Home was never Avalaon. It was Merlin. - Chapter 14 - TheDarkSeaofSecrets (2024)

Chapter Text

Arthur watches as Merlin sleeps, the delicate swirls of paint on his skin standing out in such a deep red. Arthur at first feared that the Druid, the keeper of Merlin’s land and manor was coming at him with a paintbrush full of blood.

It had been such a whirlwind, the rage he had felt when he had entered the rooftop bar and seen his father send Merlin careening into the glass. Arthur was thankful that Merlin was light. If he had been Arthur’s size he had feared his soul mate would have just gone through it and fallen.

Could Cailleach even heal that? Heal a body so broken? What had made him angrier was that Merlin’s magic had never once flared. Not even when he had screamed and cried as Uther had pressed his cane right into Merlin’s Serket scar. The screams were nothing like Arthur had ever heard from a person before. It had sounded like a roar and something in Arthur had trembled.

Merlin had explained it to him. That was the one scar that never truly healed and would always hurt. Merlin still tried to grin at him with blood-stained lips, trying to reassure Arthur he was fine as if he wasn’t bleeding from the head, as if his eye hadn’t already started turning black and swollen.

Morgana had looked ready to throw their father from the roof herself and probably would have if Merlin hadn’t shaken his head. Staring directly at her. As her elder. It was an unavoidable order.

Aithusa had only taken 15 minutes to reach them at most by the time Merlin had tapped against Arthur’s bracelet and it had been then that Arthur had realised. Merlin was screaming for Aithusa, whether he meant to or not. That’s what it had sounded like to summon a dragon.

Aithusa had taken great care to hold himself steady so Arthur could climb across a strong wing. Aithusa had growled when Morgana had gone to step after him but a mumbled word from Merlin had Aithusa allowing Arthur’s sister across to his back.

The flight had been long but short at the same time, Arthur’s hand constantly pressed to the pulse point of Merlin’s good wrist. Felt that heartbeat stir and pulse as Morgana repeated the same spell she had over Gwen.

Arthur never thought he’d be taking a call on a bloody dragon but here he was, Telling Gwaine and Percival to let his father go but to tell him that this will not be forgotten and to tell them he and Morgana would be out of town for a few days. So Leon was in charge.

Gwaine had started screaming about Merlin’s safety but Percy hung up on him before he could continue his tirade.

“If I find him dead on that rooftop you gobsh*te Princess, I’m going after your Father first and then you!”

Arthur hadn’t expected Aithusa to be able to fly so quickly but from the way the dragon was panting when they had reached their destination, Arthur had wondered how hard the poor thing had pushed himself.

Arthur had taken in the Manor staring in front of them. An imposing statue of a Dragon stood by the door and it looked sharper than Aithusa. Deadlier and Arthur has a name spring to his mind in a second.

“Kilgharrah” He whispers as Aithusa had laid himself on the floor, so Arthur could step off his back without hurting Merlin.

A woman had bustled out of the manor, in a huge fluster and had screamed at the sight of Merlin. Before quickly pulling herself together and ordering around people. To do this and that and grab the paint.

The last place Arthur had been expected to be dragged out to was a giant clearing. Being devested of his clothing and Merlin of his own before they were painted in those delicate swirls.

Merlin stirred every half an hour or so but mostly he was still unconscious and Arthur had watched in awe as Druids, that’s all they could be had poured out of what seemed like everywhere. Some wearing farming gear, and one still had an axe in hand from where he had been chopping up firewood. Women wearing skirts and dresses with flour up their arms and paint. Every Druid that Merlin had working for him had come to kneel in a circle around them. All falling into harmony. Even Aithusa had laid his head down in one of the vacant spots. Speaking in the same tongue as the others. Morgana who had always detested the dirt and would refuse to get her clothing even so much as a splattered with dirt had knelt beside the Druids. Her head and hands pressed to the earth.

Arthur at first had refused to believe anything was happening. None of Merlin’s magic was stirring but then the ground started to glow. The triskelion they were sitting in the middle of had started to glow from the outside. Slowly curling itself in until that bright golden light had reached where Arthur had Merlin bundled in his arms, the swirls adoring their bodies had started to glow as well and finally, Merlin had opened his eyes and Arthur had felt like he could finally breathe again.

Arthur finally lets sleep take him as he curls up closer to Merlin. Feeling the man’s heart beating against his ear. Trusting the leader of the druids when she said that the clot in his brain was gone. While he still looked like hell on the outside. He wasn’t thrashing anymore.

The next morning Arthur is awoken by Merlin slowly scrabbling himself out from under Arthur's hold. Arthur can only follow him to the shower. Merlin seemed practically chipper but Arthur could feel it. Could feel the power resonating around the place. It was like it was healing Merlin to be here, they took the time to wash each other down with particular care. Merlin explained that they couldn’t wash off their own marks. It had to be done by the partner or else they had a chance of cursing their relationship.

Arthur finds clothes his size sitting on the bed as he gets out but they weren’t...what he was used to. Jeans the pants certainly weren’t and the top...

“Merls I think they gave me a girl's blouse?” He questions and that makes Merlin laugh.

“No, you clotpole. It’s a tunic, here” Merlin says grabbing the fabric from his hands. Tightening up the laces on the front of the tunic so Arthur’s bare chest wasn’t showing.

“How the hell does a belt work...when...your...Why are you wearing a belt over your shirt?” Arthur grumbles, getting confused but soon enough Merlin has him rangled into the clothing and it’s comfortable. Soft.

“A cape?” Arthur asks feeling like a twit. Holding up the red fabric.

“Cloak Arthur, my god. Did you ever study in history class or just drool over your teacher”

“He was a very beautiful man...but I’m not into dating myself” Arthur snickers and Merlin ties the cloak around his shoulders. Hands practised at it.

“As if anybody else but me could put up with a pompous prat like you” Merlin says before easily dressing himself. Including a small flower wreath.

“Don’t laugh, They’re pains in the ass for customs...” Merlin explains. Looking sullen at having to wear the wreath of flowers.

“I wasn’t going to. You look beautiful...You are their lord correct? It’s only fair you show it off”

“Technically maybe their king..sorta...it’s complicated...anyways. Come on. Morgana and Aithusa I’m assuming have been running Daisy ragged” Merlin says turning, his cloak billowing out behind him as he does so.

His back is straight and he walks as if he owns the place. Arthur has to remind himself that Merlin does in fact own the place. However, he is weirded out when two druids bow to them in the halls.

“Lord Emrys, Master Arthur” The druids both murmur before heading into the room they had just been in. As if they had been waiting to spruce it up. Of course, Merlin had servants.

“Did they just call me Master” Arthur whispers.

“Yep. You're my consort be lucky they're not calling you lady” Merlin says quirking an eyebrow at him.

“I’m not your bloody consort. I’m your boyfriend” Arthur grumbles. Not liking the idea of being someone's consort. It sounded like a nasty word. Something to be said when you thought the person was just a cheap lay.

“Well, technically you're not my consort yet, since we’re not married but maybe one day. Regardless thought they would just refer to you as Lord Pendragon anyway. Master and Mistress are reserved...well for you and Morgana”

“That’s going to go straight to her head” Arthur huffs as they walk down some stairs and he’s amazed at how agile Merlin is. His head was stuck on that word though. Marry. Marriage. Was that something he wanted with Merlin? All he can come up with is the words yes but not yet.

Finally, they enter a large wooden kitchen, food laid out like a King had come to visit but well as Merlin had said. One practically had Arthur guessed.

“Lord Emrys, how are you feeling? Master Arthur. It’s good to see you up. I was starting to worry you’d sleep have the day away” A man with a balding head and long sweeping robes said as he brought over fresh tea.

“Hmm I considered it Branwen and it’s only 8 in the morning. Thank you for the tea. Morgana, did you settle well?” Merlin asks.

Morgana nods her head, looking up at him in shock.

“I still can’t believe you're alive, that you survived that. It was amazing Merlin...The druids. Their magic is so different and yet...”

“We’re kindred spirits. Yes. I know.” Merlin finishes for her and for the first time in his entire life. Arthur noticed Morgana was actually...smiling and glowing. She was happy and bright-eyed.

A giant white head pokes through the open windows.


“Aithusa...inside voice and what have I said about shoving your head through the window like a common horse? It’s not becoming” Merlin chides.

“Well, you're obviously well enough to be grousing at me!” Aithusa grumbles.

“It’s my job” Merlin reminds him, moving to scratch under his chin. Aithusa’s eyes close as he almost purrs.

Merlin lets him steal a few things off his plate as they eat breakfast.

“Do not scare me like that again please” Aithusa begs.

“I will try not to” Merlin promises him.

Morgana seems hesitant after breakfast to even go near Aithusa.

“Aithusa wants to spend time with you, he just...”

“Remembers being crippled because of me?” Morgana says sadly.

“Because of the men you trusted but not because of you, he might have been a baby when he picked to save you but you still gave him a home” Merlin explains softly. Arthur is taken by a large black stallion in the stable. A stable boy called Leo helps him through how to brush the beautiful creature.

Arthur knew Morgana knew how to ride. She used to have dressage lessons when they were younger but Arthur had been trained in the business. Uther had explained he didn’t have time to learn how to ride.

“His name is Hengreon” Merlin speaks up and Arthur turns to see Aithusa and Morgana talking softly in the courtyard. Rolling over and letting Morgana curl into his belly.

“What does that mean?”

“It was named after the horse King Arthur...y...y...” Leo turns to look at Merlin in distress. Merlin grabs his hands softly.

“It’s ok. He was named after My King's Horse. He’s a descendant. He looked so identical that I couldn’t help but give him the same name of nobility. Have you ever been riding before?” Merlin asks.

Arthur shakes his head.

“One day, I wanna teach you. Hengreon seems to like you. It must be your namesake. From now on, he belongs to Arthur” Merlin teases as the horse nuzzles at Arthur’s hair.

“Yes, Lord Emrys. I promise to take great care of him for you Master Arthur!” Leo chirps excitedly.

“Thank you that’s very kind. Merlin, I don’t need a horse?” Arthur grumbles.

“I am allowed to give my boyfriend whatever I want as a gift” Merlin says crossing his arms. Eyes sparkling as he stares at Arthur.

“How will I visit him?”

“Scarborough Fair on your bracelet. Tap out the tune and Aithusa will come, the only way you can enter or leave this place is by a dragon or by horse. We may have electricity but I don’t like cars or motorbikes ruining the gardens or forests” Merlin explains.

“That’s what you were doing?” Arthur says looking at the bracelet.

The longer the day goes on the more Arthur wonders if he’s entered some fae land. Morgana’s magic springs to life as Merlin and Daisy show her certain things.

Arthur tries to figure out what all the scurrying around is about but nobody answers with anything more than Lord Emrys told us to keep it a secret. So he spends time with Aithusa as the morning sun rolls lazily over the sky.

“If you are dating Father, my name giver...does that make you also my father? Da?” Aithusa questions and Arthur stares at the dragon shocked.

“I...uh would be honoured if you thought of me that way” Arthur says. Finding he means it.

“What happened to your shoulder?” Arthur asks softly. He had noticed it the first time they had met and as they flew as well. Aithusa's left shoulder was more pronounced. It stuck out more.

“I was kept in a well for 3 years...at first I fit...eventually, I stopped fitting. Father has felt bad about it forever...but he didn’t know. He and the druids have fixed what they could over the years...but my shoulder was too disfigured to fully repair. Father couldn’t stomach the pain of having to hurt me to heal me and I fly just fine with it. I feel no pain in it”

“But if Merlin gave you a name? Why did you end up in a well?” Arthur asks softly.

“I trusted the wrong person...and she trusted the wrong people. We were both hurt by it. I’ve made my peace with it. I was on my first solo flight and I found her dying. A wicked sorceress but at the time I didn’t know she was evil. I just knew she was magic like me...Kilgharrah refused to speak to me after what I did. Father hadn’t called for me. The ban on magic would have had me killed on sight. I was alone. I sought refuge with the sorceress”

“You were just a baby. You were just seeking comfort.” Arthur says disgusted that someone Merlin regarded as smart and thoughtful would leave a baby for a mere mistake.

“Do not be angry at Father. He was so angry at Kilgharrah. He yelled for hours, I could hear it from my well. They didn’t speak for a year after that and Father spent as much time as he could trying to find me between his duties to his King” Aithusa's voice is gentle and soft.

Arthur hugs Aithusa’s cheek gently. Patting the small ridge above his eye. Aithusa purrs softly.

“You make a good Da” Aithusa says eyes closing softly and Arthur can’t help the smile that blooms on his face as Aithusa settles into sleep. Sunning his beautiful wings.

Arthur finds himself curled up on his front leg and he dozes as well. The warmth of the sun is not too harsh in winter, wisps of snow just starting to appear and the steady breathing of Aithusa almost lulls him to sleep. He wonders if he’ll be stuck here cause he ate food. That was the rule, right? You can’t eat anything a fairy gives you.

But then these were druids, not fairies...maybe. For all he knew they were all the same and Merlin had said he had laid with Fae before so...

Regardless. It’s all a garbled soft dream that’s disrupted when his phone goes blaring off in his pocket.

Arthur pulled it out and grumbled a hello. Unhappy to be disturbed from his sleep.

“How’s Merlin doing?” Gwaine’s voice is softer than it had been. All it had left in it was the soft care of a friend.

“A lot better. It looked worse than it was. His fine Gwaine I promise. Just a black eye and a split lip. We’ll be back tomorrow. How’s everything going on your end?” Arthur hates lying to Gwaine but Merlin had said nothing on whether Gwaine knew of his magic or not.

“Uther is looking for any loophole so he can buy the hotel back but the contract that Merlin had drawn up to good,” Gwaine explains and Arthur pinches the bridge of his nose. Feeling anger at the thought of his father. The man that was supposed to care for him, had nearly killed Merlin.

“Yeah that’s not surprising Merlin has a way with words when he needs them. We’ll see you tomorrow” Is all Arthur can get himself to say.

“Everything ok sleepy head?” Morgana’s voice is a soft trickle down his spine.

“Just Gwaine henpecking as usual. I swear he never cared this much until Merlin came along” Arthur says slipping his phone into his trouser pockets.

“He’s a good man when he wants to be. Gods, it’s amazing here Artie. Can’t you feel it? The earth is practically alive” Morgana looked better than he had ever seen her. No more nightmares seemed to plague her and instead, she flourished. Her dress and cape swirled around her like they were made of air and light.

“With the sound of music?” Arthur teases his sister. Letting her zap him on the arm with her magic. It’s just the small sting.

“I wish you could feel it. Feel what it is like to be so connected”

“I can remember. I can feel Merlin’s magic. It’s peaceful here. Soft, like this sleeping baby” Arthur explains patting gently along Aithusa’s neck.

“I forgot about that little connection of yours...did you just call a 30-tonne dragon a baby?” She continues to tease.

“Aithy might be bigger than a barn but in my heart. He’ll always be a baby to me” Patting Aithusa gently on the cheek.

“Da” Aithusa whines and Arthur grins. Seeing one of those blue eyes open. He wanted so badly to find Aithusa a friend, to find her another family member a sibling. Another dragon for Merlin to raise.

“Only you Arthur Pendragon would somehow end up being called Da by a dragon...the world we live in is so weird sometimes” Morgana titters to him.

Arthur notices people were starting to walk from the manor and from the small village behind the manor. All of them dressed up in finery. Dresses prim and sparkly and tunics and trousers freshly pressed and looking their best. Carrying items and tables. Baskets and baskets of covered things. One young druid girl runs after her mother’s skirts to keep up as she carries cloth of some type.

They all head towards a different part of the forest than they had been in yesterday.

“What’s going on?” Arthur asks.

“The King and his Consort are home. It’s time to celebrate” Morgana explains.

“I’m not his bloody consort, I’m his boyfriend”

“Ahuh. Well regardless. They wanted to celebrate Merlin being home and bringing his family with him. Bringing you. It’s a party, Artie. Lighten up relax. It’s gonna be so fun” Morgana says, trying her best to soothe him.

“If there’s some sort of sacrificial deer or daggers I’m out” Arthur grumbles.

“And yet...you're one of the men set on the hunt...” Merlin says, appearing beside Morgana.

“I am not”

“You're a man in a relationship, and you're of age. A New Moon hunt is when we share our wishes and dreams under the new moon...our strongest men prove their relationships by hunting but if you're not ready yet. You don’t have to participate” Merlin explains. His voice is soft and reassuring. Eyes wide and open, Arthur knows Merlin really wouldn’t care if Arthur didn’t participate in the hunt but something in him stirs.

Maybe Merlin wouldn’t mind but the rest of the Druids would. They would stare Arthur down. Whisper on how Merlin could pick a man who couldn’t even provide for his partner. They would doubt Arthur as being able to protect and provide. It’s a primal need that rises in him. To protect his Warlock. Arthur despite the bowing and the Masters, had heard a few whispers here and there of why didn’t Merlin use his magic to protect himself or why didn’t Arthur stop his father sooner. He knew how cruel the man could be.

He wonders if Morgana or Merlin had explained to them what happened. Merlin would have had to, at least to Daisy. As to why Arthur had shown up crying with Merlin beaten black and blue.

“If you're a male in a relationship...why aren’t you hunting?” Morgana asks.

“Because it would be an unfair advantage, I can sense every footfall of the animals on my land. I could kill them with a snap of my hand...it was decided it was unfair on the other men if I participated. This was a long time ago. A few generations at least. Aithusa...do you think you could get back here in time to grab Leon and Mithian? They would love this. I’d ask you to bring Gwen and Lance too but Gwen will still be in pain and Baby Merlyn won’t be ready for travel yet” Merlin asks.

Aithusa shifts to his feet and Arthur has to move out of the dragon's way.

“Of course but I expect Da. To bring back the biggest stag for my efforts” Aithusa says crouching low. Wings spread wide before he jumps into the air.

Buffeting cool air around them and Merlin has to stop his flower crown from falling off.

Well, that seals the deal. Arthur’s urge to fight and protect grew at the expectation that Aithusa had for him.

“Da?” Merlin teases but there is no malice in his voice. No bitterness. He honestly just seems happy. Even if he winces when he smiles it causes his eye to hurt.

“You don’t mind right?”

“It’s Aithusa’s choice. He can make his own” Merlin shrugs but there’s something sweet about his smile and Arthur lets him nuzzle into his arms. Merlin is happy to hold him.

By the time Aithusa returns it's about 2 pm. The sun is at its highest peak and Arthur watches as the men of the tribe. The strongest, strip off their shirts and he tries not to get jealous as Merlin paints knots on them.

“So are you joining the hunt?” Leon asks as Merlin paints swirls over his arms and back.

Arthur nods and that makes Merlin break out in a giant grin. Leon grins as well.

“How many of these have you participated in?”

“One. I brought back a doe, but my beloved wasn’t here and I had no one in the tribe I wished to court” Leon explains.

“But now you do” Arthur says seeing Morgana and Mithian giggling to themselves from where they were watching the men get painted.

“Yes, and I plan on bringing Mithian the biggest Buck I can find. What about you?”

“Arthur will do what he deems necessary” Merlin says, and his bringing out a different colour to the red he had been using. This paint unlike yesterday and unlike what the others are wearing is Gold. He presses the paint to Arthur’s shoulder and it’s cool but Arthur stays still.

“Why Gold?”

“What colour are my eyes when I do magic?” Merlin says softly.

“Merlin has chosen you as his champion, he expects you to bring back the biggest hunt” Leon explains.

A few men look at Arthur with jealousy in their eyes.

“And if I don’t?” Arthur asks worried. He had never hunted before.

“Then the person who does has a chance of bedding Merlin if he so wishes,” Daisy speaks up.

Arthur swears a growl comes out of his throat, at the mere thought of someone else that wasn’t him...some druid using Merlin as a conquest. He’s handed a dagger and a crossbow before he even realises that Merlin has done painting. Whispering a spell so the paint dries quickly to Arthur’s skin.

“Merls...I don’t know how to...” Arthur whispers. Watching as Leon easily loads his crossbow.

“Yes, you do....just focus, breathe, let the earth guide you. I believe in you” Merlin says softly.

Merlin strides away from him then. To the middle where a giant bonfire had been set but yet to be lit. Raising his hands to the sky, Aithusa settled behind him and Arthur knew when he got home. He was going to paint this.

“Thank you everybody for coming today. I am proud to be home not only with my tribe but with my new family. By the way of the hunt, the men of this tribe show they are willing to protect the weak, feed the hungry, to give without needing anything in return. Every man who participates is required to bring us something to feast upon, to eat together. To join this tribe in its closeness. That no member shall be left hungry, wary or tired. You have until the sun crests the land to return, or your kill is forfeit and you gain no favour. Are you prepared?”

Merlin’s voice calls out clearly over the forest clearing they are in. It was bigger than the other one. Tables were laid in three different sections, low to the ground with scores of pillows and blankets to sit upon. Plates and cutlery are already laid out. Fruit platters and cheeses and breads already laid on the table.

Merlin’s flower crown seems to glow in the daylight. His cape billowing softly in the wind.

“Yes Lord Emrys” Arthur finds himself calling with the other men.

“Then you have my blessing. May the hunt begin!”

And Arthur feels like a feral beast has stripped his mind down to the barest of bones. Sprinting deep into the forest. Leon is one minute behind him before he splits off and slowly so do the others.

Once Arthur is deep enough into the forest, he stops to take a second. Looking around, looking for anything to help him out and he does exactly what Merlin had said. He takes a deep and he lets the earth guide him.

Eventually, he stumbles across a set of hoof prints in the cold earth. Arthur himself though wasn’t cold despite the fact that winter was settling in. Instead, he feels rather warm and he follows those tracks. Looking up occasionally to see the sun had been moving with him. He’d need to pick up the pace if he wanted to prove to the other druids he could protect was his.

He comes across broken branches and foliage and the footprints seem fresher. Ending up following a stream until suddenly he comes upon them. A herd of Deer curled up in a clearing, the pure white Stag with his giant antlers looking around surveying. Keeping his family safe as they dozed and even as Arthur loaded the bolt. He finds he can’t do it. He can’t shoot a man trying to protect his own family nor can he think about shooting one of the does. Especially when he sees them with Fawns. They weren’t newborns but they would still need a mother’s touch.

Arthur’s heart was too fresh for something so cruel. The stag is snorting though and Arthur turns thinking his been caught but no the Stag is staring at something else and Arthur raises his crossbow just in case.

The Stag lets out a trill that has his herd getting to the feet and bounding off into the forest. Straight past Arthur, Arthur ducks behind a giant boulder so he doesn’t get trampled but the Stag continues to stand his ground in the clearing. Raising his head as he stamps his foot.

And that’s when Arthur sees it.

A boar. A massive boar, Which was almost monstrous in size, had entered the Stag’s territory. That’s why it had sent away the herd and Arthur felt the earth jolt under him as the Boar charged the Stag and both of them caught each other. Tusks interlocking with Antlers. Both refuse to budge but Arthur is free to move and he aims for the boar's flank. Letting a bolt fly. Actually impressed with himself when it sinks into the boar's flesh, it lets out a ghastly squeal and Arthur gulps as it staggers back and turns its attention to him.

Quickly pulling another bolt into place as it stamps its feet. Getting ready to charge at him. Arthur groans when it makes contact and he feels the skin of his bicep tear against one of the beast's tusk. Losing his crossbow in the process but the last thing Arthur expects is the Stag to come to his rescue. Catching the boar in its antlers and tossing it into the large rock that Arthur had sequestered himself behind. The rock cracks at the sheer force of the massive beast hitting it. Seeming dazed Arthur knew it wouldn’t be for long and he scrambled for his crossbow. Aiming for the things dark cold eyes. So unlike the Stag that had nothing but light in its eyes and he takes in a deep breath. Putting his finger on the trigger he presses down as he breathes out.

The bolt flies with accuracy and Arthur cringes as it sinks deep into the beast's eye. The thing flails but eventually, it stops moving altogether and Arthur is drawing his dagger just in case. He finds it easy to draw it across the thing's throat. Making sure it truly wasn’t getting up again. Once he’s done. He turns to see the Stag staring him down, pawing nervously at the ground and Arthur puts away his dagger. Instead bowing low. Trying to show he means no harm. He looks up in surprise when the Stag bows its front leg in return, kneeling to him.

Home was never Avalaon. It was Merlin. - Chapter 14 - TheDarkSeaofSecrets (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.