Question about patreon CC (2024)

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simlicious2015 Posts: 373 Member

July 2020 in The Sims 4 General Discussion

I see a lot of simmers listing their CC on patreon, is this like a one time payment (Like TSR where you pay once and get access to everything) or do you have to pay for every different simmer For their specific content?

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    Chazzzy Posts: 7,166 Member

    July 2020 edited July 2020

    If you join anyone’s Patreon, you will be paying monthly for whatever it is they are offering. To make matters worse, some of these “creators” don’t even upload new things every month. So, you are effectively paying for nothing.

    Also, some will make anything they upload go backwards, meaning if you sign up today you may get only this months upload OR you may get everything they’ve ever uploaded. But you will have to check closely what this particular “creator” is saying on their page.

    Keep in mind, these “creators” are only supposed to keep things behind a Patreon for 3 weeks maximum. Anything longer than that and they are abusing The Sims terms and conditions. This means, if you can wait 3 weeks to have whatever they made, you can get it for free. I wouldn’t want to support anyone who is not releasing items or mods to the public like they are supposed to do.

    I would recommend only supporting ones not because it’s a requirement to get the items, but because you actually like them and appreciate their additions and following the rules.


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    simlicious2015 Posts: 373 Member

    July 2020

    @Chazzzy i see. And I’ve also seen that some of the creators still have locked post on patreon from a year ago. This is why I really want to learn how to create my own CC. Thanks


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    GalacticGal Posts: 29,102 Member

    July 2020

    simlicious2015 wrote: »

    @Chazzzy i see. And I’ve also seen that some of the creators still have locked post on patreon from a year ago. This is why I really want to learn how to create my own CC. Thanks

    I only use mods from four creators at the moment. I've yet to join their Patreon sites. I love their mods, but I don't have the extra money on hand to pay a monthly fee for anything of the sort. I'm content to get the mods/cc they produce when it goes to the public. As for why some creators have things locked for a year or more, makes me wonder if that creator is even alive or able to create things anymore. Scumbundo, (forgive me if I have the name incorrect) apparently passed away, fairly recently, too. People just aren't always in a position to take a site or account down when they need to do so.

    There may be reason behind why the sites of these other creators are still locked.

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    Chazzzy Posts: 7,166 Member

    July 2020 edited July 2020

    GalacticGal wrote: »

    simlicious2015 wrote: »

    @Chazzzy i see. And I’ve also seen that some of the creators still have locked post on patreon from a year ago. This is why I really want to learn how to create my own CC. Thanks

    I only use mods from four creators at the moment. I've yet to join their Patreon sites. I love their mods, but I don't have the extra money on hand to pay a monthly fee for anything of the sort. I'm content to get the mods/cc they produce when it goes to the public. As for why some creators have things locked for a year or more, makes me wonder if that creator is even alive or able to create things anymore. Scumbundo, (forgive me if I have the name incorrect) apparently passed away, fairly recently, too. People just aren't always in a position to take a site or account down when they need to do so.

    There may be reason behind why the sites of these other creators are still locked.

    I am referring to the "creators" who have Patreons they consistently add new content to, but do not release their older content for public use after the 3 week time limit. Clearly if they are able to upload new stuff, they can go in and change links so that things can be downloaded for free (like they're supposed to).

    The overall problem is there is a lack of "care" (for lack of a better word) from the Sims team. They need to "care" enough to actually track down the Patreons that are not following the 3 week rule. They need to "care" enough to follow up when someone complains about a Patreon not following the 3 week rule. From my understanding, you are able to report the actual Patreon page and let Patreon handle it (sometimes they will close down the Patreon account completely.) If the Sims team did a better job of managing this, we wouldn't have so many rogue Patreon accounts and so many frustrated Simmers.


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    Ellupelluellu Posts: 7,421 Member

    July 2020

    Chazzzy wrote: »

    The overall problem is there is a lack of "care" (for lack of a better word) from the Sims team. They need to "care" enough to actually track down the Patreons that are not following the 3 week rule. They need to "care" enough to follow up when someone complains about a Patreon not following the 3 week rule. From my understanding, you are able to report the actual Patreon page and let Patreon handle it (sometimes they will close down the Patreon account completely.) If the Sims team did a better job of managing this, we wouldn't have so many rogue Patreon accounts and so many frustrated Simmers.

    So, you mean you want the Sims team to use resources to track down every Patreon creator who has not released their content in 3 weeks?? EVERYONE?
    Well in that case there will not be any new packs, or any new games, as the team is too busy of hunting down all Patreon users at every 3 weeks..

    NOT to mention CC creators don't all post their things at exactly same day, or week, so the Sims Team would have to track down them, not only at every 3 weeks, but every DAY.

    I hope very much I misunderstood Question about patreon CC (7)

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..

    My Story:Villa Catarina

    My little gameplay moments


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    izecson Posts: 2,875 Member

    July 2020

    Ellupelluellu wrote: »

    Chazzzy wrote: »

    The overall problem is there is a lack of "care" (for lack of a better word) from the Sims team. They need to "care" enough to actually track down the Patreons that are not following the 3 week rule. They need to "care" enough to follow up when someone complains about a Patreon not following the 3 week rule. From my understanding, you are able to report the actual Patreon page and let Patreon handle it (sometimes they will close down the Patreon account completely.) If the Sims team did a better job of managing this, we wouldn't have so many rogue Patreon accounts and so many frustrated Simmers.

    So, you mean you want the Sims team to use resources to track down every Patreon creator who has not released their content in 3 weeks?? EVERYONE?
    Well in that case there will not be any new packs, or any new games, as the team is too busy of hunting down all Patreon users at every 3 weeks..

    NOT to mention CC creators don't all post their things at exactly same day, or week, so the Sims Team would have to track down them, not only at every 3 weeks, but every DAY.

    I hope very much I misunderstood Question about patreon CC (9)

    Uhh just because it's from The Sims team doesnt mean all the programmers, qa testers and game producers participate in hunting down those rogue cc creator, they can hire new team specifically just for this kind of thing.



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    Flexono1 Posts: 326 Member

    July 2020

    There used to be websites where you could download paid for cc for free, but unfortunately I don't think they exist anymore

    Also it's worth noting that paid for cc is against ToS.... but EA don't bother policing it

    A guru replied to this thread where they basically confirmed it


    CC/Mods Locked Behind Paywalls - Creators cannot lock content they make using our game behind a paywall. While we do not police this content (there is no way we would create a team simply to monitor this) we do take reports sent to us seriously and action accordingly.

    Patreon - We understand that folks who make CC / Mods for others to enjoy are doing it in their free time and may desire to offset costs to create the content by using this service. As long as the content is still made available FOR FREE we do not mind these types of pages. Folks who have a Patreon page are welcome to provide folks with "early access" incentives for their content but it should be made available to the general public within 2-3 weeks of it being given to folks early.


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    Pamtastic72 Posts: 4,545 Member

    July 2020

    Chazzzy wrote: »

    If you join anyone’s Patreon, you will be paying monthly for whatever it is they are offering. To make matters worse, some of these “creators” don’t even upload new things every month. So, you are effectively paying for nothing.

    Also, some will make anything they upload go backwards, meaning if you sign up today you may get only this months upload OR you may get everything they’ve ever uploaded. But you will have to check closely what this particular “creator” is saying on their page.

    Keep in mind, these “creators” are only supposed to keep things behind a Patreon for 3 weeks maximum. Anything longer than that and they are abusing The Sims terms and conditions. This means, if you can wait 3 weeks to have whatever they made, you can get it for free. I wouldn’t want to support anyone who is not releasing items or mods to the public like they are supposed to do.

    I would recommend only supporting ones not because it’s a requirement to get the items, but because you actually like them and appreciate their additions and following the rules.

    FelixAndre is the worst offender here imo. He puts all his cc on Patreon, then even if you subscribe you have to email and ask for the download links to the stuff you want, he doesn’t provide links on his Patreon page, and even then he limits the number of links you can request per month. I don’t mind contributing to creators, not even a little bit because I know a lot of hours go into each creation, and FelixAndre makes some beautiful historical build cc. But his Patreon system seems deeply unfair to me and I refuse to participate in it.

    Gallery ID: Pamtastic72 If I'm not here, I'm here: Spoutible: Question about patreon CC (12) :


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    logion Posts: 4,779 Member

    July 2020 edited July 2020

    It's for the best that we make sure to follow these rules as best as we can. If Maxis has to enforce it, then we risk them having to ban all mods in the sims4 because when we make mods, we are modifying and selling something that is not our own. When you buy a game you buy the right to use it, not modify it and resell it.
    Some mods work completely outside of the sims4, but even then, the modder would probably have to ask EA specifically if their mods can be used in order to not break the Terms of Service Agreement.

    Modding has always been a gray area of what is allowed and not allowed, and while I am pretty sure that Maxis likes mods, I'm not so sure EA would like it if there would be actual costs involved, like having a team that enforces these rules.


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    AquaGamer1212 Posts: 5,417 Member

    July 2020

    I don’t trust or support anyone who keeps their CC behind a paywall permanently. We already pay a lot for half baked packs. CC is supposed to be a way to combat that. I get wanting to be paid for your hard work, but making CC is a choice not a requirement.

    A better model is that a lot of CC people keep a few things behind a paywall as an incentive for Patrons. But those who keep everything or the better items locked are 👎

    Question about patreon CC (15)


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    AnnLee87 Posts: 2,475 Member

    July 2020

    The reason that you have to email some creators for past content is because they do not maintain an additional site just for downloads. I don't have a problem emailing a creator if I want something that I can't find online. They happily send it directly to me through email. More than once I watched a video and wanted the cc used in the build so I waited two weeks and I asked through email and got it plus more sometimes.

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    simlicious2015 Posts: 373 Member

    July 2020

    AnnLee87 wrote: »

    The reason that you have to email some creators for past content is because they do not maintain an additional site just for downloads. I don't have a problem emailing a creator if I want something that I can't find online. They happily send it directly to me through email. More than once I watched a video and wanted the cc used in the build so I waited two weeks and I asked through email and got it plus more sometimes.

    So youre saying, for example, if its been over two weeks & the content hasn't been released yet, i could just email the creator for the CC? Would I have to be a patreon member on their page to get their email?

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    Pamtastic72 Posts: 4,545 Member

    July 2020

    AnnLee87 wrote: »

    The reason that you have to email some creators for past content is because they do not maintain an additional site just for downloads. I don't have a problem emailing a creator if I want something that I can't find online. They happily send it directly to me through email. More than once I watched a video and wanted the cc used in the build so I waited two weeks and I asked through email and got it plus more sometimes.

    It’s not just past content he has no download links on his Patreon, none not for old, not for new. You literally have to ask for anything you want and hope he responds. The only thing I know he had a download link fo was the Tiny Twavelers fan made stuff pack that he collaborated with Harrie on. Beyond that you have to ask and are limited in the amount you can get.

    Gallery ID: Pamtastic72 If I'm not here, I'm here: Spoutible: Question about patreon CC (19) :


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    Bluebeard45 Posts: 3,889 Member

    July 2020

    Back in the day before the world went to the crazy farm there was sites that had memberships that helped them pay for there web site. The CC back in the day was amazing especially the floor and wall patterns.

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    LadyKyn Posts: 3,599 Member

    July 2020

    TSR is hot garbage. Question about patreon CC (22) Feels like you're paying not to have ads around more than anything along with not waiting ten seconds. 25 secs if they know you have a adblock or something active so you get punished for that as well.

    It always feels like the majority of patreon cc locked permanently behind paywalls is just not good. But hey a fool and their money if they wanna pay for subpar cc. Dont mind supporting creators with quality CC. But never those that are lazy to just thieves from SL and more.

    Question about patreon CC (23)

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    AnnLee87 Posts: 2,475 Member

    July 2020 edited July 2020

    @simlicious2015 I was not a patron. I should have made that know in my post. I just liked the content but could not find a link anywhere so I emailed the creator after about two weeks or so. The file was sent to me in an email attachment from one creator. Another creator just sent me a direct link to Patreon where I could download everything I wanted. I paid nothing.

    Now, I do sub. to 3 different creators for a total of $10.50 per month. These are not the same creators I emailed. The reason I pay now is because, although their mods are free I felt like the creators needed compensation for their game changing mods and hard work. I could not tolerate this game without them. It's is my choice to do this. I do get early access to mod improvements and can give input if a choose to do so. This is worth it to me. I refuse to pay for CC unless it is a completely new mesh and original. To get around blocked content I do politely email the creator after 14 days or so. I have never been told no. Good luck to you!

    @Pamtastic72 An email would not hurt. Maybe the creator went inactive for some reason or the new posts are locked unless you pay. I do think we have experienced blank pages with the same creator because we are not patrons. I got their content with the email link. (see above)

    Edit: A while back I did have one creator respond with a public release date. I forgot about it but I did get emailed a link just now. I did not expect to be notified. So kudos to this creator. This is not any creator I mentioned above.


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    simlicious2015 Posts: 373 Member

    July 2020

    LadyKyn wrote: »

    TSR is hot garbage. Question about patreon CC (26) Feels like you're paying not to have ads around more than anything along with not waiting ten seconds. 25 secs if they know you have a adblock or something active so you get punished for that as well..

    Lol aww man, I love TSR! It's the only CC I would really pay for. Not only is it ad free, but it's not expensive either. The download basket and everything is just so convenient. Makes downloading CC a whole lot easier than going through multiple websites just for one link Question about patreon CC (27)

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    Chazzzy Posts: 7,166 Member

    July 2020 edited July 2020

    LadyKyn wrote: »

    TSR is hot garbage. Question about patreon CC (29) Feels like you're paying not to have ads around more than anything along with not waiting ten seconds. 25 secs if they know you have a adblock or something active so you get punished for that as well.

    It always feels like the majority of patreon cc locked permanently behind paywalls is just not good. But hey a fool and their money if they wanna pay for subpar cc. Dont mind supporting creators with quality CC. But never those that are lazy to just thieves from SL and more.

    That ad nonsense on TSR soooo ruins the experience for me. I refuse to use that website because of it. I also refuse to use KawaiiStacie's website because every 15 seconds a popup appears reminding people they should join her Patreon. Annoying and unnecessary. There's also a donate button on the same page. Dis tew much


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Question about patreon CC (2024)


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