape the unu ray. ard at rein Ithowleolge cf this thra three are tent element in the the thongs Ile muft loo4, for electorate. Gov Thomas E. li.hat ton 01 be Lb relikey ateseat rooks ago tioo- on hp( IS posed that the colonles be glaen too TAY hrr sorrhe back to lusty under the tru.tee- Tbe power ak th43 Ilan. and thereupon tt't Lei4 the Nei upon tornow.1 the charge by re art t.ts Freolident Trirnan that he was an eltotail Cz making unfair use of ho.s knooloo t1 Itly tor op rich the edre of th, to.rarniolot ti to tt' it.

I Mr Truman further tce that th ruAtter liras tort, reecre I .7 as United Naticrts to settle and tot rtrcl on. for domestic pol.tirs ary There the matter oeste-1, fr.orrt'l d'r-a-'- the expiration date of Soe-t. IS Cr-t tt-e ccnrzra a the drawing ever clooker. The Ital- "ecItTo Thls tan treaty that If a for interzaa grrement on the arpot et Lionel controlwith the oretoto the colonies is not reached by oblrb Roma ernOott lertnle aoY that dat the whole matter Ls Moll favorable to thO to be referred back to the Gen- erlern Povorra- oral Assemble. a contingency At airy rate ituaca's baste at which Arnerkan officials have all Lrn to irft tbe lotooLoo sole indicated would not be entirety orioei darcused by top-ouriltizt distpleasirtg to therm.

considering PoLeY-rnaltera 119eY alifell be ratite difficulties that have be yarded as part of her 1,4411 camtenerieneed with the Itutoslent. gooro in the L.N. Avartably. We all ars entitled to MrOadSt The Western have not lust what is behind the Rus.tsn let themselves be led to slough-game in gropctsing oew top-level ter simVI by the Rooconterencea Si this late date iiein propos41 to Vtiorst What do they stand t2 gain? Is they must do. however.

la It a propaganda naadeuver. de. down aod esp. the Soviet sok eiplod to ecabarrass the 'United of good faith Is retzliesting theme States sad Britain by Migins conferences. whenever slack bed them with the tgaa for inah agpartat.

In knowledge of this element in the electorate. Gov Thomas E. Pewey stveral eteks ago rrog.oped that the colonies be gooth hack to Iut ly under the trvatte. th41 0Am. and theettlpen nron the charce l'reident Tr Jrna, that he was making unfair use of M.A.

of tho tiri forrien to te4lect the etc Mr Truman further tit itc that the matter Was ore fc.r Uted Naticns to settle and tot on. for domestic pol.tirs There the matter rested, the expirstion date of Se-t drawing ver eloter. Th Italian treaty provided that if agreement on the et the colonies is not reached by that dat the whole matter Ls to be referred back to the Genral Assembly. a contingence which American officials have indicated would not be entirely displeasing to them considering the difficulties that have been esnerienced with the Russians. We all ars entitled to wonder lust what is behind the RUJII11121 game in propctstag new top-level ronterences at this late date.

What do they stand tq tala, I. It a propaganda madeuver. de-slimed to embarrass the 'United States $ad Britain by r-lgitneo. al theca with the blaa for the next Premier of France will They are starting to select them telephone book. Politicking in Britain Britain's Labor Government is well lit its fourth year, and an election looms in the riot too distant future.

The certain scent of thC hustings, not yet translated into a campaign policy, may explain Labor's tendency to more words and less deeds. Again, the lethargy may 1)e due to Prime Minister Attlee's ill health. The Trades Union Congress, where makes annual ceremony of reporting to its constituents, has opened at Margate without political fireworks. No Bevin reading of foreign policy or high government announcemeni is in the cards. The first speaker was Prilanuel Shinwell, and London newspapers jumped On his offering as a political speech making vagub forecasts of snore nationalization.

I next trip will carry him into out if he can carry the West. SPECIAL Col. on a cu that, come body have carts orils off II I ste -ork ever all irt I to No the the I sudd why then cont4 woo do free-for- then of by 1 free- Ge thou has any- entii Holly- roce blitz the all pub: bap- inn that. come curtain off fa ate arks escuse. all Now argue the the sudden is why do them by should has entirely blitzing the public.

bingo the other night but it The game was on the Missouri friend will not use the Jan. 1, 1948, square miles in Texas. Since may have grown. opens his campaign in Des Moines eight miles a day, seven days a land in Washington Jan. 20..

Unless the Margate meeting turns up meatier substances, the will be read as a sign Labor is not yet ready to hazard ct general election. Its way has been kept open to campaign on the issue of further socialism, cape-daily the nationalization of steel. An added tidbit may be the abolition of the House of None of this obvious campaign material has put In an appearance at Margate, and the steel resolution is, specifically, a do-nothing one. Instead, London observers see most of the Congress devoted to hisling the breach between small loan, a Chinese bombed his stabbed his aunt and grandma, and scalped a child. That got revolution, all we want is a Boone VI.

St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


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