Harnessing Viral Coefficients for Exponential Growth Hacking - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. Introduction to Viral Growth and Its Impact on Business

2. The Key to Virality

3. Strategies to Maximize Your Viral Coefficient

4. Designing a Share-Worthy User Experience

5. Leveraging Analytics to Track Viral Growth

6. Successful Viral Campaigns

7. Common Pitfalls in Pursuing Viral Growth

8. Integrating Viral Tactics with Traditional Marketing

9. Trends and Predictions

1. Introduction to Viral Growth and Its Impact on Business

Growth The Impact

Viral growth is a phenomenon that has revolutionized the way businesses think about expansion and customer acquisition. Unlike traditional growth strategies that rely on incremental progress, viral growth is characterized by an exponential increase in product or service adoption, often fueled by word-of-mouth and social sharing. This approach to growth is particularly potent in the digital age, where a single user's recommendation can reach hundreds, if not thousands, of potential customers through social media platforms. The impact of viral growth on business is profound; it can dramatically reduce the cost of customer acquisition, rapidly increase brand awareness, and potentially lead to a dominant market position.

1. The Viral Coefficient: At the heart of viral growth is the viral coefficient, a metric that quantifies how many new users an existing user can convert. A viral coefficient greater than 1 means that each user, on average, brings in more than one additional user, leading to exponential growth. For example, if a mobile app's viral coefficient is 1.5, this means that every 10 users will bring in an additional 15 users.

2. Word-of-Mouth Amplification: The power of personal recommendations cannot be overstated. When users genuinely enjoy a product, they naturally share their experiences with friends and family. This organic spread of information is incredibly valuable, as people tend to trust personal recommendations over traditional advertising. Dropbox, for instance, leveraged this by offering extra storage space for users who referred their friends, effectively turning their user base into a marketing team.

3. social Proof and Network effects: As more people use a product or service, the value of that product increases for everyone involved. This is known as the network effect. Social proof, the psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others reflect correct behavior, further accelerates viral growth. Instagram's rise to prominence is a classic example of social proof and network effects working hand-in-hand, as users flocked to the platform once they saw celebrities and influencers adopting it.

4. Content Virality: Creating content that is inherently shareable can spark viral growth. This content often evokes strong emotions, is humorous, or is highly informative. The ALS ice Bucket challenge is a prime example, where participants shared videos of themselves pouring ice water over their heads to raise awareness for ALS, prompting others to do the same.

5. Leveraging Influencers: Influencers can play a pivotal role in viral marketing by exposing a product to a large and engaged audience. A single post from an influencer can lead to a surge in traffic and conversions. Fashion Nova, a relatively unknown brand, used influencer marketing to become one of the most searched fashion brands alongside giants like Gucci and Chanel.

6. Seamless Sharing Mechanisms: The easier it is for users to share content or invite others, the more likely they are to do so. This can be facilitated through the integration of social media sharing buttons, referral codes, or user-friendly invitation systems. Uber's referral program, which rewards both the referrer and the referee with ride credits, is a testament to the effectiveness of a seamless sharing mechanism.

7. Analyzing and Optimizing Viral Strategies: Continuous analysis of what works and what doesn't is crucial for sustaining viral growth. A/B testing different approaches can help identify the most effective strategies for encouraging sharing and referrals. Netflix's constant experimentation with different thumbnails and personalized recommendations is a great example of optimization in action.

Viral growth is not just about creating a buzz; it's about engineering products and experiences that people want to share. It requires a deep understanding of human psychology, social dynamics, and the technical aspects of product design. When executed well, it can catapult a business to new heights, making it an essential strategy for any growth-focused company. However, it's important to note that not all products are suitable for viral growth, and businesses must carefully assess whether this approach aligns with their long-term goals and brand values.

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Introduction to Viral Growth and Its Impact on Business - Harnessing Viral Coefficients for Exponential Growth Hacking

2. The Key to Virality

The concept of the viral coefficient is central to understanding and harnessing the power of virality, especially in the context of growth hacking. It's a metric that quantifies the exponential replication rate of an idea, product, or piece of content. In essence, it measures how many new users an existing user can convert. A viral coefficient greater than 1 means that each existing user is bringing in more than one new user, leading to potentially exponential growth. This is the dream scenario for marketers and product developers aiming for rapid market penetration.

From a product manager's perspective, the viral coefficient is a testament to the product's appeal and market fit. If users are eager to share the product with others, it indicates a level of satisfaction and engagement that can be leveraged for further growth. For marketers, understanding this coefficient means crafting campaigns that encourage sharing and referrals. Meanwhile, data analysts focus on tracking the paths of virality and optimizing the product features to enhance the coefficient.

Here's an in-depth look at the viral coefficient:

1. Definition and Calculation: The viral coefficient (K) is calculated using the formula $$ K = i \times c $$ where 'i' is the number of invitations sent by each user, and 'c' is the conversion rate of each invitation. A coefficient above 1 is desirable as it indicates viral growth.

2. Factors Influencing the Viral Coefficient:

- User Experience: A seamless and enjoyable user experience encourages sharing.

- Incentives: Rewards for sharing can boost the coefficient.

- Ease of Sharing: The simpler it is to share, the higher the likelihood of doing so.

- Network Effects: Products that become more valuable as more people use them naturally encourage virality.

3. Examples of High Viral Coefficients:

- social Media platforms: Facebook and Twitter grew exponentially due to high viral coefficients.

- Referral Programs: Dropbox's referral program is a classic example where users received extra storage space for every new user they brought in.

4. Challenges and Considerations:

- Saturation: Over time, saturation can occur, leading to a decrease in the viral coefficient.

- Quality vs. Quantity: A focus on quantity can lead to a decrease in user quality and experience.

- Sustainability: Viral growth must be managed to ensure long-term sustainability of the user base.

Understanding and optimizing the viral coefficient is not just about sparking initial growth; it's about creating a sustainable model that continues to attract and retain users. It's a delicate balance between incentivizing referrals and maintaining the quality of the user experience. By focusing on these aspects, businesses can harness the power of virality to achieve remarkable growth.

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The Key to Virality - Harnessing Viral Coefficients for Exponential Growth Hacking

3. Strategies to Maximize Your Viral Coefficient

maximizing your viral coefficient is akin to discovering the secret sauce that makes your content or product irresistible to share. It's about creating a ripple effect where each user brings in more than one additional user, setting the stage for exponential growth. This strategy hinges on understanding and leveraging human behavior, technological trends, and market dynamics to encourage users to become brand evangelists. It's not just about having a great product; it's about crafting an experience so delightful that users can't help but tell others about it. The viral coefficient is a quantifiable metric, typically represented as k, where a k > 1 indicates that each user will, on average, bring in more than one additional user, leading to a potential viral explosion of growth.

From different points of view, the strategies to maximize this coefficient can vary. A marketer might focus on emotional triggers and social proof, while a product designer might emphasize ease of sharing and user incentives. Here are some in-depth strategies:

1. Incentivize Sharing: Offer tangible rewards for sharing, like discounts, freebies, or exclusive content. For example, Dropbox gives extra storage space for every referral.

2. Simplify the Sharing Process: Integrate social sharing buttons prominently and make the process as frictionless as possible.

3. leverage Social proof: showcasing user testimonials, ratings, and number of shares can encourage others to follow suit.

4. Create Shareable Content: Design content that is inherently valuable and entertaining, making users want to share it. Think of how memes go viral.

5. Utilize Analytics: Track what is being shared and by whom to understand your audience better and tailor your strategies accordingly.

6. encourage User-Generated content: Create platforms or campaigns where users can contribute their content, which they'll naturally want to share.

7. Optimize for Mobile: With the majority of users on mobile devices, ensure sharing is easy on these platforms.

8. Engage with Influencers: Partner with individuals who have a large following to amplify your message.

9. iterate Based on feedback: Use user feedback to continuously improve the shareability of your product.

By integrating these strategies, businesses can create a powerful loop of growth that feeds on itself, turning users into a driving force behind the product's market penetration. Remember, the key to a high viral coefficient is not just in the numbers; it's in the quality of the connections and the genuine enthusiasm of your users. <|"im_end"|>

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Strategies to Maximize Your Viral Coefficient - Harnessing Viral Coefficients for Exponential Growth Hacking

creating a user experience (UX) that people feel compelled to share is both an art and a science. It requires a deep understanding of human psychology, a keen eye for design, and a strategic approach to feature integration. In the realm of growth hacking, a share-worthy UX is a powerful lever; it can turn users into advocates, and their networks into your audience. This kind of organic sharing is driven by emotional engagement, practical value, and seamless social integration within the product experience.

From the perspective of a designer, the focus is on creating an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing interface that resonates with users on an emotional level. For a marketer, it's about crafting moments within the UX that are so delightful or surprising that users can't help but share them. Meanwhile, a product manager might prioritize features that encourage sharing, like referral bonuses or social leaderboards.

Here are some in-depth insights into designing a share-worthy UX:

1. Emotional Connection: Users are more likely to share an experience that evokes a strong emotional response. For example, Duolingo's use of playful characters and positive reinforcement makes learning a new language fun, which encourages users to share their progress.

2. Utility and Value: If a product solves a problem in a unique or superior way, users will want to tell others about it. The note-taking app Evernote became share-worthy by being the best at what it does – helping people remember everything.

3. Ease of Sharing: Integrating social sharing buttons in visible, yet non-intrusive places within the app encourages users to share with minimal effort. Instagram's one-tap sharing to multiple platforms is a prime example of this.

4. Incentivization: Offering rewards for sharing can motivate users to spread the word. Dropbox's referral program, which gives extra storage space for each friend invited, significantly boosted its user base.

5. Personalization: Allowing users to create personalized content that they can share makes the experience more engaging. Nike+ Run Club app users, for instance, can share their running routes and achievements with customized photos and stats.

6. Community Building: Features that foster a sense of community can lead to increased sharing. The gaming platform Twitch has thrived by enabling users to be part of a community of gamers, sharing live gameplay and interactions.

7. Exclusivity: Creating a feeling of exclusivity can make users want to share their access or status. Clubhouse, an invite-only audio chat app, leveraged this to create buzz and encourage invites.

By weaving these elements into the fabric of the UX, companies can create products that users not only love to use but also love to share. This not only enhances the user's experience but also serves as a potent growth mechanism for the product. Remember, the goal is to design not just for the user, but for the user's network.

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Designing a Share Worthy User Experience - Harnessing Viral Coefficients for Exponential Growth Hacking

5. Leveraging Analytics to Track Viral Growth

Analytics to track

In the realm of growth hacking, the ability to track and analyze viral growth stands as a cornerstone for any strategy aimed at exponential user acquisition. The essence of virality lies in the concept of the viral coefficient—the number of new users each existing user is able to convert. By leveraging analytics, businesses can dissect this phenomenon, understanding not just the 'how' but also the 'why' behind their product's spread. This deep dive into the metrics allows for a granular approach to optimization, turning casual users into powerful advocates and multiplying the user base.

From the perspective of a data scientist, the viral coefficient is more than a mere number; it's a narrative of user behavior and product appeal. For a marketer, it's a target to be maximized through creative campaigns and user engagement strategies. For a product manager, it's a critical indicator of product-market fit and a guide for feature development. Each viewpoint contributes to a holistic strategy that can harness the power of virality.

1. identifying Key metrics: The first step is to determine which metrics are most indicative of viral growth. Commonly, these include the number of shares, invites sent, and the conversion rate of invites to active users. For instance, Dropbox's referral program, which offered additional storage space for both the referrer and the referee, saw their signups increase by 60% due to this strategy.

2. Segmentation of Data: Breaking down the data by demographics, user behavior, or acquisition channels can reveal patterns that are not apparent in aggregate data. For example, LinkedIn's "People You May Know" feature leveraged network effects by segmenting users based on their connections, leading to increased engagement and more invitations sent.

3. A/B Testing: To understand what works best, A/B testing is essential. By comparing different versions of a feature or campaign, companies can iteratively improve their strategies. When Twitter tested different onboarding processes, they found that suggesting who to follow led to a better retention rate and more invitations sent by new users.

4. Feedback Loops: Implementing mechanisms to gather user feedback can provide insights into what drives users to share a product. This could be as simple as a survey asking users why they invited friends or as complex as tracking the user journey to see where they drop off before sharing.

5. Predictive Analytics: Using historical data to predict future trends can help in anticipating and preparing for viral spikes. machine learning models can forecast the potential virality of content, as seen with YouTube's recommendation algorithm, which suggests videos that are likely to be shared.

By integrating these analytical approaches, companies can fine-tune their growth strategies to not only track but also amplify their viral growth. The key is to combine the quantitative data with qualitative insights, creating a feedback loop that continuously refines the understanding of what makes the product shareable. This synergy between data and creativity is what transforms a growth hack into a sustainable growth strategy.

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Leveraging Analytics to Track Viral Growth - Harnessing Viral Coefficients for Exponential Growth Hacking

6. Successful Viral Campaigns

Successful viral

Viral campaigns have become the cornerstone of modern marketing strategies, leveraging the power of social sharing to achieve exponential growth. These campaigns are designed to ignite a spark that resonates with the audience, encouraging them to spread the word. The success of a viral campaign lies in its ability to tap into the emotions, behaviors, and networks of individuals, creating a ripple effect that can catapult a brand or product into the limelight. By analyzing successful case studies, we can glean valuable insights into the mechanics of virality and the diverse approaches that can lead to a campaign's widespread adoption.

1. The Ice Bucket Challenge: Perhaps one of the most iconic viral campaigns, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, swept across social media platforms in 2014. It involved people pouring a bucket of ice water over their heads and nominating others to do the same, all in an effort to raise awareness and funds for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The campaign was a massive success due to its interactive nature, celebrity involvement, and the powerful personal stories shared by participants.

2. Old Spice's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like": Old Spice redefined its brand image with this humorous and quirky campaign. Featuring the suave Isaiah Mustafa, the ad's absurd humor and catchy tagline resonated with a broad audience, leading to millions of views and shares. The campaign's success was amplified by a real-time social media response strategy, where Isaiah responded to fans' comments in character, creating a personal and engaging experience.

3. Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches": Dove's campaign focused on promoting self-esteem among women by showing the discrepancy between how they view themselves and how others see them. The emotional impact of the videos, which featured forensic artists drawing women as described by themselves and then by strangers, struck a chord with viewers worldwide, sparking conversations about beauty standards and self-perception.

4. Share a co*ke: Coca-Cola personalized the beverage experience by printing common names on their bottles and cans, inviting people to "Share a co*ke" with friends and loved ones. The campaign encouraged user-generated content, as consumers shared images of their personalized co*kes on social media. This simple yet effective strategy fostered a sense of community and personal connection with the brand.

5. GoPro's User-Generated Content: GoPro has masterfully utilized user-generated content to promote its cameras. By featuring thrilling footage captured by its customers, GoPro showcases the product's capabilities while engaging its community. This approach not only provides authentic testimonials but also inspires potential customers to envision themselves as part of the adventurous GoPro lifestyle.

These case studies demonstrate that while there is no one-size-fits-all formula for virality, certain elements are consistently present: emotional resonance, shareability, personalization, and engagement. By understanding these components and how they interplay with human psychology and social dynamics, marketers can craft campaigns that have the potential to go viral and achieve significant growth hacking success.

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Successful Viral Campaigns - Harnessing Viral Coefficients for Exponential Growth Hacking

7. Common Pitfalls in Pursuing Viral Growth

In the quest for viral growth, many entrepreneurs and marketers envision a trajectory that mirrors the overnight sensations they read about in success stories. However, the path to viral success is fraught with misconceptions and overlooked complexities. The allure of rapid expansion can often overshadow the foundational elements necessary for sustainable growth, leading to strategies that may initially spike interest but fail to maintain momentum or convert that interest into lasting engagement.

One of the first pitfalls is the misconception that virality can be manufactured through sheer force of will or marketing spend. While strategic advertising and promotional campaigns can amplify reach, they cannot guarantee the organic sharing and word-of-mouth necessary for true virality. This leads to the second pitfall: neglecting the product's core value. A product that does not inherently solve a problem or improve users' lives in a meaningful way is unlikely to inspire the kind of enthusiastic sharing that drives virality.

From the perspective of content creators, another common pitfall is focusing too narrowly on metrics such as views or likes, which may not accurately reflect user engagement or the potential for growth. These vanity metrics can be misleading, as high numbers in one area do not necessarily translate to conversions or long-term users.

Let's delve deeper into these pitfalls with a numbered list that provides more in-depth information:

1. Ignoring the importance of Product-Market fit: Before any growth hacking techniques are applied, it's crucial to ensure that the product resonates with the target audience. A common example is a mobile app that gains a large number of downloads after a marketing push but sees a high rate of uninstallation because it doesn't meet user expectations or needs.

2. Overlooking the User Experience: In the rush to grow, some companies scale features and content without refining the user interface or streamlining the user journey. This can lead to a cluttered and confusing experience, as seen in some social media platforms that have introduced too many features too quickly, resulting in user backlash.

3. Underestimating the Power of Community: Viral growth is often propelled by a strong community of users who advocate for the product. Failing to nurture this community or ignoring their feedback can halt growth. A notable example is the gaming industry, where games like "Among Us" soared in popularity due to the tight-knit communities that formed around them.

4. Relying Solely on Digital Strategies: While online tactics are vital, integrating offline elements can create a more holistic approach to growth. For instance, Dropbox's referral program combined online sharing with tangible rewards, leading to a significant increase in user acquisition.

5. Not Preparing for Scale: Sometimes, a product does go viral, but the infrastructure isn't in place to handle the surge. This can lead to server crashes or customer service nightmares, as was the case with certain online retailers during flash sales.

6. Disregarding data Privacy concerns: In the era of data breaches and privacy scandals, users are more cautious about what they share online. Platforms that fail to address these concerns transparently can quickly lose trust, as seen with various social media platforms facing scrutiny over data handling practices.

7. Chasing trends Without a Long-term Plan: Jumping on the latest trend can provide a temporary boost, but without a long-term strategy, it's difficult to maintain growth. An example is the rise and fall of many "viral" mobile games that faded into obscurity once the initial hype died down.

While the pursuit of viral growth is enticing, it requires a balanced approach that prioritizes product quality, user experience, and community engagement. By avoiding these common pitfalls, businesses can aim for not just a moment of virality, but a sustained pattern of growth.

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Common Pitfalls in Pursuing Viral Growth - Harnessing Viral Coefficients for Exponential Growth Hacking

8. Integrating Viral Tactics with Traditional Marketing

In the realm of marketing, the integration of viral tactics with traditional strategies is akin to fusing the infectious energy of a grassroots social media campaign with the robust foundation of established marketing principles. This hybrid approach leverages the best of both worlds: the expansive reach and engagement of viral content, and the reliability and structure of traditional marketing channels. By doing so, businesses can create a powerful synergy that amplifies their message and drives exponential growth.

From the perspective of a digital marketer, the allure of viral marketing lies in its potential for organic reach. A well-crafted viral campaign can spread like wildfire, propelled by shares, likes, and retweets, reaching an audience far beyond the initial target. However, without the support of traditional marketing—such as press releases, email campaigns, and advertising—viral content may fail to achieve its full potential. Conversely, traditional marketing efforts can benefit from the fresh and dynamic nature of viral content, which can inject new life into more conventional campaigns.

1. Understanding the Audience: The first step in integrating viral tactics is to deeply understand the audience. For example, Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches" campaign resonated with its target audience by addressing real insecurities and promoting a positive message, leading to widespread sharing and discussion.

2. leveraging Social Media platforms: Choosing the right platform is crucial. A B2B company might find LinkedIn the best place for their whitepaper to go viral, while a B2C company might use Instagram influencers to showcase their product, as Daniel Wellington did by partnering with thousands of influencers, resulting in rapid brand growth.

3. creating Shareable content: The content must be inherently shareable. Blendtec's "Will it Blend?" series demonstrated the power of their blenders in a fun and engaging way, encouraging viewers to share the videos and thus, blending traditional product demonstration with viral marketing.

4. utilizing Data analytics: Traditional marketing's strength in data analytics can be used to optimize viral campaigns. By analyzing which content performs best, marketers can refine their strategies for maximum impact.

5. Integrating with Offline Campaigns: Viral tactics can also be integrated with offline campaigns. For instance, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge became a global phenomenon that was tied to real-world events and fundraising efforts, demonstrating the power of combining online virality with offline participation.

6. Consistency Across Channels: It's important to maintain a consistent message across all channels. When Old Spice launched their "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign, they ensured that the messaging was consistent across TV commercials and online platforms, reinforcing the brand's image.

7. Measuring Success: Finally, both viral and traditional marketing require robust methods for measuring success. Metrics such as engagement rates, conversion rates, and ROI should be tracked diligently to assess the effectiveness of the integrated approach.

Integrating viral tactics with traditional marketing is not about choosing one over the other; it's about creating a cohesive strategy that leverages the strengths of each. By doing so, marketers can create campaigns that are not only memorable and shareable but also grounded in solid marketing principles that ensure longevity and sustained success.

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Integrating Viral Tactics with Traditional Marketing - Harnessing Viral Coefficients for Exponential Growth Hacking

9. Trends and Predictions

The landscape of viral growth is perpetually evolving, shaped by the dynamic interplay of technology advancements, consumer behavior shifts, and innovative marketing strategies. As we look to the future, it's clear that the principles of virality will continue to be a cornerstone for brands and creators aiming to amplify their reach exponentially. The concept of the viral coefficient—how many new users each existing user generates—remains a critical metric, but the strategies to maximize this figure are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

From leveraging the power of AI-driven personalization to tapping into the zeitgeist with meme marketing, the avenues for achieving viral growth are expanding. Here's an in-depth look at the trends and predictions that are poised to shape the future of viral growth:

1. Personalization at Scale: Tailoring content to individual preferences isn't new, but the ability to do this at scale with AI is. Brands that harness machine learning to personalize experiences in real-time will see higher engagement rates, fostering organic sharing.

2. Platform Diversification: Relying on a single platform for viral reach is risky. Successful campaigns will need to cross-pollinate across multiple platforms, adapting content to fit the unique culture and user behavior of each.

3. Interactive Content: The rise of interactive formats like polls, quizzes, and AR filters encourages users to become active participants rather than passive consumers, increasing the likelihood of content being shared.

4. Community Building: Creating a sense of community around a brand or product can lead to higher user retention and advocacy. Brands that focus on building and nurturing online communities will benefit from increased word-of-mouth promotion.

5. Meme Marketing: Memes resonate because they're relatable and shareable. Brands that can create or tap into trending memes in a way that feels authentic can achieve rapid, widespread visibility.

6. sustainability and Social responsibility: As consumers become more conscious of their impact on the world, they're more likely to share content from brands that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

7. micro-Influencer partnerships: While celebrity endorsem*nts can be effective, partnerships with micro-influencers often yield higher engagement due to their perceived authenticity and closer connection with their followers.

8. Data-Driven Creativity: The use of data analytics to inform content creation will become more prevalent. By understanding what resonates with audiences, brands can craft campaigns that are more likely to go viral.

9. Ephemeral Content: The success of platforms like snapchat and Instagram stories has shown that ephemeral content can drive engagement. Brands that create timely, 'must-share' content can capitalize on this trend.

10. Gamification: Incorporating game elements into non-game contexts can drive engagement and sharing. Brands that effectively gamify their user experience will see higher viral coefficients.

For example, a fitness app that uses personalized AI coaching to create custom workouts for each user can encourage sharing by allowing users to post their progress to social media directly from the app. This not only showcases the personalization aspect but also taps into the community-building trend, as users can support and motivate each other.

The future of viral growth is multifaceted, with a blend of technology, creativity, and social consciousness at its core. Brands that stay ahead of these trends and continuously innovate their approach to user engagement will be the ones to reap the benefits of viral coefficients and achieve exponential growth.

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Harnessing Viral Coefficients for Exponential Growth Hacking - FasterCapital (2024)


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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