Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test
with Conception Indicator
The only test that answers the first two questions
women ask when they think they might be pregnant
There are some factors which might affect the result of the test,and the following considerations should be made:
� If a woman tests before the date of her expected period and gets a ‘Not Pregnant’ result, it is possible that the level of pregnancy
hormone may not be high enough to be detected. She should test again when her period is due.
� If a woman is testing early, she should use the first urine of the day. If testing from the day the period is due, she can test any
time of the day. For an accurate Conception Indicator result, she must use the first urine of the day.
� The manufacturer’s instructions for any medication being taken should be read before conducting the test.
� Fertility drugs containing hCG can affect the result. These are usually given by injection, and testing too soon (within 14 days)
after administration can give a false ‘Pregnant’ result.
� Ectopic pregnancy can result when the fertilised egg does not reach the uterus and continues to grow outside the uterus, most
commonly in the Fallopian tube. The production of hCG in an ectopic pregnancy may be lower than in a normal pregnancy and this
may lead to a false ‘Not Pregnant’ result. However, other symptoms are likely to be experienced and if an ectopic pregnancy is
suspected, then immediate medical advice must be sought.
� Ovarian cysts and some very rare medical conditions can give misleading results.
� A recent pregnancy, miscarriage or termination can give misleading results. HCG may be found in the body for up to 3 weeks
after birth, and can remain in the body for up to 9 weeks after a miscarriage or termination. Whilst hCG remains in the body,
it is possible for a pregnancy test to detect it and show a false ‘Pregnant’ result.
� It is possible to obtain a false positive result when a woman is in or approaching the menopause. In a study of non-pregnant
perimenopausal and menopausal women tested with different lots (batches) of Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception
Indicator, an average of 0.2% of results were positive, with a range from 0% to 0.5% for different lots. All false results were from
women aged over 50 years.
� If a ‘Pregnant’ result is obtained and the woman later finds out that she is not pregnant, then it is possible that this is due to
natural loss of the pregnancy which can occur in the early stages.
� None of the following should affect the result of the test: common illnesses, common painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol and
aspirin), hormonal contraceptives including pills, implants, intrauterine devices (IUDs) and injections, fertility drugs that do not
contain hCG, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), antibiotics, diet or exercise, diabetes, urinary tract infections, alcohol or coffee.
� Unexpected results should be discussed with a doctor.
References1. Cogent Research, May 2006. SPD data on file
2. Lenton E.A., Neal L.M., Sulaiman R. Plasma concentrations of human chorionic gonadotrophin from the time of implantation untilthe second week of pregnancy. Fertility and Sterility. 1982;379:7738.
3. Chard T. Pregnancy tests – a review. Human Reproduction. 1992;7:70110
4. SPD laboratory testing
5. SPD laboratory testing
6. Lenton EA, Landgren BM, Sexton L. Normal variation in the length of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle: identification of the short luteal phase. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1984;91:685-689
SPD Swiss Precision Diagnosics GmbH,
Route de St Georges 47, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Geneva, Switzerland.
Clearblue is a trademark
Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test
with Conception Indicator
Conception Indicator Tech Brochure v6:FAM Technical Brochure 7/31/08 4:54 PM Page 1
Background Facts about Pregnancy Testing
A woman generally produces a single egg each cycle, which is released from the ovary in a process
known as ovulation. Once ovulation has occurred, the egg travels down the Fallopian tube towards
the uterus. Within 24 hours of ovulation, it is possible for the egg to be fertilised by a sperm.
The fertilised egg then continues to move down the Fallopian tube into the uterus, where it
becomes attached to the lining of the uterus. This is known as implantation and generally happens
during the week after ovulation.
The pregnancy hormone, human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG), starts to be produced around the
time of implantation. The role of hCG is to maintain production of the hormones progesterone and
estrogen. These in turn maintain the uterine lining and prevent menstruation, so allowing the
pregnancy to continue.
The level of hCG increases rapidly during early pregnancy, doubling every 2 – 3 days, soon reaching
a level that can be detected in urine.
Reassurance and certainty - over 99% accurate and now tells women when they conceived
Women know they can trust Clearblue pregnancy tests. Women can feel confident in using a test
which is over 99% accurate with an unmistakably clear digital result, ‘Pregnant’ or ‘Not Pregnant’.
Driven by a real consumer demand, the new Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator
now has the additional benefit of estimating when a woman conceived. If the woman is pregnant, the
test will show how many weeks since conception occurred: 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks or 3+ weeks.
The average age of women having children is increasing, many women are delaying starting a family
until they are established in their careers, or more financially secure. When they make the decision to
try for a baby, they want as much information about their pregnancy as possible. In recent consumer
research of over 1,000 women, the new Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator
was found to be considerably more appealing than existing pregnancy tests available, and the
likelihood to purchase this new product was significantly higher1. The additional information offered by
the Conception Indicator was found to be reassuring for the women, and would help them in their
planning. The women in the research study described how this new test made the pregnancy seem
more real and gave them the confidence to really believe they were pregnant.
Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator can be used up to 4 days before the
woman’s period is due, giving early reassurance and allowing the woman to plan accordingly.
Research carried out in the UK shows that more women get a correct reading with Clearblue Digital
Pregnancy Tests than with other pregnancy tests when testing before their period is due.
New Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator
Over 99% accurate*
Tells a women when she conceived
Unmistakably clear digital result
Results up to 4 days before her period is due
Most accurate reading in early pregnancy**
The only test that answers the first two questions women ask when they think they might be pregnant
* Over 99% accurate when used from the day the period is due.
** Research carried out in the UK. More women get a correct reading with Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Teststhan with other pregnancy tests when testing before period is due.
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Conception Indicator
The Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator works by detecting the pregnancy
hormone human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG). Once a fertilised egg has implanted in the uterus
wall, hCG is produced and can be detected at a low level in urine. This level reaches at least 50mIU/ml
on the day the period is due and continues to rise during the early weeks of pregnancy2, 3. Clearblue
Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator has a sensitivity of 25mIU/ml allowing it to be used
by women as early as 4 days before their period is due.
The new Test also monitors the concentration of hCG in the urine within certain thresholds, thereby
indicating how many weeks since conception occurred – 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks or 3+ weeks. This
information is shown clearly on the liquid crystal display of the test.
In order to calculate the thresholds, hCG levels in over 3000 urine samples from pregnant women
were analysed. The data generated established the likely hCG concentration in each of these time
bands, and thresholds were set.
The Conception Indicator result is 92% accurate when testing with the first urine of the day.
If testing more than 6 weeks after conception, the Conception Indicator may give unexpected results.
Once hCG levels have peaked they will begin to decrease, but will remain too high for the test to
provide an accurate estimate of the time since conception.
In multiple pregnancies, the rise in hCG is more rapid than in single pregnancies. In these
circumstances, the test will display an accurate ‘Pregnant’ result, but can give misleading Conception
Indicator results.
HCG levels and Early Pregnancy Testing
The ability of the Test to detect hCG levels up to and including the day of the expected period was
investigated in a group of women trying to conceive4. Urine was collected daily during conception
cycles from the first day of that cycle. Detection rates from 4 days before the period was due, to 1
day before the period was due were as follows5:
The day of the luteinising hormone (LH) surge was used as a reference, and the day of the expected
period was determined for each cycle as 15 days after this detection. This is based on previous
studies which have shown a low variability in the duration of the luteal phase, and a typical length
of 14.1±1.4 days6.
Whilst hCG levels in early pregnancy vary between women, the results demonstrate that the
Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator is sensitive enough to detect pregnancy
before the day of the expected period.
Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator is more than 99% accurate in detecting
the hCG hormone in a sample of urine from the day the period is due.
Number of days before the period is due
% of samples from pregnant women giving a ‘Pregnant’ result
hCG level
Time since conception
Threshold A
Threshold B
Average levelof hCG
1-2 weeks 2-3 weeks 3+ weeks
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How the test works
Unlike the traditional Clearblue Pregnancy test, the new Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with
Conception Indicator contains two test strips – a low sensitivity strip and a high sensitivity strip.
Inside a Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator
Urine travels up the Absorbent Sampler and flows through the pad. If hCG is present in the urine it
will bind to anti-αhCG antibodies attached to blue dye in the pad. The urine moves along both test
strips. As the hCG and anti-αhCG antibodies pass through the result line zone, they bind to anti-
βhCG antibodies to form blue result lines.
Both strips contain a ‘result’ line; the low sensitivity strip also contains a ‘control’ line. The Test
monitors the control line on the low sensitivity strip and only when a valid control line has been
detected will the result lines on both the strips be determined.
At low concentrations, hCG binds on the high sensitivity strip. At higher concentrations, hCG will also
bind to the low sensitivity strip. The concentration of hCG detected in the results lines of the two
strips determines the result of the Conception Indicator: 1-2 weeks since conception; 2-3 weeks since
conception; 3+ weeks since conception. If no hCG is present, the anti-αhCG antibodies attached to
blue dye flow past the result zones on both strips, and no lines will be formed giving a ‘Not
Pregnant’ result. If insufficient hCG is present, result lines may form but will be below the lowest
thresholds set, and a ‘Not Pregnant’ result will be displayed.
The lines produced on the strips cannot be read by eye. Instead, an optical system is used to
measure the density of the lines. A red light shines onto these specific areas, and the light reflected
is converted into an electrical signal.
The test has inbuilt control features, and if any errors occur a book symbol will be displayed on
the screen, or the Display will remain blank. These are explained in the instruction leaflet
accompanying the Test.
Simple and easy to use
The Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator is an integrated one-step test. Each Test
Stick incorporates a liquid crystal display (LCD) that shows the results in words – ‘Pregnant’ or ‘Not
Pregnant’. If a ‘Pregnant’ result occurs, then the Display will also indicate the number of weeks since
conception occurred – 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks or 3+ weeks. In addition, the Display illustrates the test
progression and any error messages with clear symbols.
To perform a Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator, the user simply removes the
one-piece Test Stick from its individual foil wrapper, takes off the cap and places the Absorbent
Sampler in her urine stream for 5 seconds. Alternatively she can place the Sampler into a container of
collected urine for 20 seconds.
Application of the urine sample to the Absorbent sampler triggers start up of the device, which then
automatically calibrates itself. The ‘Wait’ symbol on the Display begins to flash to show that the Test
is working.
Within 3 minutes the Display will show a ‘Pregnant’ or ‘Not Pregnant’ result. A 'Pregnant' result may
appear on the Display before the Conception Indicator result. The 'Wait' symbol will continue to flash
until this appears. Where a high level of hCG is present, the result may be shown in as little as 1
minute. The result will continue to be shown on the Display for approximately 24 hours.
Time since conception
The result is Not Pregnant
The result is ‘Pregnant’and conception occurred
approximately 1-2 weeks ago
The result is ‘Pregnant’and conception occurred
approximately 2-3 weeks ago
The result is ‘Pregnant’and conception occurred more than 3 weeks ago
Results How the doctor will date pregnancy(assuming a 28 day cycle)*
3-4 weeks
4-5 weeks
5+ weeks
Not Pregnant
* Doctors will date the pregnancy based on the date of the last period, not from conception.
Antibodiesattached to
blue dye
ControlLine Zone
Low Sensitivity
High Sensitivity
Result Line Zone
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