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13 replies
Anniexox · 15/06/2024 06:28
i wonder if someone can help…
I have PCOS and having been ttc for a while now.
i took my first round of letrozole tablets and had the confirmation by scan that I did ovulate.
I took a ultra early test yesterday (10dpo) and today (11dpo) there seems to be a really really faint line both came up within the 3 mins wait time
it seems to be a more better line on the day 10 test
i do not want to get my hopes up but can anyone advise what they think?
should i keep testing?
thank you 🩷
OP posts:
anonhop · 15/06/2024 06:43
There's defo a line but it's slightly off centre so I'm not sure! I'd say wait until AF due but i know it's hard but at least until tomorrow to retest?
Nurber · 15/06/2024 06:48
Pink tests are the best. Get yourself a first response. the tests you have look positive and I wouldn’t worry about how strong they look at this stage, HCG is still very low and just one extra drink of water can cause the tests to be lighter.
But also bear in mind that testing this early means you may be disappointed. Many early positive tests do not hold sadly.
Hope all goes well.
Anniexox · 16/06/2024 07:39
@Nurber @anonhop
Thank you both for the advice it’s really helpful
ive ordered a first response test so thats coming today!
I took another Clearblue this morning and a strip test
lines seem to be there again, I’ve heard about women having chemical pregnancy’s don’t know if I’m getting to worried to early if that makes sense? 🙈
OP posts:
anonhop · 16/06/2024 12:28
@Anniexox how many DPO are you? They look positive to me...
I'd see if tomorrow the lines look any stronger. Try not to worry about a chemical. Usually the line is never visible/ incredibly faint and goes away after a day or two x
Anniexox · 16/06/2024 12:41
@anonhop i am 12dpo, I know it’s still abit early… x
OP posts:
TheShellBeach · 16/06/2024 12:49
The tests look positive to me.
If you were having a chemical pregnancy, the lines would get fainter and fainter, and then disappear. You'd start bleeding about a week after your missed period.
It's too early to tell at the moment. Can you get a pink dye instead?
Wishing you luck!
SparklesandRainbows · 16/06/2024 12:53
They look positive to me too x
Anniexox · 16/06/2024 17:58
@TheShellBeach Thank you, this is reassuring
i have bought a first response test so will try tomorrow, and post result!
fingers crossed 🤞🏻🫶🏻 x
OP posts:
Anniexox · 17/06/2024 05:51
Hi girls so this is 13DPO (today)
I’ve taken a strip test and a first response ultra early …
what do we think?
Again I can see a faint line on both, not sure with the first response if the positive line is in the correct place never used this brand before 🙈
it took a while also for the line to come up on the first response.
do you think I should test tomorrow or wait a couple of days?
OP posts:
VelvetBow · 17/06/2024 06:01
That's 100% positive!
Olika · 17/06/2024 06:21
All your tests have lines. They are right size too. Congratulations! 🤩
Anniexox · 17/06/2024 07:22
@olika @VelvetBow Thank you! 🫶🏻 I’m so excited!
OP posts:
Nurber · 17/06/2024 09:21
Yep good lines. Hope everything goes well for you x
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